About Steve Bsharat

Steve Bsharat, a father of 2 children, is an ENTJ-A Type personality with 22 years of experience working in banking technology from Toronto, Canada. Steve deeply enjoys the study of History, Astronomy, Cosmology, Astrology, Philosophy, Science, Mythology, & Human Psychology. Steve is a Monroe Institute Gateway Experience enthusiast. Steve is a friend to nature and animals and an excellent gardener. Steve enjoys numerous hobbies such as skydiving, white-water rafting, scuba diving, ice hockey, amateur boxing, learning to fly small aircraft, gaming, & sound/technology. Steve enjoys cooking and trying different types of foods from all over the world. Above all, Steve is a Seeker of Truth and Knowledge who forges his own path in search of a deeper understanding of reality and the universe. Steve believes such knowledge can help move humanity forward in a positive way.

Contact Steve at [email protected]

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