Humans news stories

Mexico archaeologists reveal tale of cannibalism and reprisal from conquest
19th January 2021 | | Ancient, Humans

A convoy of Spaniards and allies was ritually sacrificed in 1520 at Tecoaque – ‘the place where they ate them’ – before Hernán Cortés wreaked revenge.

Starwatch: Orion’s treats for the naked-eye star watcher
18th January 2021 | | Humans, Space

The mighty constellation of Orion the hunter is one of the greatest sights in the night sky.

Image from: (Wiki Commons)

Aerial photos capture ‘tree of life’ structures in Norfolk and Suffolk
18th January 2021 | | Earth, Humans

An aerial photographer has compiled a series of images of skeletal-like ‘trees’ cutting their way through mudflats and lake beds in Norfolk and Suffolk.

Scientists identify contents of ancient Maya drug containers
18th January 2021 | Ancient, Humans

Scientists have identified the presence of a non-tobacco plant in ancient Maya drug containers for the first time.

Outcry as Trump officials to transfer sacred Native American land to miners
18th January 2021 | | Earth, Humans

Critics condemn ‘callous betrayal’ after Trump officials set in motion transfer of Oak Flat to Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton.

Brain imaging study reveals blunted empathic response to others’ pain when following orders
15th January 2021 | | Humans, Misc.

A brain imaging study has found that inflicting pain on another person in compliance with an order is accompanied by reduced activation in parts of the brain associated with the perception of others’ pain.

Image from: Martin420 (Wiki Commons)

Teeth pendants speak of the elk’s prominent status in the Stone Age
15th January 2021 | Ancient, Humans

Roughly 8,200 years ago, the island of Yuzhniy Oleniy Ostrov in Lake Onega in the Republic of Karelia, Russia, housed a large burial ground where men, women and children of varying ages were buried.

Beyond DNA: How proteins let us get up close and personal to our ancient relatives
15th January 2021 | | Ancient, Humans, Tech

Palaeoproteomics, a new technology that studies the proteins of ancient remains, is shaking up history. Not only can we now peer further back in time, but the technique is also letting us see our past in a new way.

Image from: MAKY.OREL (Wiki Commons)

Ancestry of Mariana Islanders linked to Philippines — study
15th January 2021 | Ancient, Humans

A study of two ancient skeletons recovered from Guam indicates that the early settlers of the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific may have originated from the Philippines.

Psilocybin produces an immunology-related genetic response in the prefrontal cortex of pig brains
14th January 2021 | | Humans, Misc.

Psilocybin does not appear to severely impact gene expression, according to a new study published in European Neuropsychopharmacology. But the psychedelic substance — which is found in “magic” mushrooms — might produce lasting changes to the expression of a few immune-related genes in the brain.

Here’s what we know sex with Neanderthals was like
14th January 2021 | | Ancient, Humans
Scientists know a surprising amount about the titillating episode in human history when our species got together, including whether we kissed and the nature of their sexual organs.
45,500-year-old rock painting of pigs in Indonesia is the oldest-known art depicting real, recognisable objects
14th January 2021 | | Ancient, Animal Life, Humans

More than 45,500 years ago, perched on a ledge at the back of an Indonesian cave, an artist was at work.

Statue of mysterious woman with ‘Star Wars’-like headdress found in Mexico
13th January 2021 | | Ancient, Humans

A 500-year-old statue of a mysterious woman wearing a large, “Star Wars”-like headdress has been discovered in central Mexico, according to Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History.

Meipu teeth shed light on the human settlement of Asia
13th January 2021 | Ancient, Humans

Researchers at CENIEH, have participated in a study published in the Journal of Human Evolution, on one of the few human fossils known from late Early Pleistocene China…

Here’s What Happens When Animals Eat LSD
11th January 2021 | Animal Life, Humans, Misc.

Hippies and other early psychonauts weren’t the only ones dropping acid back in the Sixties and Seventies. Several animals also had the experience of dabbling with LSD, courtesy of the scientists who wanted to see what effects it would have on various species. The results of those tests ranged from bizarre to tragic.

Young tools rewrite old history
11th January 2021 | Ancient, Humans

Scientists have uncovered the youngest known Middle Stone Age tools in modern-day Senegal, on the west coast of Africa, dated to as recently as 11,000 years ago.

News stories covering humans, psychology and health.