It is our pleasure to welcome Bibhu Dev Misra, author of YUGA SHIFT: The End of the Kali Yuga & the Impending Planetary Transformation, as our featured author this month. In this extensively researched book, with the aid of scientific discoveries, Bibhu pieces together the common threads of information that run through the Yuga Cycle doctrines existing across multiple cultures of the ancient world. In doing this, Bibhu has rebuilt the original formulation of the Yuga Cycle—vital scientific knowledge lost to us over time.
In his article, Bibhu discusses how he arrived at the Yuga Cycle framework he has presented in the book, and how closely this grand cycle is aligned with the periodic collapse and re-emergence of civilization and the gradual degradation in our physical size, cranial volume and consciousness over the past 13,000 years, since the end of the last Golden Age or Satya Yuga. Bibhu argues that our current civilization is on the precipice of this great cycle’s culmination and rebirth, and how we navigate the impending challenges and pass through the doorway of awakening is of great importance in the present times.
Interact with Bibhu on our AoM Forum here.
The linear model of human progress, which is the dominant paradigm today in science and academia, is a comparatively new idea that gained ground only in the last couple of centuries, and has very little in its favor in terms of raw scientific data of any sort. In fact, the farther we look back into the remote past, the more we are astonished by the sophistication of the ancients, which is reflected in all aspects of their culture, such as art, architecture, music, literature, astronomy, astrology, surgery, medicine etc., and, most importantly, in their adherence to virtuous living, which ensured the peace, harmony and well-being of their society.
Most ancient cultures believed that human civilization and consciousness moves in grand cycles, slowly declining from “Golden Ages” of illumination and harmony to “Dark Ages” of ignorance and strife. In India, this cycle was called the Yuga Cycle. Other civilizations knew it by different names. The Greeks referred to it as the Cycle of the Ages of Man, the Platonic Year, or the Great Year. The Persians called it the World Cycle. The Hopi refer to the four previous ages as the Four Worlds, while the Aztecs knew them as the Four Suns. The Egyptians were also aware of the cyclical framework, as were many other cultures, for this understanding was encoded into ancient tales and sacred wisdom that had been orally transmitted for generations.
In the years leading up to 2012, when there was a lot of talk about the approaching end of the Mayan Calendar, I became interested in the Yuga Cycle doctrine of ancient India, and decided to take a closer look at the available data and philosophical speculations in order to determine the possible ending of the Kali Yuga or Iron Age – which is the current age of greed and lies, discord and violence, that we are living in. When I dove into the details, however, I realized that a number of errors and omissions had crept into the ancient texts in the course of our long passage through the darkness of the Kali Yuga, as a result of which, the original formulation of the Yuga Cycle was completely lost. In some texts, the duration of the Yuga Cycle had been artificially inflated to a humungous number that runs into millions of years, while the method of tracking the Yuga Cycle timeline was forgotten.
It was obvious to me at the very outset that there could not have been different Yuga Cycles for different cultures. There was only one Yuga Cycle for the entire world that governed the periodic rise and fall of consciousness and human civilization; and in order to stitch together the original framework, it was of utmost importance to delineate the “common threads” that run through the different traditions. I was also keenly aware that I needed to keep tabs on the latest scientific discoveries, for any Yuga Cycle framework needs to be backed up by as much verifiable data as possible.
In July 2012, I published an article1 in which I put forward what, in my opinion, was the original Yuga Cycle timeline, which indicated that the Kali Yuga was due to end in 2025. I had discussed the rationale for the proposed timeline in the article, and I treated the matter with a lot more rigor in the book, with the aid of ample historical references. Without delving into the nitty-gritty, let me present some of the essential building blocks of this framework.
- The complete Yuga Cycle is of 24,000-years duration, and is made up of an ascending cycle of 12000 years, when human consciousness gradually increases, followed by a descending cycle of 12000 years when consciousness gradually diminishes.
- Each 12,000-year half-cycle comprises four Yugas of equal duration of 3000-years each. The actual duration of a Yuga is 2700 years, and it is followed by a transitional period of 300 years before the full manifestation of the subsequent Yuga. The Yuga Cycle was tracked using the “Saptarshi Calendar” or “Calendar of the Seven Sages” of ancient India, which has a 2700-year cycle called a “Saptarshi Yuga”.
- It can be determined from the extant historical records that one of the starting points of the Saptarshi Calendar was in 6676 BCE, which marked the beginning of the Dwapara Yuga (Bronze Age) in the descending cycle. Using this date as an anchor point, the entire Yuga Cycle timeline gets unraveled, as shown below. For those who are not familiar with the Sanskrit terms for the Yugas: Satya Yuga is Golden Age, Treta Yuga is Silver Age, Dwapara Yuga is Bronze Age, and Kali Yuga is Iron Age.
The Yuga Cycle framework based on the Saptarshi Calendar reveals fascinating correlations with historical records, ancient calendars, and the archaeological data of the past 12,000-odd years. It can be seen that the descending cycle of consciousness began with the Treta Yuga (Silver Age) in 9676 BCE, around the same time that the last Ice Age came to a rather abrupt end, bringing about a drastic transformation in our natural environment. The ancient texts indicate that it was around the same time that the Golden Age kingdom of Atlantis sank into the ocean, and the Supreme Creator of the Zoroastrians, Ahura Mazda, had re-created the world and initiated the current World Cycle of 12,000 years. The earliest layers of the megalithic settlement at Gobekli Tepe have been dated to around 9600 BCE, and we can be quite certain that similar settlements were springing up elsewhere in the world at around the same time, the evidence of which we are yet to uncover.
Each of the subsequent Yuga-transitional periods of 300-odd years were characterized by cataclysmic activity that obliterated the existing civilizations of the time, which was followed by the re-emergence of a new wave of civilizations having different artistic, technological and cultural expressions. The periodic destruction and renewal of civilization (pralaya, in Sanskrit) is a characteristic feature of all the ancient doctrines on the Cycle of the Ages. The purging events purify our consciousness and restore all of nature to its original pristine state in order to make the Earth suitable for another round of civilization.
Thus, the 300-year transitional period between the Treta (Silver) and Dwapara (Bronze) Yugas was marked by a devastating bout of global flooding triggered primarily by the collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in North America. At around 6500 BCE, new settlements emerged in Southeastern Europe with distinct cultural traits, although we don’t have much of an idea about what was going on in other parts of the world at that time. Then, during the next Yuga-transition, all the “pre-Bronze Age” societies were wiped out without much of a trace when the disintegrating fragments of a large comet struck the Earth, with one of the large impact centers being the Burckle Crater in the Indian Ocean (c.3700 BCE). Immediately afterwards, all the known “Bronze Age” civilizations began to take root in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, Malta and other places at around 3500 BCE. Finally, at around 600 BCE, the Iron Age cultures emerged almost simultaneously in the Eastern Mediterranean region, Persia, India, Mesoamerica, etc., built on the ashes of the Bronze Age civilizations, all of which had collapsed in a heap over the previous 400-odd years.
The trend is distinct and unmistakable. The Yuga Cycle is not an article of faith or imagination but a scientific doctrine of inestimable value which captures the cyclical nature of human civilization. Not only does it give us a clear perspective of what had happened in the past, but it also reveals where our own decadent civilization of the Kali Yuga is headed. In my book, I have taken a closer look at the cataclysmic events that transpired during each of the last four Yuga-transitional periods, and it is quite clear from the available scientific data that comet and meteor impacts invariably play a critical role in the global reset of civilization.
Over the past 5700 years or so, we have been living in two back-to-back Kali Yugas – the descending Kali Yuga followed by the ascending Kali Yuga. These two Yugas of untruth and discord span most of recorded history. The ascending Kali Yuga ends on the 21st of March, 2025. The term “ascending” tends to convey the wrong impression that we may be in a “higher Yuga” and that our civilization is on an upward trajectory of virtue and progress. Far from it. In the ascending Kali Yuga only the material circumstances of life begin to improve – along with a slight increase in our lifespan and physical stature – but the degradation of human consciousness and the proliferation of vices continues unabated throughout the entire duration of the Kali Yuga.
The scientific advancements of the modern era have led some to suggest that we must be on the ascending curve of the Yuga Cycle. But, the ancient texts make it very clear that it is only virtue or dharma which determines which Yuga we are in, and it is no secret that the technological progress of the past 200-odd years has pushed us into greater degrees of greed, selfishness, hatred, divisions and violence while causing untold harm to the environment. The technologies of the higher Yugas are much more subtle in nature, wherein spiritual adepts are able to manipulate various forms of energy, such as sound, magnetism, light, etc., to achieve miraculous feats. Indeed, the higher Yugas are about the empowerment of humans and not of machines.
Having trudged our way through the dense, materialistic vibrations of the Kali Yuga over the past 5700 years or so, we have now reached its fag end, when comparatively high levels of material wealth and technological glitz co-exist with utter moral and spiritual bankruptcy. This matter-spirit gap is highly destabilizing, and is responsible for much of the misery, injustices and corruption that we see in our society today. The need of the hour is to detach from matter and align with spirit in order to restore the much-needed balance, harmony and sanity in our collective experience.
The time ahead is extremely critical for the whole of humanity as we stand at the threshold of momentous changes on a global scale, which will begin to unfold as we approach 2025 and enter the period of transition. Not only are we about to emerge from the ignorance and darkness of the Kali Yuga, but we are also at the cusp of the entire descending cycle of consciousness that began in 9676 BCE. The events of the past few years have made it clear that human consciousness has now plunged into utter depravity, and all means, however despicable, are now considered legitimate for the acquisition of money and influence and for the exploitation and enslavement of the masses. The specter of hatred, war and unrestrained violence is spreading across the world, while the frequency and ferocity of extreme weather phenomena such as floods, landslides, earthquakes and wildfires have increased over the past few decades. All of these are precursors of the planetary-scale changes that lie ahead of us.
One of the questions that puzzled me ever since I wrote the article on the Yuga Cycle more than a decade ago was the reason for the discrepancy in value between the complete Yuga Cycle of 24,000 years and the Earth’s precession cycle of 25,800 years.
The phenomenon of the “precession of the equinoxes” was known to and tracked by many ancient cultures. Briefly, what this means is that the position of the vernal equinox sun relative to the fixed stars of the zodiac changes very slowly at the rate of 1˚ every 71.6 years, completing an entire cycle of 360˚ around the zodiac in about 25,800 years.
In the present epoch, the vernal equinox sun is very close to the beginning of the Pisces constellation, near its boundary with the Aquarius constellation. This can be determined by drawing a line from the Earth to the Sun and extending it to the ring of fixed stars beyond.
Figure 2: The zodiac constellations encircle the solar system like a giant ring. On the vernal equinox date, the Sun appears in front of the Pisces constellation. Credit: Bibhu Dev Misra.
Very soon – perhaps in a few decades – the vernal equinox sun will appear in front of the Aquarius constellation. In this manner, the vernal equinox point slowly shifts its position relative to the fixed stars of the zodiac at the rate of 1˚ every 71.67 years, spending roughly 2150 years in each constellation called an Astrological Age. Thus, we are now in the Age of Pisces, and about to transition to the Age of Aquarius very soon. Since the boundaries between the constellations are not precisely defined by a specific star or asterism, the exact date of transition from one Astrological Age to another is kind of hazy and subject to individual interpretation.
The slow change in the position of the equinoctial sun against the backdrop of the fixed stars of the zodiac is called the “precession of the equinoxes” or simply precession, while the cycle duration of 25,800 years is called a precession cycle. Human civilizations live through twelve Astrological Ages in course of the 25,800-year precession cycle.
Now, here’s the mystery that had baffled me for a long time: What is the reason for the mismatch in values between the 24,000-year Yuga Cycle and the 25,800-year precession cycle? The duration of the Great Year specified by Cicero, i.e. 25,920 years, is so close to the scientifically measured value of the precession cycle that it leaves little doubt that the two cycles must be identical.
Moreover, the Yuga Cycle doctrine of the Jains strongly hints at this possibility. If we recollect, as per the Jains, the Yuga Cycle (Kalachakra) consists of an ascending half called Utsarpini, which consists of six smaller periods, and a descending half called Avasarpini, which comprises six periods as well. Thus, the complete Yuga Cycle consists of twelve smaller periods. What could these twelve periods be, if not the twelve Astrological Ages? If the complete Yuga Cycle contains twelve Astrological Ages, then it gives us a very good reason to suspect that the Yuga Cycle and the Earth’s precession cycle are one and the same.
But, how do we account for the apparent discrepancy in values?
I found an answer to this conundrum when I came across a key piece of information about the Yugas mentioned in the ancient Greek texts that I had overlooked earlier. As per the doctrine of the Ages of Man in the Greek tradition, the Earth is subjected to two extended periods of purging in the course of the Great Year. One is called Kataklysmos (meaning “Deluge”) or the “great winter” of the Great Year, when the Earth is inundated by water. The other is called Ekpyrosis (meaning “Conflagration”) or the “great summer” of the Great Year, when the world is destroyed by fire. In the 3rd century CE, the Roman philosopher Censorinus wrote:
“There is a period called “the supreme year” by Aristotle, at the end of which the sun, moon and all the planets return to their original position. This “supreme year” has a great winter, called by the Greeks Kataklysmos which means deluge, and a great summer, called by the Greeks Ekpyrosis or combustion of the world. The world, actually, seems to be inundated and burned alternately in each of the epochs.”2
Now, there was a fair degree of unanimity in the ancient times that the Flood had occurred at the end of the Golden Age or Satya Yuga. This indicates that the period of transition that the Greeks called Kataklysmos must have followed the Golden Age or Satya Yuga. It is extremely intriguing that the period of Kataklysmos was also called the “great winter” of the Great Year, for it just so happens that the Earth went through a long period of freezing temperatures called the Younger Dryas period, which extended for nearly 1200 years from 10,900 BCE – 9700 BCE. During this time, global temperatures plummeted by nearly 10 – 15°C to near-glacial conditions, and the glaciers advanced to their Ice Age positions.
Could the entire 1200-year Younger Dryas period, therefore, be the extended period of transition that the Greeks called Kataklysmos or “great winter”?
In 2007, a team of international scientists led by Richard B. Firestone found compelling evidence that the Earth was bombarded by multiple fragments of a giant disintegrating comet nearly 12,900 years ago (c.10,900 BCE), which destabilized the Laurentide Ice Sheet and triggered the Younger Dryas cooling. The shock waves and biomass burning generated by this catastrophic impact even led to the extinction of 35 genera of North American Pleistocene megafauna, and ended the prehistoric Clovis culture.3
A dense, carbon-rich, black layer, called the “black mat”, was deposited over the bones of the extinct megafauna and the Clovis artifacts at more than 50 sites across North America. The black mat contains evidence of biomass burning and impact proxies such as elevated levels of Iridium, and its thickness spans the entire Younger Dryas cooling period from c.10, 900 – 9,700 BCE. This strongly suggests that impact events must have continued to occur throughout the entire Younger Dryas period! However, this possibility does not seem to be discussed very often in scientific papers and articles. Is this scenario too mind-bogglingly catastrophic even for our consideration?
Not many would be aware that a little-known Sanskrit text called Adbhuta-sagara provides astonishing details of a sequence of 26 comets that struck the Earth, one after the other, throughout the 1200-year Younger Dryas period. The second comet in the sequence is said to have caused the Deluge, the tell-tale signs of which are still preserved in the black mat! In my book, I have discussed in detail the Younger Dryas comet swarm and the evidence of the Flood.
Obviously, the environmental calamities that swept over the world during the Younger Dryas period could not have happened while the Golden Age was still in progress since the conditions of life in the Golden Age were supposed to have been almost utopian. The Younger Dryas period could have started only after the Golden Age had ended.
The Yuga Cycle timeline that I proposed earlier had a 300-year period of transition after the Golden Age. But that may not be correct. It is quite likely that the Golden Age had ended by 10,876 BCE, and was followed by a 1200-year period of Kataklysmos or “great winter”, that extended from 10,876 BCE – 9676 BCE, coinciding with the Younger Dryas period.
This means that the end of Kali Yuga in 2025 will also be followed by an extended period of transition called Ekpyrosis (meaning “Conflagration”) or the “great summer” of the Great Year, for nearly 1200 years, since the upcoming transition is diametrically opposite to the Younger Dryas period. In other words, post-2025, it will be the Younger Dryas period all over again, except that this time, the cleansing will be by fire and not by ice and water.
There are direct references to the upcoming period of Ekpyrosis in many end-time prophecies. For instance, the Tibetan Kalachakra Tantra prophecy tells us that after the divine Savior Rudra Chakrin destroys the evil forces in an apocalyptic battle, he will bestow “the “perfect age” for at least “a thousand years”, during which time, “the whole world will turn into Shambhala with no sickness or poverty, and no need to work to earn a living.”4 This dovetails with The Revelation, according to which, after his Second Coming, Christ will reign for a “thousand years” along with the resurrected holy men.5 Both these prophecies appear to be telling us about the 1200-year period of transition called Ekpyrosis which will follow the Kali Yuga before the ascending cycle of the Yugas commence.
Although the 1200-year period of Ekpyrosis will be a time of significant earth changes and periodic comet impacts, which will purify and renew our world, it will also be an amazing time to live for the survivors of the impending cataclysms, for a new, divine energy will course through our planet, activating our dormant chakra centers and subtle mental abilities such as telepathy and clairvoyance, and, as a result, the people of that period are likely to experience powerful feelings of bliss and connectedness that are inconceivable today. Their awareness will be expanded, revealing to them new possibilities and ways of living that promote peace, justice and harmony. They will establish the foundations of a new civilization, which will eventually grow into the enlightened civilizations of the ascending Yuga Cycle, culminating in the next Golden Age.
In the Yuga Cycle framework that I had proposed earlier, all the transitional periods were of equal length of 300 years. However, since the extended periods of transition called Kataklysmos and Ekpyrosis extend for a whopping 1200 years each, the duration of the complete Yuga Cycle is extended by (900 + 900), i.e. 1800 years. Thus, the duration of the complete Yuga Cycle becomes equal to (24,000 + 1800) = 25,800 years, which is exactly the same as the scientifically measured value of the precession cycle!
Figure 3: The 25,800-year Yuga Cycle, including the 1200-year periods of Kataklysmos and Ekpyrosis. Credit: Bibhu Dev Misra.
It is quite amazing to realize that once the periods of Kataklysmos and Ekpyrosis are included in the Yuga Cycle framework, the complete Yuga Cycle and the Earth’s precession cycle become perfectly aligned! For a long time, the discrepancy in values between the two had baffled me, and it was a great relief to be able to finally put my finger on the solution.
Like a giant jigsaw puzzle, critical bits and pieces of the Yuga Cycle doctrine have been scattered all over the world, lying concealed with the sacred texts and oral traditions of disparate cultures for many generations. It is only when we diligently pick up all the pieces and scrutinize them, always keeping one eye on the scientific data so that we don’t veer off track, does it become possible to put together this puzzle for the ages.
The Yuga Cycle framework helps us to understand the gradual, ongoing degeneration of the human race, and why we seem to be falling into ever greater levels of lust and hubris, deceit and hatred, so much so that our civilization today is almost teetering on the brink of self-destruction. Not many would be aware that there is a plethora of scientific data which reveals that modern humans are roughly 10% smaller in size than their Satya Yuga or Golden Age counterparts, who lived in the late Paleolithic period. Numerous studies have shown that there was no food scarcity or diseases in the late Paleolithic period (i.e. Satya Yuga), but throughout the Holocene period (i.e. the descending Yuga Cycle), sources of food became increasingly scarce, many kinds of diseases became endemic, and incidences of violent deaths increased significantly.6
To top it all, our cranial volume – which has always been regarded as a measure of our intelligence – has plummeted by an average of 10% in males and 17% in females over the past 12,000 years. This is a massive reduction that is comparable to the difference between the average cranial volume of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens!7 Little wonder, then, why our memories are so poor compared to our ancestors, who could remember gargantuan volumes of data, and transmit them orally to the next generation. Our powers of judgment and discrimination have declined substantially, which is why we are unable to distinguish between the truth and the lies, or discern what truly serves our welfare as opposed to what takes us down the path of misery. Our ethics and morality have nosedived, along with all the subtle abilities of the brain that we possessed in the higher Yugas, such as intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.
Don’t be surprised if you weren’t aware of the ongoing degradation of the human race, for that is exactly the way the powers-that-be want it — which is to suppress any information that threatens to overturn their favored theories of human origin and evolution. Professor John Sanford of Cornell University said in an interview,“It’s kind of a trade secret amongst population geneticists…that man is degenerating”8, while science writer Kathleen McAuliffe wrote in an article in Discover Magazine that the phenomenon of the shrinking human brain is a closely-guarded secret. “Only a tight-knit circle of paleontologists seem to be in on the secret, and even they seem a bit muddled about the matter,” she wrote to her utter dismay.9
Yet, all of this so-called “anomalous data” fits in perfectly with the essential tenets of the Yuga Cycle. We have not been evolving gradually through natural selection as Darwin had posited; rather, what seems to be really happening is that our physical size and cranial volume are fluctuating in a sinusoidal manner over the 25,800-year precession cycle. This is why the cranial specimens of the Cro-Magnon – who had very large cranial capacities comparable to those of our Satya Yuga ancestors – straddle the peak of an earlier Golden Age at around 36,676 BCE!
Figure 4: The cranial volume fluctuates over a 25,800-year Yuga Cycle. The Cro-Magnon lived in an earlier Golden Age, which explains their very high cranial volume. Credit: Bibhu Dev Misra
Of course, all of this leads to even bigger questions about what could be driving the sinusoidal fluctuation in physical size and cranial volume in tandem with the Earth’s precession cycle, and if there could be some powerful cosmic source which is regulating all of this. My research led me to investigate the two competing theories of precession – the lunisolar theory and the binary theory – and, in the end, I came to the realization that both of these theories come with their own set of flaws. In my book, I have presented a simple and elegant theory of precession that explains the phenomenon in its entirety without introducing any unknown variables.
I also tried to ascertain what Sri Yukteswar really meant when he wrote in The Holy Science that it is the creative principle Brahma – located at the grand center called Vishnunabhi, around which our sun revolves – who regulates the fluctuation of dharma or virtue in the course of the Yuga Cycle. Interestingly, the Buddhist and Chaldean philosophers of antiquity spoke of a “Central Sun” or “Hypercosmic Sun”, located beyond the circle of the fixed stars (i.e. the zodiac constellations), which radiated “intellectual light” or “inner light” and controlled the cycles of time. These esoteric doctrines, and some recent scientific discoveries, helped me to figure out what could be really driving the massive changes in our collective reality over the course of the Yuga cycle. I have explored these ideas in detail in the book.
What is, perhaps, of greatest urgency is to understand that we are headed towards a period of massive planetary-scale transformation that will disrupt every aspect of our lives. There are clear signatures of comet and meteor impacts during the previous Yuga-transitional periods, and it is unlikely to be any different this time. The work of astronomers Clube, Napier, Asher, Steel and their colleagues indicate that the Yuga-ending catastrophes are triggered by the passage of the Earth through the “dense core” of the Taurid meteor stream – known as the “Taurid Resonant Swarm” – which contains a number of massive, dormant, comets and full-size asteroids that were formed from the breakup of the Taurid progenitor comet. In an article in the National Geographic, Australian astronomer Duncan Steel was quoted saying something that hit the nail on the head:
“Every 2,500 to 3,000 years or so, the core of the Taurid stream passes near Earth and produces much more intense meteor showers for a few centuries, said Steel. A gap of a few centuries separates the era of intensity between Northern Taurids and Southern Taurids.”10
My research into the Rig Vedic legends and cometary lore from around the world had already alerted me to the possibility that the end of the last Ice Age was caused by a head-on collision of the Earth with the Taurid Resonant Swarm, and when we combine this information with the periodicity of these impact events, the trigger for the Yuga-transitional catastrophes becomes quite evident.
In fact, the ancients knew of these periodic cometary bombardments, which is why comets were always regarded as the “harbingers of doom”. Interestingly, two of the giant comets hidden within the Taurid Resonant Swarm were revered by our ancestors as the “messengers” or “animal mounts” (vahanas, in Sanskrit) of their gods, and specific information about the location and structure of these two comets were encoded into their legends and symbols! Since the Earth is due to pass through the center of the Taurid Resonant Swarm in the years 2032 and 2036, it has ominous implications for our civilization.
Figure 5: The earth crosses the Taurid meteor stream twice a year, in course of its orbit around the sun. Credit: Bibhu Dev Misra
We know that a number of eschatological texts describe a Messiah or Avatar returning at the end of the Kali Yuga in order to destroy evil, re-establish righteousness and inaugurate a new era of peace and prosperity. I have explored a number of such end-time prophecies – including that of the Kalki Avatar (Hinduism), Rudra Chakrin (Tibetan Buddhism), Saoshyant (Zoroastrianism), Second Coming of Christ (Christianity) and Pahana (Hopi) – all of which shed light on the apocalyptic events awaiting us in the near future. A few poignant and astonishingly precise prophetic utterings have been left behind by some renowned seers and astronomers of the past, such as Alice Bailey, Edgar Cayce, Johannes Kepler and Sir Isaac Newton, all of which add to the rich tapestry of information about the epochal events that could transpire after 2025.
My research led me to conclude that there are very strong indications that the years from 2025 to 2040 are the “end-times” that the ancient texts warn us of. We are living in times of the fulfilment of the prophecies when our reality will be drastically altered, and we will be forced to introspect about our patterns of thought and our way of life. I have put together a “Yuga-ending scenario” in the final chapter of the book, where I have outlined some of the major events that could occur after 2025, leading up to 2040 and beyond.
The ancient texts and legends indicate that the energy balance of the planet changes radically during the periods of Yuga-transition, which, on one hand, tends to drive men into a frenzy of anger and hatred, leading to the outbreak of social unrest, revolutions, and wars on a global scale, while on the other, offers excellent opportunities to elevate our consciousness, if we are willing to transcend our narrow egoic preoccupations. It would seem from the ongoing hostilities and the emerging specter of totalitarianism that the period of transition has already commenced, and even Mother Nature has begun the process of cleansing herself by means of floods and fires and earthquakes. I hope that my book YUGA SHIFT will persuade the readers to re-evaluate their understanding of the Yuga Cycle in the light of the evidence and arguments presented in the book, and reflect on how they will deal with and navigate the massive transformational changes that lie ahead.
1 Bibhu Dev Misra, “The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle”, Ancient Inquiries, July 15, 2012,
2 Censorinus, De Die Natali, xviii.
3 R. B. Firestone et al, “Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas cooling”, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), Oct 2007, Vol.104, No.41, pp. 16016-16021,
4 Victoria Dmitrieva, The Legend of Shambhala in Eastern and Western Interpretations, Mc Gill University, November 1997, p. 11.
5 Revelation 20.4-6
6 Michael Hermanussen, “Stature of early Europeans”, Hormones, 2003, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 175-178,
7 Maciej Henneberg, “Decrease of Human Skull Size in the Holocene”, Human Biology, June 1988, Vol.60, No.3, pp. 395-405,
8 Dr. John Sanford, author of “Genetic Entropy and the Mystery of the Genome”, in an interview with Jim Cantelon, on the YouTube channel 100huntley,
9 Kathleen McAuliffe, “If Modern Humans Are So Smart, Why Are Our Brains Shrinking?” Discover Magazine, 20 January 2011,
10 John Roach, “Meteor Shower Promises Seven Shooting Stars an Hour”, National Geographic News, 7 November 2003,
Mind boggling and awe inspiring research. Times to reflect deeply, those who feels and awake. Thank you, Bibhu Dev for this enchanting piece of work.
Thanks Rocky. Appreciate your feedback very much. This is, indeed, a time to reflect and remember. Hope you get a chance to read the book and dive into the details.
This was an eye opener. It connected a number of dots for me. Thanks Bibhu, for the excellent research. It feels to me like we are sitting on the precipice.
Thanks Mark, for sharing your thoughts. Great to know that you enjoyed the read. I heard from quite a few people that they feel we are on the precipice of a massive transformation, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. A big shift is already underway, and I think it will further speed up in the coming years.
Bibhu. Appreciate your efforts to better understand the Yuga Cycle! While there are many interpretations, and we may differ on details, it is wonderful to see research that questions the linear paradigm. The cycles are real! As we come to cognize their causes so will we finally realize our rich and beautiful history!
Thanks Walter, for your encouraging words. I agree that there are slightly different interpretations, but the reality of the cyclical framework is beyond doubt. Everything that has been written about this grand cycle is now being validated by scientific findings. It really can’t be ignored any longer.
In the article you say that its likely that the Golden age has ended by 10,876 BCE but how could that be when looking at temperatures during the period of 15k-10k years ago there was a massive spike in temperatures 14500-15000 years ago (Bølling–Allerød) which doesn’t seem very utopian.
There were two back-to-back Golden Ages extending for roughly 6000 years towards the end of the previous ascending cycle, and the Bolling- Allerod warming occurred towards the end of the Golden Age and extended from roughly 14,600 BP till the beginning of the Younger Dryas period in 12,900 BP.
The “sudden” spike in average temperatures that occurred at the onset of the Bolling- Allerod period was really not all that sudden when you think of what happened at the YD boundary. Average surface temperature increased by approx. 3 degree Celsius in a span of 90 years, and sea levels rose at the rate of 1 -2 inch per year. Yes, in geological terms that is “sudden”, but for the people living during that period, it would have been a gradual experience of warming and rising sea levels for over a century. Since they were coming out of the Ice Age the warmer climate wouldn’t have bothered them too much, and as the waters inundated the coastlines they would have moved further north and populated those places which were earlier too cold to inhabit. Yes, it would have been an inconvenience for some, and that was because the entire ascending cycle was coming to an end. The “utopian” environment was gradually being broken up, and the people were being prepared to deal with much harsher changes down the line.
Details will eventually fall into place. For the moment I think it is quite wonderful that we are started to realize how it all works – whether we have gotten the dates and calculations 100% correct yet or not.
The Yugas makes sense in every way, something about it just clicks, and can explain most of the worlds religions, and a good part of the ‘unexplainable’ archeology, that Graham have pointed us towards through the years.
Whenever I read about the buddhist 8-fold path to liberty, I cannot help seeing the Yuga wheel, taking Siddharta, the prince, from a golden age palace life, into poverty and suffering, to the end of suffering, beginning of enlightenment, and into becoming The Buddha.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Thomas. I have been researching on the Yuga Cycle for a long time now, and I feel it makes sense from almost every perspective we look at it. It seems to put everything into context – the ancient legends, the slowly emerging archaeological and anthropological data, the current state of our world and where we seem to be headed.
Your mention of the Buddhist eight-fold path to enlightenment reminded me of the eight-spoked wheel of dharma, and if you think about it, even the Yuga Cycle is a eight-spoked wheel. There are eight Yugas (4 in the descending and 4 in the ascending cycle), separated by eight transitional periods which serve as the eight spokes of the Yuga wheel.
Much thanks to Bibhu Dev Misra for his research effort and for putting the whole thing together connecting all the dots.
I’ve been researching the subject in my own amateur way for a long time by reading books and articles and I had a sense of confusion because of the different dates, lengths and theories, until I read Bibhu Dev’s book.
We now have the blueprint for the End Days with accurate dates, and that’s a gift.
It’s not going to be fun to be around, but as always, there is a reason why we are here at this time.
Again, thank you Bibhu Dev!!!
Hari Om Tat Sat
Thank you Carlos. Its great to know that you have read the book, and that it helped you in your quest to find the significance of these cycles. It is true that great challenges lie ahead of us, but we will also take a tremendous learning out of all this. This is the kind of experience that comes along only once in 25,800 years, and, as you said, we are all here to be a part of this unfolding. Wishing you all the best in your journey!
Great read, thank you, i think your spot on, 2025 and beyond will be a great awakening.
Thanks Michael. Appreciate your feedback. Yes, we are going into an intensely transformative period, and its the time to ask the big questions and try to remember our origins and purpose.
pse let me know if you studied also the mayan calender and if you found some clues in comparison to your conclusions about the yuga’s because I am amazed about all their time calculations .
i can’t imagine that they also must have found clues to these yugacycles which in fact is a great cosmic clockwork
let us assume that 1 passage through the zodiac takes 25.800 years than you divide the duration by 4 yugacycles of each 6450 years. What I wonder is that you make of the zodiac a perfect clocksystem
why have in yr system the golden and ironyuga each the same lengths in years of duration and the bronze and silver shorter
In that way I can make myself also a system with four cycles and eventually I bring in the 300years cycles and the 2 greekcycles of each 1200 years.
all up to I get a total of 25.800 years. and the circle is round. Ofcourse i understand that the kali yuge will not followed directle by the go-dwapara next great cycle lden yuga. Maybe the succesive way could be kali – dwapara-treta-satya and starting with next great cycle of 25.800 yrs: tetra-dwapara-kali
the kali yuga will not be followed directly by the golde yuga. May be the 4 yuga’s follow eachother as follows: Kali-dwapara-treta-satya/ treta-dwapara-kali-dwapara/ treta-satya-treta-dwapara/ kali-dwapara-treta-satya and so on and on. (Just a brainplay by myself)
There is an ancient Sanskrit text called Kasyapa-samhita in which the descending Yuga Cycle is called Apasarpini and it is divided into three Yugas – Treta Yuga, Dwapara Yuga and Kali Yuga. This matches the Yuga Cycle framework that I have proposed, where the descending cycle consists of the Treta Yuga, Dwapara and two back-to-back Kali Yugas.
In the Kasyapa-samhita the ascending Yuga Cycle is called Utsarpini, which consists of three Yugas – Adi Yuga, Deva Yuga, and Satya Yuga. This conforms to the proposed Yuga Cycle framework as well in that the cycle ends with two back-to-back Satya Yugas, but the names of the Dwapara and Treta Yugas appear to have been replaced by Adi Yuga and Deva Yuga.
I can understand why the names were changed; because, in the ascending cycle, the Dwapara and Treta Yugas will feel a lot different than in the descending cycle, since our consciousness and the environment will be improving every day. The experience of living in a society that is on an unimpeded trajectory of social, cultural and spiritual progress can be an exhilarating feeling, which none of us have experienced in our lifetime. In my book, I have discussed these ideas in more detail.
I done some studies on the Maya Long Count Calendar as well, and I am convinced that this calendar was based on the conjunction cycles of Jupiter and Saturn. Which means the calendar could not have started on 3114 BCE or ended in 2012, since Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions did not occur on these dates. As to what could be the actual start and end dates is something I have not yet worked out.
Bibhu ji, I’m just ordering your book to read. Some years ago I had come across a Tibetan Buddhist prophecy where the timeline has been mapped out to the years 2025 and beyond. Take this paragraph:
Out of deep space, in the Fire-Male-Horse year (2026), a large meteor will strike down on the shores of a large body of water. This spiritual text will appear when the meteor cracks open. Having appeared, it is very important, when teaching this document, that there are no secret or hidden meanings. There is but one, no secondary meaning. It has been put together for the benefit of all sentient beings. May all the torments of existence end!
End quote
There are further cataclysmic events detailed as well as a protective chant for these sandhi times of the Great Shift and implosion of all Adharmic structures and systems.
Do you cover the Bhavishya Malika in your book?
Thanks, glad to know that you are ordering the book. I have not covered Bhavishya Malika since I read it only after writing the book, but I was surprised to find that as per the BM verses the Kali Yuga ends on 29 March, 2025, which is just about one week after the date I arrived at based on the proposed Yuga Cycle framework i.e. 21 March, 2025. Thanks for sharing the Tibetan prophecy. In my book I have written about Alice Bailey’s prophecy (written nearly a century ago) about great changes beginning in 2025, which was transmitted to her by a Tibetan master named DK (Djwal Khul). After digging into this a bit more, I realized that even the Tibetan Kalachakra Tantra was tracked using the Saptarshi Calendar, and it tells us that the current era ends in 2025 (and not 2425, as is generally believed), which will be followed by the return of Rudra Chakrin from Shambhala for the express purpose of eradicating evil. So, a number of data points from different traditions seem to be alerting us of the importance of the year 2025 as being the beginning of an immensely transformative period.
If we are under a dome, how can there be outer meteors. I wonder if the sun is occupied as well as the moon by those who orchestrate bombardments of sorts to limit populations? Obviously there are those who monitor and control for various attitude adjustments needed as souls learn and grow. Jesus declared that the things he did we, too, will do and even greater which encourages elevation in consciousness. If we get stuck or attached to mental concepts, proof, whys and hows, that realm is endless and non fulfulling compared to higher Soul loving all inclusive awareness which naturally has peace, joy, wisdom, and ministry within its realm. Perhaps the thousand years will help attain that. Love, Pam Aloha Inman [email protected]
Kali Yuga ending in 2025 ??!! Ppffffffttt!!! Different tribes in India use different math and I’m with the ones who say Kali Yuga just got started and it’s only going to get worse. I dig your message of optimism hidden in announcing Kali Yuga is ending but really look around with real eyes and realize real lies. Thanks, Tinger Windom
Thank you for the very interesting work.
One question: You posit that the complete Yuga Cycle matches exactly the period of precession. Also you attribute the periodic catastrophe to the passage of Earth through the Tauroid stream. Is there a reason why this passage has to be in resonance with the precession? As you said it didn’t sit well with you that the Kali Yuga cycle didn’t match precisely with precession. Why is that a problem and why should they match?
Hi, 🙂
Thank you for your time and research. I find this information quite timely and interesting, especially when earth will be coming in close proximity with the asteroid Apophis 2029, 2032, and 2068, in conjunction with our annual passing the through the Taurids, which we’re currently passing through. Also interesting that comet Encke’s 33 year orbit, will also coincide with Apophis’ future movements. Feels like the ancients knew what they were doing, as our current public reactions to the possibility of near earth objects is naturally fear, and perhaps secondly, what we could do to prepare. It makes sense that the ancients spent so much time mapping the stars and building monuments and parables that could endure throughout time, for our future selves to remember when the time came for us to build ourselves anew. Warm regards, Solara