Beautiful and deeply touching story. Our much vaunted technological civilization behaves as though the Earth is just dead matter conveniently lying around for exploitation by humans, and as though all life on earth — except human life — is “unconscious”. What nonsense! Consciousness, sentience and spirit are everywhere, including in the animal and plant kingdoms, and our Earth and all life upon it is sacred. The Awa appear to know that, and in their knowing demonstrate themselves to be more fully evolved than the technological barbarians who presently claim to rule the planet:
- Fact-checking science communicator Flint Dibble on Joe Rogan Experience episode 2136, 2024-10-11
- Gobekli Tepe: Gradual evolution? Or transfer of technology? Or both?, 2024-04-14
- Response by Graham Hancock (GH) to the open letter to Netflix dated 30th November 2022 from the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) concerning the eight-part docuseries Ancient Apocalypse presented by Graham Hancock, 2023-01-30
- Debate: Author Graham Hancock vs Archaeologist Flint Dibble on the Joe Rogan Experience, October 2023, 2023-01-30
- For the Record, 2022-12-15
- Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, 2022-12-10
- The Amazon Mystery, 2022-05-31
- Visionary, Chapter Fourteen: The Secret Commonwealth, 2022-05-07
- Beyond the Brain: Graham Hancock and Rupert Sheldrake explore the mystery of consciousness, 2022-01-30
- Karahan Tepe, Gobekli Tepe’s 12,000-years-old “Sister Site”, Begins To Reveal Its Secrets, 2021-10-11
- Message from a Mastodon, 2020-12-08
- Crick’s LSD, 2020-08-22
- Love not fear…, 2020-08-19
- Were psychedelics used in the ancient world?, 2020-07-25
- Archaeology and War God, 2020-07-22
- Important New Book By Mainstream Geologist Provides Huge Support For Comet Impact And Global Cataclysm 12,800 Years Ago, 2020-06-24
- Stuff just keeps on getting older…, 2019-12-28
- Response from Graham Hancock to the Society for American Archaeology, 2019-11-25
- Video trailer for America Before and full details of my forthcoming events, 2019-03-13
- Speaking tour — America Before: The Key to Earth’s Lost Civilization, 2019-02-17
- Returning to Ayahuasca after three years away — night 4, 2018-12-01
- Returning to Ayahuasca after three years away — nights 2 and 3, 2018-11-29
- Returning to Ayahuasca after three years away, 2018-11-27
- On Writing (2), 2018-05-09
- The Wild Ride, 2018-04-27
- On writing…, 2018-04-26
- Announcing AMERICA BEFORE as the title of my forthcoming book…, 2018-02-15
- Muck, Mammoths and Extinctions: was Alaska the scene of a giant cataclysm at the end of the Ice Age?, 2017-08-28
- Back from the gates of death, 2017-08-22
- Why Science Should Cherish Its Rebels, 2017-04-30
- Standing Rock: Water Is Life, 2016-12-24
- Reaching out – the Joe Rogan Experience & beyond. Follow-up & further events, 2016-11-14
- Cosmic impacts and the past and future of civilization, 2016-10-14
- Invitation for comments and suggestions re my planned next book, 2016-10-10
- Exclusive: Extract from forthcoming Volume 3 of the War God series by Graham Hancock, 2016-09-28
- New Interview, 11 mins, on RT, 2016-08-15
- More evidence that TED believes it knows what we should think…, 2016-08-03
- Magicians of the Gods Paperback published UK 11 August, 2016-07-29
- New technology to explore mysterious DMT realms., 2016-07-15
- The Watchers?, 2016-07-05
- Contact! Plants, Aliens And The Human Future, 2016-06-16
- Is The House Of History Built On Foundations Of Sand?, 2016-06-09
- Ancient aliens? Or a lost civilization?, 2016-05-23
- Gobekli Tepe image on Sumerian tablet?, 2016-05-17
- Stuff just keeps on getting older — the peopling of the Americas, 2016-05-15
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- Is there life after death?, 2016-05-10
- Interviews…, 2016-04-24
- Asteroid flyby, 2016-03-02
- Awakening Osiris, 2016-02-19
- Near-extinct Amazonian tribe so connected with nature they reportedly breastfeed animals
- McKenna, 2015-11-27
- Ancient Map, Ancient River, 2015-11-13
- The House of History, 2015-11-03
- Scientists find link between comet and asteroid showers & mass extinctions, 2015-10-28
- Asteroid 2015 TB145, 2015-10-22
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- Another Megalith That rewrites History is Found, 2015-08-07
- A gigantic cosmic impact, 2015-07-28
- Magicians of the Gods, 2015-07-21
- Art Bell, 2015-07-20
- Event in Reading, 29 September, 2015-07-17
- George Carlin and Bill Hicks, 2015-07-17
- Zahi Hawass vs Graham Hancock — the April 2015 “debate” debacle, 2015-04-24
- Introduction to The Divine Spark: Psychedelics, Consciousness, and the Birth of Civilization, 2015-04-13
- Happy December Solstice, 2014-12-21
- As Above So Below: Do the Giza Monuments encode the date of the Younger Dryas comet impact?, 2014-12-10
- Fingerprint Of A Global Cataclysm 12,800 Years Ago, 2014-12-05
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- Stop Press – Latest News From The Excavations At Gunung Padang, The Mysterious Ancient Pyramid In Indonesia That Is Rewriting History, 2014-10-03
- From Indonesia To Turkey New Archaeological Discoveries Uncover The Mysteries Of A Lost Civilisation, 2014-01-16
- Changa, 2014-01-16
- The Consciousness Revolution, 2013-11-04
- The War On Consciousness: The Talk That Gave TED Indigestion, 2013-06-15
- Letter dated 15 March 2013 from Graham Hancock to TED, 2013-03-15
- Letters From the Far Side of Reality, 2013-02-19
- Giving up the Green Bitch: Reflections on Cannabis, Ayahuasca and the mystery of plant teachers, 2013-01-21
- The Jeffrey Archer Challenge, 2012-09-29
- The Origins of Consciousness, 2012-09-27
- The War on Consciousness, 2009-05-14
- Taiwan underwater walls — natural or not?, 2002-11-30
- Writing about Outrageous Hypotheses and Extraordinary Possibilities: A View from The Trenches, 2002-01-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part II: Mud Sticks, 2001-11-19
- Methods of “Ma’at” Part I: Cry Fraud, 2001-11-19
- Introduction to Parts I and II of The Methods of Ma’at, 2001-11-19
- Position Statement on Carbon-Dating, 2001-03-14
- Mysterious Strangers: New Findings About the First Americans, 2000-05-08
We need to leave this planet.
I agree, I want off this planet.
And go where?
Fellow Earthlings: I understand you want off this planet. You don’t wanna do that. Instead create a peaceful world in your consciousness, and keep on imaging it. We need to take back the world from the war criminals and psychopaths. This should be done through a non-violently revolution.
1st step in ALL revolutions is : KNOWLEDGE ! When we the people reach a critical mass, then Revolution will be inevitably………….If you want to do SOMETHING but you don’t know where to start ?! Please join my community on Google+.
To planet Gong!
So amazing. I saw a similar story in the Jungle episode of the ‘Human Planet’ series. The entire series is incredible.
“Consciousness, sentience and spirit are everywhere,”and I would add – Timeless! . . . A good indicator for surviving cataclysm after cataclysm or from one ice age to the next.