These Bristlecone Pines, which Santha and I visited on a recent research trip across the US, are so old that the annual growth rings from living and dead trees can be overlapped giving a continuous climate record for more than eleven thousand years and allowing radiocarbon dates, at least within that timeframe, to be calibrated fairly precisely. Check out dendrochronology…

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- Debate: Author Graham Hancock vs Archaeologist Flint Dibble on the Joe Rogan Experience, October 2023, 2023-01-30
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- Visionary, Chapter Fourteen: The Secret Commonwealth, 2022-05-07
- Beyond the Brain: Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake explore the mystery of consciousness, 2022-01-30
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- Response from Graham Hancock to the Society for American Archaeology, 2019-11-25
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- Speaking tour — America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization, 2019-02-17
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- Returning to Ayahuasca after three years away — nights 2 and 3, 2018-11-29
- Returning to Ayahuasca after three years away, 2018-11-27
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- Reaching out – the Joe Rogan Experience & beyond. Follow-up & further events, 2016-11-14
- Cosmic impacts and the past and future of civilization, 2016-10-14
- Invitation for comments and suggestions re my planned next book, 2016-10-10
- Exclusive: Extract from forthcoming Volume 3 of the War God series by Graham Hancock, 2016-09-28
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- New technology to explore mysterious DMT realms., 2016-07-15
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- Contact! Plants, Aliens And The Human Future, 2016-06-16
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- Zahi Hawass vs Graham Hancock — the April 2015 “debate” debacle, 2015-04-24
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- Changa, 2014-01-16
- The Consciousness Revolution, 2013-11-04
- The War On Consciousness: The Talk That Gave TED Indigestion, 2013-06-15
- Letter dated 15 March 2013 from Graham Hancock to TED, 2013-03-15
- Letters From the Far Side of Reality, 2013-02-19
- Giving up the Green Bitch: Reflections on Cannabis, Ayahuasca and the mystery of plant teachers, 2013-01-21
- The Jeffrey Archer Challenge, 2012-09-29
- The Origins of Consciousness, 2012-09-27
- The War on Consciousness, 2009-05-14
- Taiwan underwater walls — natural or not?, 2002-11-30
- Writing about Outrageous Hypotheses and Extraordinary Possibilities: A View from The Trenches, 2002-01-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part I: Cry Fraud, 2001-11-19
- Introduction to Parts I and II of The Methods of Ma’at, 2001-11-19
- Position Statement on Carbon-Dating, 2001-03-14
- Mysterious Strangers: New Findings About the First Americans, 2000-05-08
worlds oldest pine is in Fulufjället Dalarna Sweden 9500 years and still living. Thank you for all your work and insight and that you share it with the rest of us.
I certainly enjoy your life’s work especially, your wife’s amazing photography. Your combined efforts allow me and people like me vicarious travel experiences in that, I doubt if I’ll ever see Easter Island or Cambodia or Bolivia in person. AND, I think it’s a shame we can’t go to places like Baghdad and excavate them rather than blow them up.
OK, now that’s said, I can only speak with a bias in favor of climate change. Initially, I was taught in 10th grade science class “weather changes but climate doesn’t” so, I guess many people (religious westernized baby boomers, etc.) must/have believe/d only god can change climate (???).
I get that there appears to be a connection (driven by climate changes) between our world’s megalithic monuments (and ship building, etc.) and the specialized technologies needed to construct these. And, to me: these will, by and large, remain unexplained until our civilization (is forced to) admit: as a species, we all share a common history, (driven by climate changes) AND, the history of our species belongs to all of us so, we all have a right to know what that history is.
Let’s say an advanced civilization did live on Earth before our civilization—one that was at least as advanced as our civilization today (whatever that means?)
My understanding of contemporary mainstream thought is that we, as modern humans are the only species to have ever lived on Earth with the ability to save ourselves by exerting control over our environment because we can see into the future far enough to predict many outcomes.
For example: last Friday night on Real Time With Bill Maher, Neil Tyson said we have the technology to redirect incoming from outter space so that (in theory?) we can prevent/reduce impacts ie. Younger Dras—thus, we already know how to dodge/redirect incoming to avert/avoid being hit (again?)
My question is this: Why didn’t a previous advanced civilization on Earth—at least as advanced as ours—save itself from near extinction? Was this their global choice not-to save themselves and preserve their way of life because it surely seems like today we are choosing not-to save ourselves?
Again to me, all changes on Earth are driven by climate change regardless of who or what causes Earth’s climate to change.
PS. Re Zhai Hawass blowout: the 1st time I saw video of this was yesterday as I now have utube hooked up to my tv via roku box. Hawass has great media appeal (like trump?) and has starred in a number of very engaging film productions but after seeing him lose it on you in public like that I think he trashed his own professional reputation—not Bauval’s and certainly not yours. If he hadn’t have done that to himself a casual viewer like me would be none the wiser except, even in his most well-scripted and staged documentary films I have detected his high strung temperment shinning through. Highest Regards for you and Santha, CD
Since science has stated that everything has a consciousness, then Bristlecone pines as the traditional “watchers” of Biblical note makes complete sense. In the psychic (a term filled with derision) archaeology I’ve done, the prehistory of place is held in the material culture and in less obvious subtle feeling (such as the feeling one gets when experiencing “bad vibes.”) In addition to that, when reading the past life of places, ancient people speak, and they state that in those antediluvian civilizations, spirituality was a part of every endeavors: spiritual agriculture, spiritual science, spiritual astronomy, and so on. I found it an odd statement myself; however, they explained that humans are first spiritual and then corporal, so the integration of both gave them greater insights/information into the natural world. That avenue of inquiry is lacking in our current civilization. Your books hint at that connection. Thank you.
It’s a spruce tree in Sweden. There is a difference between spruce and pine 🙂
It’s too bad no one is taking this stuff into a CRV investigation much. I did a session for someone on ancient Assyria and it was very interesting.