News Desk

Worms crave junk food after consuming cannabis, study suggests
21st April 2023 | | Animal Life, Humans

It is not just humans that get the munchies: worms also display the same craving for their favourite snacks after consuming cannabis, new research has found.

Cosmic antimatter hints at origins of huge bubbles in our galaxy’s center
21st April 2023 | | Ancient, Space

Bubbles of radiation billowing from the galactic center may have started as a stream of electrons and their antimatter counterparts, positrons, new observations suggest.

How forgotten Colorado fossils may rewrite part of plant evolutionary history
21st April 2023 | Ancient, Earth

Botanists and paleontologists, led by researchers from CU Boulder, have identified a fossil chili pepper that may rewrite the geography and evolutionary timeline of the tomato plant family. See the research here.

Scientists Think They’ve Finally Figured Out How a Maya Calendar Works
21st April 2023 | | Ancient, Humans

A cycle featured in Maya calendars has been a mystery pretty much since it was rediscovered, and its deciphering began in the 1940s. Covering a period of 819 days, the cycle is referred to simply as the 819-day count. The problem is that researchers couldn’t match that 819 days up to anything. See the paper here.

Psychedelics may better treat depression and anxiety symptoms than prescription antidepressants for patients with advanced cancer
21st April 2023 | Humans, Misc.

Roughly 10% of patients with cancer experience anxiety, while 20% report depression. However, current research suggests that available prescription antidepressants do not significantly decrease depressive symptoms in cancer patients compared with a placebo. See research here.

Asteroid Impacts Could Have Warmed Ancient Mars
19th April 2023 | Ancient, Space

Hydrogen released during large impacts might have boosted Mars’s surface temperature above freezing for thousands or even millions of years, enabling liquid water to flow over the Red Planet. See research here.

Sleeping beauties: the evolutionary innovations that wait millions of years to come good
19th April 2023 | | Ancient, Animal Life, Earth, Humans

What are the most successful organisms on the planet? Some people might think of apex predators like lions and great white sharks. For others, insects or bacteria might come to mind. But few would mention a family of plants that we see around us every day: grasses.

MDMA-assisted therapy appears to alter how the brain responds to symptom provocation in patients with PTSD
19th April 2023 | | Humans, Misc.

A study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry found that patients who received MDMA-assisted therapy (MDMA-AT) experienced significant reductions in PTSD symptoms severity and changes in brain activity after 2 months of treatment.

Norse Greenlanders found to have imported timber from North America
19th April 2023 | Ancient, Earth, Humans

Historical records have long suggested that medieval Norse colonists on Greenland (AD 985–1450) relied on imported material such as iron and wood. Until now, it has not been fully recognized where these imports of wood came from. See the study here.

Ancient DNA Sheds Light on Wooly Mammoth Evolution, And They Weren’t Always So Fluffy
19th April 2023 | | Ancient, Animal Life

As wooly mammoths grazed frigid Siberian steppes for more than half a million years, they evolved increasingly fluffy fur, large fat deposits, and smaller ears, according to a new study.

Humans Are Erasing Billions of Years of Data From Ancient Meteorites
17th April 2023 | | Ancient, Humans, Space

A popular and easy method for validating whether or not a chunk of rock is a meteorite, and what kind of meteorite it is, has been inadvertently erasing invaluable information locked inside. See the research here.

Psychedelic replications in virtual reality show potential in treating depressive symptoms
17th April 2023 | | Humans, Misc., Tech

Researchers at the University of Tartu in Estonia have developed a virtual reality (VR) experience that seeks to simulate the subjective effects of psychedelic drugs…Their latest findings, published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, provide preliminary evidence that such VR experiences might help to alleviate depression.

DNA study opens a window into African civilisations that left a lasting legacy
17th April 2023 | Ancient, Humans

Pre-colonial African history is alive with tales of civilizations rising and falling and of different cultures intermingling across the continent. We have now shed more light on some of these societies using the science of genetics. See the study here.

Juice mission blasts off to Jupiter to look for signs of life
14th April 2023 | | Humans, Space, Tech

European Space Agency probe due to arrive in 2031 to scan icy moons and study Great Red Spot

Improved well-being after psychedelic use may be due to decreased death anxiety, study suggests
14th April 2023 | | Humans, Misc.

Research recently published in Death Studies sheds light on the relationship between increased subjective well-being after psychedelic use and potential reductions in death anxiety.

14th April 2023 | | Ancient, Humans

A study of lithic hunting heads found in the Solutrean levels was conducted using an infrared (IR) microscopy analysis, indicating that Palaeolithic hunters used a mixture of pine resin and beeswax as an adhesive to fasten the heads to arrow shafts.

Image from: Rogers Fund, 1925 (Wiki Commons)

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