News Desk

How the first animals changed the face of Earth forever
13th January 2025 | Ancient, Animal Life, Earth

The first animals with mineral skeletons changed the way sediments develop on Earth forever, according to new research.

Experiences of awe may drive ketamine’s antidepressant benefits
13th January 2025 | | Humans, Misc.

A recent study examining the effects of ketamine infusion on depression found that the infusion induces psychological experiences of awe. These experiences may mediate the effects of ketamine on the improvement of depression symptoms. The paper was published in Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science.

Ethiopian Highlands study examines stone tool decision-making process in early human history
13th January 2025 | Ancient, Humans

An international study reveals how early humans, as far back as 1.5 million years ago, deliberately selected specific stones for their tools in the Ethiopian Highlands. The findings, published in the journal PLOS ONE, provide insights into the cognitive abilities and technological expertise of our ancestors.

DNA adds new chapter to Indonesia’s layered human history
9th January 2025 | Ancient, Humans

The study, published in PNAS, addresses major gaps in the human genetic history of the Wallacean Archipelago and West Papuan regions of Indonesia—a region with abundant genetic and linguistic diversity that is comparable to the Eurasian continent—including the analysis of 254 newly sequenced genomes.

Egypt unveils ancient rock-cut tombs and burial shafts in Luxor
9th January 2025 | Ancient, Humans

Egypt unveiled several discoveries near the famed city of Luxor on Wednesday, including ancient rock-cut tombs and burial shafts dating back 3,600 years.

A Rare Alignment of 7 Planets Is About to Take Place in The Sky
9th January 2025 | | Humans, Space

On the evening of 28 February 2025, all seven of the other planets in the Solar System will appear in the night sky at the same time, with Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter, and Mars all lining up in a neat row – a magnificent sky feast for the eyes known as a great planetary alignment.

New excavation of ‘rings of mystery’ in Victoria reveals rich Aboriginal history
8th January 2025 | Ancient, Earth, Humans

Our new study, published today in Australian Archaeology, presents the results of the only known archaeological excavation of one of these rings combined with Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung understanding of these enigmatic places.

James Webb telescope spies record-breaking hoard of stars hiding in a warped ‘dragon’ galaxy
8th January 2025 | | Ancient, Humans

The newly imaged stars are located within the “Dragon Arc,” a spiral galaxy roughly 6.5 billion light-years from Earth when the universe was around half its current age. Normally, such distant stars are too far away to be seen in detail.

Earliest Known 3D Map Found in Prehistoric French Cavern, Say Experts
8th January 2025 | | Ancient, Humans

In the cramped confines of a small cavern to the south of Paris, scientists have ‘read between the lines’ on the floor and discovered what could be the oldest surviving three-dimensional map of a hunter-gatherer territory. The study was published in the Oxford Journal of Archaeology.

Evidence of a 517-million-year-old “arms race” in the ocean
7th January 2025 | Ancient, Animal Life, Earth

The oldest-known fossil evidence of a predator-prey arms race has been discovered in shells dating back to the early Cambrian. A new study was published in the journal Current Biology

Archaic Humans Might Actually Be The Same Species as Us, Study Suggests
7th January 2025 | | Ancient, Humans

New research suggests at least some key distinctions date back earlier than previously estimated, hinting that modern and archaic humans – including our close, extinct relatives – have more in common than we ever thought. The study has yet to be peer-reviewed but is available on the preprint server bioRxiv.

Archaeological study challenges ‘paleo’ diet narrative of ancient hunter–gatherers
7th January 2025 | Ancient, Animal Life, Humans

The findings suggest that contrary to popular belief, the diet of early hominids was not solely focused on animal protein, but rather featured a diverse range of plant-based foods, including acorns, cereals, legumes, and aquatic plants. This multidisciplinary study was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS),

Neuroscience study reveals shared processing of human and dog facial expressions
7th January 2025 | | Animal Life, Humans

Researchers recently examined how human brains respond to emotional facial expressions from both humans and dogs, uncovering similarities in how these expressions are processed. The study was published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.

This Strange Comet-Asteroid Hybrid Is Like Nothing Else in The Solar System
6th January 2025 | | Ancient, Space, Weird

In the distant space out beyond the orbit of Jupiter lurks a strange object. Its name is Chiron, a type of outer Solar System body known as a centaur. But even among its fellow centaurs, Chiron is special – and new observations from JWST reveal how truly Chiron is like nothing else we’ve ever seen.

Willy Myco Just Released the First-Ever Video Demonstrating How to Synthesize LSD
5th January 2025 | Humans, Misc.

The process for synthesizing Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD), more commonly known as “acid,” has long been shrouded by complex chemistry jargon, not to mention laws discouraging anybody from posting the process online lest they incur serious legal consequences. As such, learning how to make LSD has long been a process known only to a select few. Until now, anyway.

AI could crack unsolvable problems — and humans won’t be able to understa
5th January 2025 | | Humans, Tech

AI promises to accelerate scientific discovery, but if scientists aren’t careful public trust may be left behind.

Daily alternative news articles at the GrahamHancock News Desk. Featuring science, alternative history, archaeology, Ancient Egypt, paranormal and much more. Check in daily for updates!