Does the Mayan calendar predict the evolution of consciousness?

How – if ‘civilisation’ is as old as we’ve been hitherto told – could the same cultural ‘firsts’ in societies so geographically diverse have at once contemporaneously, yet also independently, emerged?

And how – if the brain solely generates consciousness and thought, could these same societies based on kingship, that suddenly constructed pyramids, have independently evolved of their own accord? 

Such questions concerning consciousness, science and the historical specificity of our time are united by physical biologist Dr Carl Calleman, our Author of the Month for October, and this article based on his newest book, The Global Mind. 

Books by Carl Johan Calleman

The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization The Quantum Evolution of Consciousness

The Rise of Civilization

Graham Hancock has often pointed out that we are a species with amnesia. Even if my own take on the distant past of humanity is different, he has made a very important point. The view humans have — of the origin of civilization today — fundamentally influences how we look at what is going on in our own time; it may, therefore, be incalculably detrimental to ignore our origins. In this article I seek to demonstrate that the views humans have of the origin of civilization is something that has immediate consequences for how we understand our current global civilization; where it came from, where it is going, and what we should do about it. The rise of civilization is not a mere matter of theoretical interest.

My own explanation as to the rise of civilization is based on the Mayan calendar system and how this describes the evolution of the human mind. This is described in my most recent book The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization – The Quantum Evolution of Consciousness. The Mayan calendar is usually associated with December 21, 2012 – a certain date when the world was purportedly coming to an end; but this is a gross misrepresentation of the complex calendrical system, which prevents us from learning what is really important about our past and future. The nine waves of the Mayan calendar system, all emanating from the center of the universe and not directly subordinated to the local astronomical cycles of our own solar system, are actually still running. These nine waves have different starting points, frequencies and polarities, and play different roles for the creation of life in the universe, not only biologically, but also mentally and spiritually. What is of concern in this article is the Sixth Wave (usually referred to as the Long Count) beginning in 3115 BCE, and its relationship with the evolution of civilization.

To begin, it is important to have a strict definition of civilization for the discussion of these matters. I am basing mine on the Latin word civitas, which means ‘city,’ and so ‘civilization’ as I use it means a culture organized around city life (which should also be in possession of a system of writing). With this definition in mind, the megaliths of Göbekli Tepe reflect a preparatory step in the development of civilization, as shown in Figure 2. According to this criteria, the rise of civilization seems to have occurred in two steps where the emergence of the first rectilinear structures represent a “first time.”

Figure 1. The first appearance of some significant aspects of civilization (From The Nine Waves of Creation, Inner Traditions, December 2016, Sources: Wikipedia).

Figure 1. The first appearance of some significant aspects of civilization (From The Nine Waves of Creation, Inner Traditions, December 2016, Sources: Wikipedia).

Remarkably, civilization in this sense seems to have arrived on our planet as a “package,” with a number of seemingly diverse phenomena manifesting at approximately the same time. Figure 1 demonstrates that a number of urban and cultural “firsts” in human history emerged independently, within the very narrow timeframe of 3200-3000 BCE: the Egyptian, Mesopotamian and Indus Valley civilizations. Why, then did civilizations emerge simultaneously in separate locations at this very time? Why did phenomena related to such civilizations, such as the monarchy, pyramids and the use of numerals, seem to appear together as a “package”? Why did people start to build pyramids at the very same time in places as diverse as Mongolia, Egypt, Peru and Sardinia, cultures that could hardly have been in communication with each other? And why, based on the archeological record, does Egypt seem to have gone from a Stone Age culture to a sophisticated monarchy building pyramids in less than seven generations? It seems to me like there was something inherently special about this time – some sort of globalizing force – since the whole planet seems to have been affected. For better or for worse, people, at least in locations where the agricultural conditions were favorable, became civilized.

Fig 2. The building of pyramids in the world as related to the Mayan Sixth Wave (Long Count) beginning in 3115 BC in the center of the picture. Note that the first rectangular structures in the world appear at the time when the pre-Long Count begins in 8240 BC in Göbekli Tepe and close by locations. (From The Global Mind and The Rise of Civilization).

Fig 2. The building of pyramids in the world as related to the Mayan Sixth Wave (Long Count) beginning in 3115 BC in the center of the picture. Note that the first rectangular structures in the world appear at the time when the pre-Long Count begins in 8240 BC in Göbekli Tepe and close-by locations. (From The Global Mind and The Rise of Civilization).

The Global Mind

How, as conventional science and archaeology maintains, could civilization have arrived on our planet as a “package” fashioning strikingly similar architectural, mythological, and cultural phenomena? Logic assumes that either the cultures were in direct contact with one another, or that there is such a thing as a collective consciousness of humanity, a kind of cognitive, globalizing force. Could such a connection – by means a collective consciousness – be possible? According to what mechanism could the individual minds of humans in widely different cultures be connected and led to create similar architectural structures?

Recent research has indicated that such connections may indeed exist. Roger Nelson, leader of the Global Consciousness Project and Dean Radin, author of the book Entangled Minds, have shown that there was a significant effect on random number generators in New York even shortly before the tragic events of 9/11.2,3 Key to the Global Consciousness Project is that large numbers of people focusing on the same, emotionally charged event have been seen to cause the numbers generated by the generators to become less random, indicating that events on earth are connected to an underlying quantum field. Changes in this underlying quantum field is what I believe the Mayan calendar describes.

Radin also describes how individuals (aka senders), having sent information to receivers from a distance, have caused exactly the same brain parts to be affected in the latter. That the receivers have been ignorant of what stimuli the sender was exposed to is so shocking that the results of these tests will likely remain unpublicized.4 There is, however, little doubt among the Global Consciousness Project and scientists like myself, that individual human minds are intrinsically connected.

The results of these scientific studies, in conjunction with our conventional knowledge on the evolution of civilization shown in Figures 1 and 2, indicate the existence of an overriding global mind that organizes our collective consciousness so that it evolves according to a time plan. This is where my own work comes in.

I have spent years exploring the resonance between individual minds and the global mind common to everyone on Earth. One of the lines of evidence for such a connection is the concordance between brain wave frequencies and mental states in human individuals, (Figure 3) and the frequency ranges of different shells of the Earth’s atmospheric and geophysical system (Figure 4).

Figure 3. The relationships between brain waves, frequency ranges and mental states in normal human individuals. (From The Global Mind and The Rise of Civilization).

Figure 3. The relationships between brain waves, frequency ranges and mental states in normal human individuals. (From The Global Mind and The Rise of Civilization).

Fig 4. Electromagnetic frequencies of different boundary areas in the Earth’s atmospheric-geophysical system. (From The Global Mind and The Rise of Civilization).

Fig 4. Electromagnetic frequencies of different boundary areas in the Earth’s atmospheric-geophysical system. (From The Global Mind and The Rise of Civilization).

What is evident here is that the brain wave frequencies of human individuals in varying mental states correspond with shells of the Earth’s atmospheric-geophysical system respectively. The Global Mind expands on previous research on the most well-known of these frequencies, the Schumann Resonance, to illustrate that every individual is always in resonance with one of these shells of the Earth, state of mind notwithstanding. That human thinking originates in the isolated brain is thus an illusion. Human thinking is primarily a product of the resonance of the individual brain with the Earth’s crystalline inner core, which provides the structure for brain activities in the gamma wave range.

Since this is true for all human individuals we can indeed talk about a global mind that we are all in resonance with; and if this global mind undergoes change, it follows that people everywhere will undergo similar change, like what happened at the beginning of the Mayan Long Count (Figure 2). If a mental change takes place at an Earthly level evolution is consequently redirected, amounting to a collective shift in consciousness. The mode by which the global mind may bring such a change about is of primary concern in the book.

The Global Mind postulates that the introduction of an overriding geometrical system represented as a phase shift in the Mayan calendar waves took place, causing simultaneous, global change to occur. Cognitive shifts as such thus subordinate our individual destinies to the overall cosmic plan that, as the ancients knew well, emanates from the center of the universe – what they would call the Tree of Life.

The Beginning of the Mayan Long Count

It is the purpose of The Global Mind to provide a thorough explanation as to the contemporaneous rise of so many civilizations around 3115BCE, which was the beginning of the Mayan Long Count. Even if the Mayan civilization only came to flourish some 3000 years after this point in time, it did give an explicit explanation as to why this was set as the starting date for this calendar. On the Tablet of the Cross in Palenque it is said that at this point in time, “the First Father erected the World Tree” so that “the light could enter… It was made proper, the Raised-up Sky-Place, the Eight-House-Partition, is its holy name, the House in the North.” This may at first sound cryptic; but it is not if you place it in the context of Mayan and Mesoamerican cosmology, where the world is often portrayed as an eight-partitioned cosmogram with the Tree of Life at its center:

Figure 5. Worldview maps showing the eight-partitioning of the global grid. (a) Mayan cosmogram from the Codex Madrid. In the center is the Tree of Life, the polar axis, which is surrounded by eight deities and various calendrical signs defining their spiritual qualities. (b) Aztec cosmogram from Codex Fejérváry-Mayer with a central deity in the north from which Trees of Life are projected in eight different directions. (Wikimedia Commons.)

Figure 5. Worldview maps showing the eight-partitioning of the global grid. (a) Mayan cosmogram from the Codex Madrid. In the center is the Tree of Life, the polar axis, which is surrounded by eight deities and various calendrical signs defining their spiritual qualities. (b) Aztec cosmogram from Codex Fejérváry-Mayer with a central deity in the north from which Trees of Life are projected in eight different directions. (Public Domain.)

It seems that the Maya in Palenque were communicating that in 3115 BCE, a global grid of eight directions was activated, emanating from the North Pole, where the First Father (who we would probably refer to as God today) erected the Tree of Life. The activation of this grid of straight and perpendicular lines amounted to a very profound shift in consciousness, endowing humans with a structured and rational, or if you like compartmentalized, mind for the first time. The Global Mind covers the phenomena (Figure 1) that came with the package of civilization circa 3200-3000 BCE, and the “downloading” of this new geometry of holographic minds. The effects of this new global mind were remarkably varied, but most tangibly, as humans started to resonate with this they also started to create phenomena in the external world that reflected its geometry of straight and perpendicular forms. “As inside, so outside,” the saying goes.

The Global Mind and the Great Pyramid at Giza

Fig. 6. Satellite photo of the Great Pyramid of Giza showing that it is eight-sided. (Apollo Mapping and DigitalGlobe. With permission from Ikonos.)

Fig. 6. Satellite photo of the Great Pyramid of Giza showing that it is eight-sided. (Apollo Mapping and DigitalGlobe. With permission from Ikonos.)

Pharaoh Khufu’s pyramid, also known as the Great Pyramid of Giza, is a great example of an external projection of the global mind. Though estimated to have been built around 2600 BCE, the Giza plateau is said to have been prepared for the construction of pyramids by about 3200 BCE. As seen in Figure 6, this pyramid is eight-partitioned, or if we like, eight-sided, but only during the equinoxes. The eight-sidedness of the pyramid resonates soundly with the Mayan inscription; and since it is considerably more difficult to build an eight-sided pyramid than a four-sided one, there must have been an important reason to do so. I suggest that it was built as a reflection of the emergence of the new compartmentalized global mind. To support this, we know that the Great Pyramid deviates only four-sixtieths of a degree from True North, which according to the Mayans is where the eight-partitioned grid of the Earth originates. Pyramids built around the third and late fourth millennium BCE in other parts of the world are thus manifestations of the shift in consciousness that took place as a result of the activation of the perpendicular grid.

If the Great Pyramid was built to reflect the new global mind, this should be evident in its dimensions. Its perimeter is usually given as 921.455 meters, which according to Eckhart R Schmitz in The Great Pyramid of Giza corresponds with the circumference of the Earth divided by 43,200. The perimeter of the Great Pyramid thus corresponds to half a minute of arc on the equator of the Earth. Since number 360 (upon which the system of minutes of arc is based) was used in very ancient times and has metaphysical properties, the particular size of this pyramid was most likely determined based on its relationship with the circumference of the Earth.

The point here is that the perimeter of the Great Pyramid – in conjunction with its eight-sidedness, the constant π and the direction towards True North – was determined so that its geometric structure reflected the global mind, the equator governing its size. This is an alternative explanation as to why ancient pyramids and other megalithic structures incorporate different geometric and geodesic constants. According to The Global Mind, ancient architects did not ask themselves how they were to build π or phi into the construction, or how they were to incorporate the Schumann Resonance or the circumference of the earth in its architectural design. More likely was that the ancient architects were creatively guided by the mental resonance of the Earth, since early in the Sixth Wave the power of the global mind would have been very strong and clear.

Indeed, presumed in The Global Mind is that many geodesic constants like the circumference of the Earth will be automatically built into the architecture of a megalith in which the global mind has been manifested. Most likely therefore, is that the early dynastic Egyptians were unaware that their pyramids would incorporate geometric and geodesic constants. Naturally, however, these constants have become sources of astonishment to many modern people, who have known their values with a very high accuracy, but have not looked upon the Great Pyramid as a product of ancient quantum consciousness, or the global mind.

The Maya and the Veda

The Mayan calendar system may be the only calendar system on our planet based on the underlying quantum field of creation rather than on astronomy. Among the thousands of inscriptions the Mayans left behind, there is for instance no mention of the precessional cycle of 26,000 years. At the same time, the Mayan calendar might be the only calendar system which correctly describes the rise and fall of civilizations in accordance with the underlying quantum field of creation. (Figures 8 and 9). Notable, moreover, is that the Kali Yuga, the ancient Vedic yuga system (different to the modern one developed by Sri Yukteswar) begins in 3102 BCE, a date very similar to the beginning of the Mayan Long Count.7 We may henceforth assume that these two systems originally aimed to describe not only the same contemporaneous reality, but also the evolution of what we can effectively call the global mind.

Comparing the Vedic texts’ outline of the beginning of the Kali Yuga with the Mayan explanation of the beginning of the Long Count is very intriguing indeed. In India, it is said that in 3102 BCE Krishna left the world, which was then invaded by the demon Kali, a symbol of discord and quarrel. This explanation is, in essence, the same as the Mayan – a shift in consciousness generating compartmentalization and separation – but because of obvious cultural differences the deities involved are not identical. For the downloading of the new eight-partitioned global grid not only created a ubiquitous mind of rectilinear geometry, but also a light/darkness duality between the left and right brain halves (depicted in Figure 7; and if you look closely in Fig 5b you will see that the deities there are similarly pairs of light and darkness). The separation of the individual mind into left and right is thus a microcosm of the global, collective shift in consciousness, which is the evolution of the global mind.

Figure 7. Resonance between the Individual human mind and the Global Mind in the particular duality dominating the Sixth Wave of the Mayan calendar. Civilization (and for instance pyramids) was created as the straight and perpendicular lines of this new mind was projected into human creativity.

Figure 7. Resonance between the Individual human mind and the Global Mind in the particular duality dominating the Sixth Wave of the Mayan calendar. Civilization (and for instance pyramids) was created as the straight and perpendicular lines of this new mind was projected into human creativity.

The Global Mind contends that the rectilinear geometry of the human mind originates in straight lines on the level of the inner core of Earth, which separates the mentalities of the Western and the Eastern Hemispheres. As a consequence, the Yin/Yang-duality shown in Figure 7 not only created the compartmentalization of the human mind that was necessary for us to create civilizations, but also created discord between Oriental and Occidental civilizations, leading to societies based on divisions into classes, and constant warfare, which became an integral part of the monarchies that emerged at the dawn of civilization.

The energetic separations resulting from the duality of the Earth and the human mind enables us to understand why the Vedic tradition saw the beginning of the Kali Yuga as bringing discord and quarrel through the demon Kali. Krishna, who symbolized the light of the earlier semi-shamanic consciousness then left the Earth as duality began to dominate human relationships. There is a remarkable similarity between the traditional Mayan and Vedic calendrical systems – both regarding their beginnings, and the meanings these had for life on Earth, although both temporally and geographically dispersed. The Global Mind asserts that these two calendrical systems are similar in such a way as to map the growth of global consciousness.

The Rise and Fall of Empires

Figure 8. Empires dominating civilization in the seven first peaks (odd-numbered baktuns) of the Mayan Sixth Wave (Long Count).

Figure 8. Empires dominating civilization in the seven first peaks (odd-numbered baktuns) of the Mayan Sixth Wave (Long Count).

Figure 8 shows that through the Sixth Wave of the Mayan calendar, we today are more connected to the original rise of civilization than generally assumed. This is because this wave, with its peaks and valleys, (also called days and nights) has continued to guide the rise and fall of civilizations into our own time and beyond. As evident in this diagram, the rise of major civilizations has coincided with the “peaks” of the Mayan Sixth Wave, which have been the periods in which the global mind has been activated. From a deeper study of this we may also understand that the Mayan calendar system is not based on astronomical cycles, but on a quantum field of waves that underlies our directly observable reality.

One of the prime reasons as to why we are a species with amnesia is because the Mayan calendar system has been so significantly misunderstood (and often intentionally misrepresented) that humankind is ignorant as to the creation waves that affect it, and the quantum field that drives evolution. To illustrate its relevance to our own time, please refer to Figure 9, which is a close-up of the last day of the Sixth Wave. This describes the rise and fall of the British Empire (but if I were to include more detail it could be made to more broadly show the rise and fall of Western dominance). As a direct parallel to how Menes, the first pharaoh, unified the crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt (circa 3150 BCE) at the beginning of the first ‘day’ of the Sixth Wave, we may see how shortly before the beginning of the Seventh day (1603), the unification of the crowns of Scotland, Ireland and England took place in Britain. This was somewhat of a prerequisite for the build-up of the British Empire, which began with the trading post in India in 1615 and the first lasting land-based colony in Massachusetts in 1620 – in very close proximity to the exact beginning of this ‘day’ in 1617. Following this, Great Britain in this ‘day’ came to spread Western power throughout the world. It came to play a role far exceeding what you would expect from its population size, not only in the military and naval arenas, but also in the sciences, literature, industrial technology, and music.

Why Britain? Suffice it to say that a result of the rise and fall in the Seventh ‘day’ of the British Empire was that the world for the first time was brought together into one civilization. With the model I am presenting this seems logical. If the mind is global in character, and if this indeed is behind the rise of civilizations, then there would be reasons to expect that at some point this global mind should also generate a global civilization. This happened in the Seventh ‘day’ and it fell upon the British Empire, and more generally the Western powers, to do so.

Figure 9. The rise and fall of the British Empire as a function of wave movement of the Seventh day of the Mayan Long Count.

Figure 9. The rise and fall of the British Empire as a function of wave movement of the Seventh day of the Mayan Long Count.

If the beginning of the Seventh ‘day’ of the Long Count was the birth of the British Empire and the spread of Western dominance, we may also expect that the current shift into a ‘night’ means the end, or at least a severe weakening of this dominance, which in the most recent century has been upheld by the United States. It is for instance hard to believe that the exit of American troops from Iraq in mid-December 2011, only six weeks after the exact baktun shift point on October 28, 2011, was mere “coincidence”. This event was what marked the beginning of the new ‘night’.

This shift into a ‘night’ of the Sixth Wave may also give us new perspective on the turmoil that the world is going through. The political systems of the Empires of the previous ‘day’, Great Britain and the United States, were based on the structure of the global mind that was active in this time period. As we turn into a ‘night’ we may expect at least a partial disintegration of these political systems. The Brexit vote and the Trump candidacy point in that direction. We may for instance take note of the fact that the Brexit vote, which threatens the integrity of the United Kingdom, took place only a few years after the beginning of the new ‘night’, and that it was on the formation of the United Kingdom that the British Empire was built in the previous ‘day’. The real, long term quantum causes underlying such events therefore remain unknown to people. Meanwhile, the recent deactivation of the global mind of the Sixth Wave causes the structure of nation-states to weaken everywhere, and as a result, the world seems to have gone crazy. The study of our connections to ancient civilizations has since become an urgent matter.

In view of the Global Mind, modern people are blinded by their short-term outlook as to the factors that underlie the rise and evolution of civilization. We are oblivious to the wave movements that determine the overall course of civilization. We are like ants that only see a very narrow perspective, which is our immediate environment, within a context of underlying quantum reality. When it comes to perspectives on the Mayan calendar, this is something we must absolutely come to grips with by seeking to understand what ancient architects were saying, instead of dismissing their work as mere myth, “coincidence”, or “unreality”. The purpose of The Global Mind is to provide background on what is happening in our current world and to assimilate the knowledge that the ancients sought to convey, so that we can deal with all facets of globalization appropriately.

Carl Johan Calleman, Santa Fe, NM.

September 16, 2016 (4 Kan, 3rd day of the 57th day of the Ninth Wave)


  4. Dean Radin, Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality, Paraview, New York, 2006, p. 138.
  1. David Freidel, Linda Schele and Joy Parker, Maya Cosmos: Three Thousand Years on the Shaman’s path, Morrow, New York 1993, pp. 71-75.
  2. Eckhart R. Schmitz, The Great Pyramid of Giza: Decoding the Measure of a Monument, 2012, download at
  1. Bibhu Dev Misra, The end of the Kali Yuga in 2025: Unraveling the mysteries of the Yuga Cycle,
  2. For a discussion of the connection between the Great Pyramid and Noah’s Ark please see my article
  3. For a discussion of this political situation please see my article Trump and Brexit – Why the world seems to be going crazy at:


Carl Johan Calleman, Solving the Greatest Mystery of Our Time: The Mayan Calendar, Garev, London and New York, 2001.

Carl Johan Calleman, The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness, Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT, 2004.

Carl Johan Calleman, The Purposeful Universe: How Quantum Theory and Mayan Cosmology explains the Origin and Evolution of Life, Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT, 2009.

Carl Johan Calleman, The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization: The Quantum Evolution of Consciousness, Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT, June 2016.

Carl Johan Calleman, The Nine Waves of Creatio; Quantum Physics, Holographic Evolution and the Destiny of Humanity, Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT, December 2016.

Graham Hancock, Magicians of the Gods: The Forgotten Wisdom of Earth’s Lost Civilization, Thomas Dunne Books, New York, NY, 2015.

Joseph Selbie and David Steinmetz, The Yugas: Keys to Understanding Man’s Hidden Past, Emerging Present and Future Enlightenment, Crystal Clarity, Nevada City, CA 2010.

Carl Johan Calleman holds a Ph.D. in physical biology from the University of Stockholm. A leading expert on the Mayan Calendar, he is the author of The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness and The Purposeful Universe. Carl has dedicated his life to identifying the underlying evolutionary processes that govern human history and our individual lives. He lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

8 thoughts on “The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization: Does the Mayan Calendar Predict the Evolution of Consciousness?”

  1. Jerry says:

    Beautiful work! And in my opinion the driving factor of the ‘ebb and flow’ of human evolution is for our overall spiritual growth and gaining wisdom of our Creator – to be in union with that force.

    1. Calleman says:

      Thank you.
      I agree that these waves provide the backdrop against our spiritual evolution takes place

  2. Andrew says:

    Chronus was exiled in Britain.

  3. Jenny Miner says:

    There is also the idea of Speciel Mind, or Speciel Memory. Humanity is more than their genetics, we were given a Speciel Mind as every sort of animal has theirs which decides behaviors and what genetics get expressed. Our Speciel Mind resides in the Pineal and our Conscience is our Speciel Mind’s counseling of us, and therefore our connection to God.

    There have been four generations of humanity on the Earth, Adam, Noah, Nimrod and we are fourth and each given a time to evolve, which is to learn the lesson of this plane of life. We cannot evolve if we are a threat to anyone or anything. Blessed are the peacemakers.

    Thanks for your article. It will take us time to go through it.

  4. Jenny Miner says:

    Delamer Duverus defines teleology as the study of patterns in time, divided into entelechies, which determine destination of life. Remembering back He said that the “begats” in the Bible were different patterns, and indeed at one time we found a book which listed each name and the meaning of the name, but we never were able to pursue an understanding of where we were.

    Your description of the Sixth Wave of Creation is interesting and could be the “entelechies” He describes. We think life is cyclic, as what happened before will happen again in the future, but we also understand through Him that there have been three generations of humanity before us, and each one seems to fall into the same patterns because we still haven’t learned the lesson of this plane of life.

    He also writes that when the negative red segment of our Earth left, our moon, and there are pictures of pyramids on the back side of the moon, those coming from that segment moved along our West Coast and the East Coast of Asia to settle in the Isthmuses of Central America and Egypt where they built pyramids, used the same Universal Calendar, practiced cannibalism, used slaves and worshipped Jehovah, the god of war and destruction. It wasn’t a “universal mind”, but that they had the same knowledge being from the same area. This was at the time of Noah, and at that time they were playing with the Tree of Life, the genetics of that human species, creating abominations and it seems we have come full circle for our scientists are doing the same.

    Of course, Humanity had the ability for a Triadic Language and the knowledge to levitate and to change the molecular structure to cut and move stones to build the pyramids, but we lost that at the time of Nimrod, the 3rd generation, because the pyramids are a part of a weapon, and Man came to destroy it before Nimrod and friends used it to make war against Man. At that time Man took away their ability to speak through the mind with each other and it was written in the Book of Jasher that they went a little crazy because of it being no longer able to communicate. Civilization probably did a nose dive. Man also took away our knowledge of how to build the Star Wars weapon.

    Yes, we are all intrinsically connected through the Speciel Mind though we feel separate, but it is important to think, write, and do teleologically so that we can strengthen our Speciel Mind and get ourselves into the future. Presently, a lot of humanity has let another mind think for them, in our case in America the god of war and destruction, but we must turn away from that or we will never evolve.

  5. Calleman says:

    The Pineal gland is a crucial aspect of the Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization,
    but it is not as if the mind resides in it. Rather, it is a crucial point for the downloading of the
    Global Mind to the brain. The explanation of the role of the pineal gland in my book
    is unique and what some spiritual people have claimed to be the only one to make sense.

  6. Jenny Miner says:

    At present we have no income to buy books to discover what you wrote, but we know from experience there are two minds at work on our planet, and one works telepathically, but Delamer Duverus says He works through the Pineal, which is why it is so crucial to protect it by not letting it get dissimulated or blocked so that other minds can get into ours and work, which we may or may not be able to differentiate from our own mind. Fluoride will calcify the Pineal, and LSD will block it for a time, so that people like Crick and Mullis gained genetic understanding while under LSD, as they both wrote, but it wasn’t from Man, it was from what we call the Alien Mind. We can see where this has gone, GMO foods and glyphosate and deterioration of the health of our people.

  7. Tulasi Dass says:

    Indus valley civilization is far older than any civilizations in the world. Recent research shows it dates back to 8000-9000 b.c. The yugas your are speaking of didn’t start with Kali Yuga. The four yugas are like cycle repeat again and again. To complete four yugas it takes 25000 years. which is equal to the revolution of solar system that is our sun around our Galaxy. so technically speaking that makes human civilization very old not just 10000 years. That makes Indian civilization oldest in the world. Nor Lord Krishna or Hinduism is a semi-shaminic consciousness actually it is vedic consciousness they represent. vedic religion is not shamanism. actually shamanism and animism are degeneration of vedic dharma saying both are same is nothing else but ignorance.

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