About Eckhart Schmitz

About the Author:

Eckhart R. Schmitz was born September 13, 1962 in Ottawa, Canada. His parents Hans J. Schmitz and Edeltraut Schmitz immigrated to Canada from Germany in 1952 and 1954 respectively.

His father was a Landscape Architect by profession and founded a Landscape Design and Construction firm in 1955. Both his uncles on his father's side are professional architects as well. Eckhart was engaged in draftsmanship at a very early age and had a very keen interest in architecture of ancient buildings already in his adolescence. One of his earliest pencil sketches in perspective drawing, at the age of 12, was of the Karnak Temple at Luxur.

At school, Eckhart excelled at mathematics and sciences and was an honour student in all disciplines. At the University of Ottawa, he studied Philosophy and Political Science, augmenting his studies in Business Administration and Economics. In his father's firm, he was trained in all aspects of design and construction with particular emphasis in Natural Stone Masonry.

Following his schooling, Eckhart managed a concrete manufacturing plant specializing in the fabrication of architectural components and at 30 assumed management of his present firm, founded by his father, which specializes in Masonry Construction and which now employs upwards of 78 people.

In his spare time, his personal interests include the study of ancient architecture for its aesthetic as well as its philosophical underpinnings as well as history and theology.

Books by Eckhart Schmitz

THE GREAT PYRAMID OF GIZA: Decoding the Measure of a Monument



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