News Desk
The devastating destruction that’s happening across the Amazon might be what comes to your mind first when thinking about deforestation – but it’s by no means the only place where dwindling forests are a worry, as a new study highlights.
A prehistoric human skeleton has been found in a cave system that was flooded at the end of the last ice age 8,000 years ago, according to a cave-diving archaeologist on Mexico’s Caribbean coast.
LSD-assisted therapy could provide benefits to patients struggling with anxiety disorders, according to new research published in Biological Psychiatry. The findings suggest that the psychedelic drug can produce notable reductions in anxiety and comorbid depression symptoms.
Despite transforming history as beasts of burden essential for transporting goods and people, the humble donkey has long been woefully understudied.
Student’s find provides new evidence region may be one of first places early humans settled outside Africa
The brains of Neanderthals, a species that’s thought to have lived alongside humans for hundreds of years, were about as large as ours are. Still, researchers aren’t sure how similarly their brains functioned to ours. A recently published study reveals that several amino acids in the human brain — which only emerged after humans split away from Neanderthals — make our chromosomes far less prone to errors as they separate into identical pairs.
Psychedelics like psilocybin and ayahuasca will be “among the lowest priorities” for law enforcement.
A 31,000-year-old skeleton missing its lower left leg and found in a remote Indonesian cave is believed to be the earliest known evidence of surgery, according to a peer-reviewed study that experts say rewrites understanding of human history.
Archaeologists at the University of Oxford’s School of Archaeology have used satellite imagery to identify and map more than 350 monumental hunting structures known as “kites” across northern Saudi Arabia and southern Iraq—most of which had never been previously documented.
It is a dispute that has taken a long time to reach boiling point. Seven million years after an apelike creature – since nicknamed Toumaï – traversed the landscape of modern Chad, its means of mobility has triggered a dispute among fossil experts.
You can view the virtually reconstructed face of a woman who lived about 5,700 years ago in what is now Malaysia, now that researchers have put a face to a person whose full identity remains a mystery.
Humpback whales throughout the entire South Pacific Ocean are connected to each other via shared song, according to new research.
With magic mushrooms seemingly being used more widely than ever, it’s high time we look at the ancient history of psychotropic fungi.
Cannabis users are often depicted as lazy “stoners” whose life ambitions span little further than lying on the sofa eating crisps. But research from the University of Cambridge challenges this stereotype, showing that regular users appear no more likely to lack motivation compared with non-users.
The oldest definitive dinosaur species ever discovered in Africa — and one of the oldest dino species to walk Earth — has been unearthed in Zimbabwe, a new study finds.
An international team of researchers with a central contribution from researchers at the Dept. of Biological Physics at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) has unravelled the evolutionary origins of animals and fungi.
Imag from: Geograph Britain and Ireland (Wiki Commons)