Most visitors to will be completely familiar with the Mayan calendar and its prediction of the end of a world age, perhaps indeed the end of the world as we know it, on 21 December 2012. Patrick Geryl is convinced that the Mayan prophecy is true and that we will face a global cataclysm on that date. Could he be right? Read further here and join Patrick on our Author of the Month message board during September 2008 when he will be available to answer questions from posters and engage in discussions of his work.
In "How to survive 2012?" I reveal the immense cataclysm that is going to torment the earth in the near future. It is presently assumed by most people and the general scientific world at large, that the rotation of the Earth is stable, however, as expounded in my previous works on this subject, this is not the case. The gruesome reports of the previous catastrophes should, hopefully, be clear to all.
The historical exploration of cosmology in previous books is founded on the translation of hieroglyphs, cracking of codes, unveiling of the magnetic reversal of the sun, study of old maps, decoding of astronomical clues, geological research, and the discovery of the most exciting archaeological find in modern times.
Considering these I came to the following conclusions:
- With clock-like regularity, sudden reversals and pole shifts are natural to the Earth. The result is worldwide destruction, and is supported by paleo-magnetic evidence and early manuscripts.
- The reversal of the poles is attributed to the harmonic cycle of the magnetic fields of the sun.
- Polar reversals can be calculated precisely on the basis of the sunspot cycle theory or the magnetic field theory, which the Maya and the Old Egyptians were privy to. These secrets were contained in the Labyrinth of Hawara, a huge complex consisting of three thousand rooms.
If the evidence from my discoveries has convinced you to make the irreversible decision to survive the forthcoming pole shift in 2012, that is understandable. You would want to save your life and/or that of your descendants, your family or friends – the starting point makes no difference. Surviving and rebuilding, that is what it comes to. Here we stumble upon the first problems: are you really aware of what is awaiting you? What horrible chaos will terrorize your life for the foreseeable future? So, let's make it clear: adventure movies and fairy tales do not exist in this totally destroyed "new antediluvian" world. You have probably understood this after reading my previous books, which contain the exact description of what happened the last time and what is awaiting us in 2012.
I explained abundantly clearly that life after a polar reversal is nothing but horror, pure unimaginable horror. All securities you presently have at hand, like – amongst others – food, transport, and medicines, will have disappeared in one big blow, dissolved into nothingness. As will our complete civilization. It cannot be more horrifying than this; worse than the worst nightmare. More destructive than a nuclear war in which the entire global arsenal of nuclear weapons has been deployed in one blow. Are you grasping the facts?
The earth will be subjected to total destruction. It will be many times worse than my description. Terrible hunger, cold and pain, and more will rule your daily life: without hope of a quick recovery, because all knowledge and resources will have been completely destroyed. That will be the reality of your daily life after the forthcoming polar reversal. And it is in this scenario you will have to try to survive.
Of course, at first there will be enormous panic and despair. Yet, due to our foresight, we will quickly be able to resume our highly-evolved standard of technology. We will have a small minority of well-organized people with a vision: the rebuilding of our lost civilization. Technicians, scientists, mathematicians, doctors and many more will try to save as much as possible. Even if we do not succeed in motivating all of these people, a tiny group with sufficient knowledge and perseverance will be able to create a climate of resurrection; something to benefit our future generations. Just as we built up our civilization based on the knowledge we inherited from the Old Egyptians, our children will pass on their inherited knowledge to their descendants. And they will do the same to theirs, and so on. Within thousands of years, a new – and hopefully more peaceful, less polluted civilization – will inhabit the earth, after which the cycle of destruction and resurrection will start again. But that is another story…
Why the north becomes south
Years ago I started my quest, intending to discover why pole shifts take place. I found answers that put my imaginative powers heavily to the test. But through my persistent search, I found evidences for it, telling of a highly advanced civilization that was exposed to three catastrophes. Each time, the movement of the earth's axis was severely disrupted and the whole earth was subjected to a gigantic cataclysm.
From this we can state the following: The graph of human evolution does not appear as a straight line. Towards the end it draws steeply upwards, but after every disaster it slips tremendously quickly downwards. Priests and scientists knew this, and intertwined their knowledge with religion in order to make everybody fully aware of it. But with the passage of time, the knowledge was lost. Fourteen thousand years ago the priests knew how to decipher the secrets of polar reversals.
At present nothing is left of it, and there isn't a single scientist now in possession of this knowledge; a catastrophic downfall in the pre-primeval age. Hopefully as many people as possible will hear my echo before it is too late. Or will they neglect the messages from our distant past? The following text shows that in antiquity people were notified about the forthcoming end via The Book of Enoch: "Behold, destruction is coming, a great flood and it will destroy all living things." A great many codes hide in this short sentence, and they are relative to the forthcoming destruction, scientific knowledge having been interwoven with religion.
The Magnetic Field of the Earth Compared with that of a Dynamo
Everybody knows that the dynamo of a bicycle creates a magnetic field, and therefore electricity. As long as you keep cycling, the inner magnets keep turning around and electric power is generated. The earth has a somewhat similar, though more complicated, principle. Just like the bicycle dynamo, the magnetic field is generated in the earth's core, because the liquid upper layer rotates with a different speed in relation to the earth's core. There, the mechanical energy is transformed into magnetic energy, resulting in a North Pole and a South Pole.
Should you want to change the poles of a dynamo, you would have to change its direction of rotation!
Expanding this principle, the earth also has to change its direction when the North Pole becomes the South Pole! So here we find a scientific proof for polar reversals. It correlates completely with the statement of the Old Egyptians on this subject: after every pole reversal the sun rose from the opposite direction.
West became East
Because the earth's axis turns anti-clockwise, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. These are the plain facts. But, was it always like this? Is this a constant law? When you look at Pluto, you see it rotating from the east to the west, so that the sun rises in the west there. Was this the same situation on earth in earlier days? Shockingly enough, it was!
When you examine the Old Egyptians' way of encoding, there is no other possible explanation. During their time, the earth underwent sudden drastic changes. Before the previous pole shift our sun rose in the west! From then on in the east, because the direction of rotation changed! When we apply this principle again, the sun will rise in the west after the forthcoming pole reversal!
As our present science knows, our earth cannot continue its undisturbed rotations indefinitely, and will end its task as a chronometer; it first undergoes a deceleration and then an acceleration in the opposite direction. The physical consequences of an abrupt deceleration are phenomenal: continuous earthquakes, cyclones, colossal tidal waves, scalding hot lava streams, et cetera., will wipe away the existing civilization of that time.
Of course it doesn't stop there. Not only a deceleration takes place, but also a reversal. Instead of turning from west to east, it will start to turn from east to west. It cannot be more frightening, because it will bring along a destruction of immense proportions. Everything that took place beforehand will now happen again. The magical Papyrus Harris speaks of a colossal catastrophe of fire and water when "the North becomes the South." Plato wrote about this in Politicus: "In certain periods, the universe has its present rotating movement and in other periods it turns in the opposite direction… Of all the changes that take place in the sky, this reversal is the biggest and the most complete."
Read again these words, remember them forever and pass them on to your children. Only in this way will this terrible truth remain in existence. It is the only way to preserve the next civilization from total destruction. Because, without this knowledge, within twelve thousand years it will be thrown back into the Stone Age, just like ours will be very soon now.
With the ending of a world age, the Milky Way will be "churned."
Not only the Old Egyptians wrote about a change in the compass directions. Also the Hindus have such myths. This change in the direction of the earth's rotation is described in the Mahabarata and Ramayana. This Hindu myth supports the belief of the continuous progress of eras. According to the story, the Milky Way is "churned" at specific moments. It is a symbolic image of the changing of the poles of the earth and the reversing of the movement.
The explanation lies in the fact that celestial mechanics are tossed upside down. The inner core of the earth starts to rotate in the opposite direction. Inescapably, the surrounding liquid magma has to follow this new direction of movement. Because the angle and the speed of the several layers of the earth are interrupted, they slide over one other, resulting in a phenomenal friction causing heat. Cracks and fissures appear, rock portions sink away, while in other places mountain chains rise up. Or, in other old prophetic words: "The inside of the earth would tremble with fear and the upper layers of the earth would fall down."
Scientific Proof for a Reversal
The proof of previous events is found in the earth layers, the rocky crust of our planet. The lithosphere consists of igneous rocks like granite and basalt, topped by sedimentary rocks. The latter are formed on the igneous rocks, which form the original earth crust. One can regularly find places where the igneous rocks cover sedimentary rocks over large areas. Cuvier (1769-1832), the founder of the science of rib-skeletons was deeply impressed by the image they showed of successive earth layers. He was convinced that the bottom of the sea had repeatedly changed into mainland and vice versa. From his studies he concluded that huge disasters had destroyed life in extensive areas. In Essay on the Theory of Earth he writes: "When the traveler moves through these fertile plains he will not have the slightest notion that nature has also had its inner wars, and that revolutions and catastrophes have tormented the terrestrial surface. But he will change his opinion when he starts digging in the ground that now looks so peaceful."
What he saw were the destructions caused by countless polar reversals. Doesn't a sudden deceleration and acceleration of the earth mean a complete destruction of civilizations? The end of billions of animal lives? The Orphic Hymns remind this only too well: "When the arch of heaven, the mighty Olympus, tremendously trembled … and the earth was screaming terribly, the sea fumingly rose, tempestuous of purple waves."
The Maya Codex Tro-Cortesianus also depicts the reversal. This illustration is a bit more difficult to decipher, but just as in the previous figure you can find back the cord and the turtle. The turtle covers a churn. It is a celestial metaphor for the awesome events that tormented our planet during the pole reversal. When the earth reverses its direction of movement, the seas will be irreversibly churned around.
For the survivors of the forthcoming catastrophe, the result of the next pole reversal will be more than overwhelming, as if a gigantic cosmic catastrophe could make the universe rotate in the opposite direction. The inhabitants of the earth will experience this in the same way, because all the stars and planets will now rise on a different horizon. Our sun too, the closest star, will experience this almost unbelievable situation: it will now rise in the west and set in the east, and oceans will also rise. Those are the results of a magnetic field out of control.
Mountain-High Waves
The Choctaws from Oklahoma tell the following about this: "In the north appeared mountain-high waves, quickly coming closer." The Indians of Oregon tell the following story about Mount Jefferson, three kilometers high: "A huge flood inundated the land. Then the water drew back. A second time a flood inundated the land and drew back. Afraid of a next and even bigger flood, they cut the biggest cedar tree they could find and made the biggest canoe they had ever seen. When the flood came for the third time, they chose the strongest and cleverest man and woman and placed them in the canoe, together with enough food for many days. Then a bigger and deeper flood engulfed all the land and all the people."
There are facts to prove this. Sediments of the previous flood are found at great heights. Huge layers of cobblestone sand, sometimes containing layers of clay and silt, can be found in Scotland on the slopes of valleys and hillsides. In Yorkshire, layers and displaced boulders were found at a height of 600 meters, indicating a total inundation.
Similar terraces exist in North America, located in the White Mountains at a height of 750 meters. These and other loam-like and striated sediments were dropped there by a huge tidal wave. In other places, something different happened with the loam layers. They were baked in the twinkling of an eye. You will know why right now.
Electrocution at Planetary Scale
One hundred and sixty years ago, the English physicist Michael Faraday discovered the laws of electricity. He built the first successful dynamo and proved that a fluctuating magnetic field generates electrical currents. If a dynamo can generate an electric current, doesn't it seem logical enough that the moment the magnetic field of the earth reverses, enormous electrical currents are produced? That a current surge of planetary magnitude sends billions of volts through the air and over the ground? What else could have baked layers of mud so quickly that they were changed into rock in the twinkling of an eye? So fast, that the impacts of prehistoric raindrops are still visible, after billions of years! Yes indeed! In the rocks of the Grand Canyon you can admire the small indentations of these raindrops, as well as the footprints of dinosaurs. Imagine the raw power that must have raged through and around our planet to bake this mud so quickly.
This is also the power from which most of the heat-formed rocks were created. Gigantic currents raged through the sediments, changing their composition instantly. Clay sediments metamorphose into slate at 100 to 200 degrees Celsius. At higher temperatures, they become liquid and can flood across hundreds of kilometers. Depending on the existing minerals in the clay layers, other sorts of rocks can form. With sufficient heat, limestone will crystallize into marble, while pure sandstone will change into quartz. Even granite is made of heated re-crystallized sediments. Something caused this heat. And that something is a changing magnetic field. Therefore, at the moment of the forthcoming pole reversal, masses of lightning will be seen raging in the sky.
At the same time, we find in this the explanation of the fact that the Atlanteans saw huge bolts of lightning striking the surface of the oceans, just before the earth started to tilt (see my book The Orion Prophecy). This was the moment when the inner rotation of the earth changed and the magnetic field tilted. In 2012, dramatic lightshows will foretell the end of our civilization. Vivid yellow, purple and blue lightning bolts will torment our eyes, while above our heads continuous thunder will explode and roll over the astonished spectators.
When the inside of the earth starts turning the other way, the magnetic field will change in one blow.
Worldwide, but especially at the poles, gigantic lightning sheets will criss-cross the skies: the prelude to the complete downfall of our technical civilization. Together with the current surge, an immense electromagnetic pulse will "electrocute" all electronic connections; they will literally "burn" themselves out. Personally, I find this is the worst that can happen to us, because this will throw us back into the Stone Age.
A long time ago our ancestors gained scientific insight into the catastrophes that took place with a reversing magnetic field. To top that, they knew how to calculate this beforehand… We would now be building survival arks if wars hadn't caused the loss of this knowledge. But it turned out to be different. All knowledge about the cataclysm that awaits us has been dissolved in the mist of times.
And when the earth reverses its direction of movement, the seas will again gather into immeasurable tides…and planetary lightning will electrocute huge parts of the earth. Without notice the astonished spectators will start fighting a battle they will lose against this planetary violence of nature adrift, and almost all will perish in a horrible way…
The destruction
The descendants of the survivors of the previous catastrophe, the Maya and the Old Egyptians, left us a serious warning: without any doubt the world will end in 2012. The Northern Hemisphere especially will be stricken. To inform us about this, they left us buildings, myths about tidal waves, star codes, the sunspot cycle theory and a descending calendar. Serious information. The same cataclysm that destroyed their fatherland will strike us now. With an incredibly accurate scientific knowledge they calculated how and when this will take place. They worked on a highly advanced astronomic level, which we have not yet reached, however unbelievable this may sound. We can learn tremendously from their calculations and the study of their astronomical zodiac, among other things, that cataclysms tormented the earth regularly. For long periods of time, the ages pass normally. But then, suddenly, an explosion of unstoppable violence occurs on the sun, rocketing a burning cloud of plasma to the earth. Nothing can stop it. Not even we, with our so-called "superior" knowledge. We will completely unexpectedly encounter and endure this event, which will result in a massive destruction.
To illustrate the polar reversal, the Old Egyptians left us their astronomic history. In it they tell us exactly what happened during the previous disasters: in one day the movement of the ages was shaken thoroughly. The earth changed her precession abruptly on three occasions and her direction of movement twice. Astronomically seen, their code message is a masterpiece: simple and at the same time horrifically accurate. In Hamlet's Mill,Giorgio de Santillana and Herta von Dechend reason that the Zodiac was made to describe disasters that occurred cyclically after long time intervals. And they give a lot of evidence for this. From the work of Albert Slosman we know that this was indeed the case. He deciphered the passing of the Zodiac over the last forty thousand years. His deciphering shows vividly that the earth's axis started to rotate in the opposite direction at certain regular points in time! And that the civilization of Aha-Men-Ptah was able to pre-calculate the last cataclysm two thousand years in advance! Furthermore, I discovered that their descendants pre-calculated the next disturbance in the earth's axis for 2012!
The astronomical Zodiac of the Old Egyptians describes the previous ages in which catastrophes or pole reversals took place on earth. At the end of 2012, we can add to this a new polar reversal. We can only speculate to which age we will be catapulted.
This confronts us with the biggest challenge in human history: the survival of this imminent cataclysm. This gigantic geological disaster will destroy our civilization thoroughly and completely. There is no doubt about that. You can either react with disbelief or with panic, or denial. Or you can roll up your sleeves and make the necessary preparations in order to survive this. And I mean completely roll up the sleeves, because, to put it plainly, what lies ahead of us is very bad. Not to say completely hopeless. I already suffered terrible nightmares, but these will not stop the cataclysm. Three days after the sun's pole reversal in 2012, we will see and be in the following situation:
- The polar reversal of the magnetic field of the sun will send a huge cloud of electromagnetic particles into space. As a result all satellites around the earth will be completely destroyed. Immediately hereafter, the poles will crash and the magnetic field of the earth will be supercharged within a short period of time. In an instant, all electronic equipment will be destroyed through an internal short circuit, as a result of the electromagnetic pulse. Through this, 99.9999999999999 percent of our knowledge will be lost within just a couple of hours. Result: our computer-dependent civilization will be wiped away completely.
- Huge earthquakes and volcanic outbursts destroy all buildings and installations, leaving them in ruins. Nothing will be left of high-rise blocks and everything else will be leveled. Completely leveled. The following earth crust shift and tidal wave will make the knowledge buried in the ruins, amongst which especially will be books, useless forever.
- Almost all regions will have a climate change. All of a sudden Europe and the United States of America will be thrust into a new ice age, in which life is barely possible. As we do not know how big the earth crust shift will be and which parts will be shifted, we also do not know where to restart a civilization. Possible places could be India, South America, Africa and the high mountains of Thailand. Later I will go deeper into that.
- Because of the tidal wave and the huge storms that torment the earth's surface, all food supplies will be destroyed. All trees will be uprooted; all growing fields will be lost or drenched with salty and contaminated water. It can take years before sufficient food will be able to be grown again to feed the survivors.
- All the drilling installations in the world's oil fields will be torn apart. The wells will either leak into the surrounding areas, or the earthquakes will cover the holes. It is certain that it will be impossible to revive the installation works. They will be lost forever.
All energy supplies will be destroyed. Tanks with petrol derivatives will be torn open and the freed substances will overflow into the environment worldwide. Huge oil slicks from destroyed oil tankers will contaminate the oceans. They will wash ashore in the tidal waves of up to two kilometers in height and will pollute all of the agricultural land.
The magnitude of this problem should really not be underestimated. For years and years the black residue, together with the freed gas oils, will severely contaminate the soil, and make it impossible to grow plants, vegetables and trees.
In order to get an idea of the damage we can expect, you should compare this with an oil spill. Usually this creates a slick of tens of thousands of tons of oil in the sea. This quantity is sufficient to pollute severely hundreds of kilometers of coastline. Masses of sea animal species as well as a huge number of birds die in a greasy goo. But everybody knows this scenario only too well. But do you realize that in 2012, almost all supplies will be released in one go? And what a catastrophe this will cause? Probably not. Some figures will put this in perspective. Every day about eighty million barrels of oil are being drilled up. This amount can cause thousands of big oil spills! If then you also know that the worldwide supplies are sufficient for about three months, you can immediately calculate that about a hundred thousand ecological super catastrophes will plague the earth! This is more than sufficient to contaminate hundreds of thousands of kilometers of coast. In other words, everywhere on this planet you will be confronted with mountains of grunge, a cluttered mess, covering most of the processing capacity of the earth. Besides an almost complete decimation caused by this disaster, the people and animals that are left will perish in this super contamination. I do not know a better reason for reducing these supplies to nil before the disaster takes place!
- Harbors and ships will also be completely destroyed in the catastrophic events. The wide-scale transportation of goods with, for instance banana boats or container ships, will be totally impossible.
- Cars and trucks will be compressed into tin by the forces of nature and the tidal wave. Some may be reconstructed, if this is done quickly, because the salty water causes rapid oxidation and corrosion. On top of this is the remaining problem of the complete destruction of all energy supplies. And the factories that manufacture car tires and other essential products will not exist anymore… So, therefore, any reconstructed vehicles will not last long.
- Hospitals, dentist practices, and all other health services, will be reduced to ruins. Life-supporting knowledge of years of practice will be gone forever. Should you be hurt and even have a small injury, the result could be fatal.
- During the earth's crust shift with its titanic quakes, the hundreds of nuclear plants on our planet will be destroyed. It is my biggest fear that the quantity of radioactivity, which will be catapulted into the atmosphere of our planet, will be sufficient to completely contaminate our living environment. Here we will be confronted with the same problem as with that of the oil supplies: gigantic pollution on a worldwide scale. Nobody can escape from this. We really have to take this into consideration. Because the further we stay away from the radioactive debris, for at least the first decades, the bigger our survival chances.
- All life-threatening and toxic products from chemical factories will be dumped into our environment. At many places it will take thousands, and maybe even in some cases tens of thousands, of years before everything will be absorbed back into nature. For example, the products that get trapped under the poles can remain there untouched until the next pole shift. Within twelve thousand years they can re-appear. They form a serious danger for all future generations.
- Electricity and telephone networks will be torn apart and completely useless. All electricity generating plants will be reduced to ruins. Even more serious will be the following: due to the generated induction currents together with the pole reversal, all electronic and electrical equipment's will be useless for ever!
- Airplanes will have crashed already before the pole reversal takes place, caused by the electromagnetic storms coming from the sun. These storms damage the equipment and the airplanes will be uncontrollable.
These are just a few of the many instances of destruction you will be confronted with. The list is too long to complete. I could write many books from this list. In short, it concerns a total destruction, more destructive than an atomic war and thousands of times worse than an asteroid colliding with the earth! Should you want to prepare yourself for this super catastrophe, I advise you to watch all the movies about atomic wars, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and colliding asteroids. Should you add up all the consequences shown in those movies, you would not come close to the destruction to be expected! In other words: an unknown entity. So you need have no illusions about that. The story of the Swiss Family Robinson shipwrecked on a tropical island would be an absolute utopia compared to this destroyed and polluted world.
The ruin of our civilization will be complete. In the space of one day, we will go back to the Stone Age. And this is expressed conservatively, because our environment will be totally disrupted, with very little food and natural resources. No comfort, warmth or electricity. For a lot of people this will be sufficient reason not to choose the effort needed to survive and accept their fate without any resistance, preferring to die in the apocalyptic events than to keep on living in a seemingly endless fight. In some respects, I would not disagree with them. And as I reasoned in my previous books, only a small fraction of the earth's population will survive this disaster. The biggest part of the world population has little chances. There are simply not enough safe places and ships. Even with a large-scale building program, we can only save a couple of hundred of thousand people at most. And I am still not taking into account the lack of food supplies after the cataclysm. Moreover, there will be a lot of unknowns, like the possible effects of the huge chemical pollution, the radioactive debris, etceteras. Many will realize this and resign themselves to their end. Others will voluntarily sacrifice themselves for the continued existence of human kind.
However, my urge to survive is terribly strong. From childhood I have had an inner feeling that when I grow up, I would create something "big": "save the world." That sort of feeling, and that is the reason why I am so obsessed about this subject. I know and realize that I am probably the only one in the world that has a well-defined rescue plan. Nobody is going to believe it, until it is too late… And then the continued existence of humankind is severely in danger. Realizing this goes against my principles. At this particular moment I am 47, and have no children and therefore my survival urge shouldn't have to be that strong. But yet every vein in my body is drenched with it. So why couldn't I convince those who are parents? Their children are in immediate deadly danger. To many, having children is the most important reason for their existence. Would it then not be worthwhile to save them? Of course it is. Therefore my call to all responsible parents and people who already are convinced is to start preparing themselves. Prepare themselves thoroughly. With masses of food, materials and relevant books.
But even if we do so it will be an immense task for us – the few survivors – to restart a civilization. We will be confronted with an incredible number of problems. In order not be overwhelmed by them, we need to concentrate on the most needed products and services. Like what? I have thought about this for a long time. After a lot of pondering I have made a list you can find in the back of How To Survive 2012. You will see in it very simple things, like elementary books about electricity, sciences and mathematics. No complicated things whatsoever. This cannot be otherwise, because nothing will be left. Starting with the basic knowledge and materials, we can work on further.
Should we not have these basic things, we can forget about it. Should we, however, know how to create electricity, we then can reconstruct a civilization that is worthwhile. Nothing works without electricity. Therefore I think a library is of the utmost importance. Knowledge is power. It has always been like that and will always be like that. We, the survivors, can make a mark in a new world with what we know. Control and rule the earth in a natural way. Only in such a way it is possible to succeed in our most important task. It will not be easy, of that you can be sure. Only really motivated and well-trained people can handle this. Should you feel ready for this, I advise you to start working on it as soon as possible and look up the last pages of this book. Choose those things you can relate to best. Your children are already counting on your active support!
The Countdown Continues at Full Force…
We are living our last days and do not realize it. Why don't we listen to the truth of the myths and legends of these lost scientists? Why do we not believe in their calculations? What are we waiting for before organizing the biggest rescue expedition ever? It is not that difficult to decipher that everything points to a mega disaster. Counting up and deducting obsessed the Maya, because they were obsessed by time. They left us at least six different descending calendars. At the moment a calendar ended, they feared that the universe would be destroyed. With calendars of different lengths they felt safer. They thought they could avert a cosmologic catastrophe. When the 260 days of Tzolkin ended, Tun (or long countdown) continued to run. Every fifty-two years Tun coincided with Haab, and was called The Holy Year. On that day the Maya sacrificed people in order to prevent annihilation. The Maya feared that at the moment that all calendars jumped to zero they would be without time. A calamity without an equal would be involved.
Number Zero and the End of the Mayan Calendar
Based on the prediction of the wise men of the Maya in the vicinity of Yucatan the world will end in 2000 y pico – "and a bit.". How much is that "bit"? The Great Cycle of the Maya calendar started in great darkness on the 11 th of August 3114 BC and will end after five millennia on the 21 st of December 2012. According to the Mayan wise men 13 cycles will have passed: 0 Katuns, 0 Tuns, 0 Uinals and 0 Kins, since the beginning of the Big Cycle. That day will be ruled by the Sun God, the ninth Lord of the Night.
Number Zero and the Magnetic Field of the Sun
According to the sunspot cycle theory of the Maya, at that particular moment the magnetic field of the sun will jump to zero. And the zero depicts the end or the beginning of a sunspot cycle. Therefore a double zero! That must be the reason why the Maya were so obsessed with the the zero of the different calendars coinciding. And what is waiting ahead of us? Obviously a gigantic mega short circuit in the inner nucleus of the sun. Or in other words, the awakening of the Sun God in an explosion of solar outbursts. For us this means the End of Times – for humanity the biggest horror ever. Or, in the words of the Katun prophecy in the Book of Chilam Balam of Tizimun:
Ca hualahom caan | Then the sky is divided |
Ca nocpahi peten | Then the land is raised |
Ca ix hopp i | And then there begins |
U hum ox lahun ti ku | The Book of the 13 Gods |
Ca uch i | Then occurs |
Noh hai cabil | The great flooding of the Earth |
Ca lik i | Then arises |
Noh Itzam Cab Ain | The great Itzam Cab Ain |
Tz'ocebal u than | The ending of the world |
U uutz' katun | The fold of the Katun |
Lai hun yeciil | That is a deluge |
Bin tz'oce(ce)bal | Which will be the ending |
u than katun | of the word of the Katun |
And with the words of Marduk:
When I stood up from my throne and let the flood break in, the connection between Earth and Heaven was broken off …
The gods, which trembled, the stars of heaven – that changed their position and I did not bring them back.
These scriptures show the death-struggle of our civilization. It is as a huge uprooted tree with its roots in the air. A breath of air can break off any connection. After the catastrophe this will be even more precarious and our lives will be hanging by a thread. With all possible power we will have to plant ourselves again in the universe. Let us therefore prepare ourselves for the extinction of our civilization, and the resurrection in a bigger life connected with the earth and the cosmos. When we succeed in that, we can consider our mission to be successful. And we have a lot of chance to succeed. According to old prophecies new sciences will sprout at the beginning of the new era. They will settle scores with the many problems we meet today. Furthermore new forms of curing illness will put an end to almost all diseases. Because we have the prior knowledge, I see it as our task to make this come true…