Journalist Graham Hancock travels the globe hunting for evidence of mysterious, lost civilizations dating back to the last Ice Age.

Latest stories from the News Desk

Self-medicating gorillas may hold new drugs clues

Researchers in Gabon studied tropical plants eaten by wild gorillas – and used also by local human healers – identifying four with medicinal effects. Laboratory studies revealed the plants were high in antioxidants and antimicrobials. One showed promise in fighting superbugs. The research is published in the journal PLOS ONE.

Archaeologists discover an ancient Neanderthal lineage that remained isolated for over 50,000 years

The discovery, published September 11 in the journal Cell Genomics, could shed light on the still-enigmatic reasons for the species’ extinction and suggests that late Neanderthals had more population structure than previously thought.

16,000-year-old skeleton, crystals and stone tools discovered in Malaysian caves

Archaeologists investigating caves in Malaysia ahead of their flooding for a hydroelectric reservoir have discovered more than a dozen prehistoric burials they think are up to 16,000 years old.

Genetic Evidence Overrules Ecocide Theory of Easter Island Once And For All

An international team of geneticists has found evidence that this famous cautionary tale never actually happened. The study was published in Nature.

Stonehenge tale gets ‘weirder’ as Orkney is ruled out as altar stone origin

The plot has thickened on the mystery of the altar stone of Stonehenge, weeks after geologists sensationally revealed that the huge neolithic rock had been transported hundreds of miles to Wiltshire from the very north of Scotland.