H.P. Lovecraft’s natal chart made using Astro Dienst

Read Part 1 and Part 3

H. P. Lovecraft’s birth chart is a wealth of information when scrutinized with an astrological focus; oddly, the same can be said with individuals when traditional planets on the day of their birth were closely conjunct with the fixed star Spica in the constellation Virgo, which is actually in the tropical zodiac of Libra. This article will not demonstrate methods of traditional or modern delineation of any birth charts, which can be complex to describe without a solid background in Hellenistic Astrology, but instead will apply archetypal cosmological principles when observing these individuals and their birth patterns to gain an understanding of how these patterns have been exhibited in their own lives. Returning to Colin Wilson’s “escapist imagination” definition from my previous article submission, author Peter Levenda has also summarized certain supernatural phenomena attributed to this prominent Spica-influenced individual:

In 1907, [Aleister] Crowley was writing some of the works that became seminal to the doctrines of Thelema, known as The Holy Books. These include Liber Liberi vel Lapidus Lazuli, Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente, and other works written between October 30 and November 1 of that year, and Liber Arcanorum and Liber Carcerorum, written between December 5th and 14th that same year. Lovecraft would have had no knowledge of this, as he was only a seventeen-year old recluse living at home on Angell Street in Providence, Rhode Island, dreaming of the stars. Instead, he later would write of an orgiastic ritual taking place that year in the bayous outside New Orleans, Louisiana, and on the very same day that Crowley was writing the books enumerated above.

The story Lovecraft wrote is entitled “The Call of Cthulhu” and is arguably his most famous work. He wrote the story in 1926, in late August or early September, but placed the action in New Orleans in 1907 and later in Providence in 1925. How is this relevant?

Lovecraft’s placement of the orgiastic ritual in honor of the high priest of the Great Old Ones, Cthulhu, and the discovery of a statue of Cthulhu by the New Orleans police on Halloween, 1907 coincides precisely with Crowley’s fevered writing of his own gothic prose. In the Liber Liberi vel Lapidus Lazuli, for instance, Crowley writes the word “Tutulu” for the first time. He claims not to know what this word means, or where it came from. As the name of Lovecraft’s fictional alien god can be pronounced “Kutulu,” it seems more than coincidental, as Kenneth Grant himself noted.

In Crowley’s Liber Cordis Cincti Serpente—or “The Book of the Heart Girt with a Serpent”—there are numerous references to the “Abyss of the Great Deep,” to Typhon, Python, and the appearance of an “old gnarled fish” with tentacles…all descriptions that match Lovecraft’s imagined Cthulhu perfectly. Not approximately, but perfectly. Crowley’s volume was written on November 1, 1907. The ritual for Cthulhu in New Orleans took place on the same day, month and year. 1

In the astrological perspective, Lovecraft’s rising sign/Ascendant is in the area of the tropical zodiacal ecliptic called “Via Combusta” or the “burning way.”2 Along with examining the Ascendant—indicative of the native’s time of birth— certain spooky behavior can also be observed by comparing the biographical experiences and patterns of natives born with prominent planetary placements, not only in the area of “Via Combusta,” but specifically where the fixed star Spica is located.3

According to Claudius Ptolemy, Spica gives “success, renowned, riches, a sweet disposition, love of art and science, unscrupulousness, unfruitfulness and injustice to innocence,”4 but this doesn’t explain anything about the “weirdness” that comes along with observing the patterns of natives with placements conjunct Spica.5 However, examples of noteworthy natives with planetary conjunctions to Spica clearly demonstrate that there is most certainly a pattern of weirdness occurring here (note: these same individuals were listed in the previous article submission):


Figure 2: Crowley’s Thoth Tarot7

The Ascendant, as the point symbolically representing the meeting of spirit and matter in the flesh of the body, has to do with the native as symbolically representing the self/personality.8

In a sense, this is the lens Lovecraft encountered in life.

  • Lovecraft’s Ascendant is in the 3 of Swords minor arcana (the middle card in Figure 2, located between 10-20 degrees of Libra). The keyword for this face or decan of Libra is also “Sorrow,” which is why in the birth chart we see the glyph of Saturn here9 (Saturn in the major arcana is “The World,” and Libra in the major arcana is “Justice”); the previous decan, “Peace,” and the following decan, “Truce,” is demonstrative of the difference between all three areas. Libra’s ruler, Venus (major arcana: “The Empress”), is also in this decan.
  • Lovecraft’s Sun in Leo in the 7 of Wands (the card on the left in Figure 2).10
  • Lovecraft’s Moon is in the 4 of Swords in Libra (the card on the right in Figure 2), less than 10 degrees away from his Ascendant, which is also where Spica is located. When referring to the three decans of Libra (2, 3, 4 of Swords), it’s “Crossroads, Crisis, and Compromise,” respectively.11

Lovecraft’s interest in astronomy was without equal, observable in the correlation to both planets that are in Lovecraft’s first house, which are the ruler of his Ascendant and the planet that was conjunct Spica, as well as in his own words:

“My observations (for I purchased a telescope early in 1903) were confined mostly to the moon and the planet Venus. You will ask, why the latter, since its markings are doubtful even in the largest instruments? I answer—this very MYSTERY was what attracted me.”12

Using the tarot creates a strong image-focused interface with the birth chart. An addition to this method is applying the literature of Ellias Lonsdale.13 Beginning at the Ascendant, the Chandra symbol (A chariot pulled by four elephants),14 indicates a native personality/body/spirit that embarks on a highly unusual journey in which getting there is a very remote prospect. You can see this as it was after Lovecraft died that his work achieved fame and notoriety. It also says that encounters with everything trigger inner changes in the native and that deep processes of alchemy incurring in the native allow these encounters to ferment. And as the Ascendant is in Libra, the location of the ruler of Libra (Venus) is important. Here, we find Venus 3 degrees away from this degree. Lonsdale’s interpretation of Venus’ location refers to this degree of Libra as a child of destiny, offered by spirit protection and guidance, encouragement and empowerment. You can directly see this occurring in his life where the settings in short stories achieve strong illusionary fantasy based on his travels to these locations as inspiring events.

It speaks volumes just how strong Lovecraft’s own left-brain “rational roadmap of reality” reflected his very ego-identity. The Sun is in domicile in Leo, and when the Sun is in a fire sign, it is considered trigon/triplicity lord. It’s a diurnal/day chart, so the Sun is sect light, indicating the quality of the other planets traditionally. The Sun is actually located in the 7 of Wands tarot, the card titled “Valour,” and this area of the decan is conjunct the fixed star Regulus, infamous for a sense of Leonine royalty.15 In reference to his ego-identify, from Wilson: “Like W. B. Yeats, [Lovecraft] was something of a snob, and liked to assert that he was a ‘gentleman’ by birth (although his father was actually a commercial traveller).”16

A good indicator in his life of a Sun of this particular quality, especially in the area/house of friends, hopes, and goals, is his back-and-forth debate about “pioneerism vs. civilization” with Conan the Barbarian author Robert E. Howard.17 Lonsdale’s interpretation of the Chandra symbol for the location of Lovecraft’s Sun (Men doing gymnastics)18 provides that the native is:

  • Torn between agony and ecstasy in material existence:
    • Weighed down by the agony of things, sorely troubled, heavily impacted, just about immobilized
    • Ecstasy that so much can be done with it, and when mobilized, the body wielded as an instrument or vessel, the physical turns into a masterpiece, a wonder, a delight unsurpassed
  • Repelled and attracted by core drama of life on Earth
  • When feeling good, life glows with promise
  • When life force ebbs and becomes stagnant, world is saturated with abysmal dread
  • If native learned to harness embodied selfhood into something more constant and satisfying, even when faced with resistance, the habit would have died hard (i.e., rigidity vs. fluency)
  • Creative dilemma with so much growth, outlasting one’s own inner enemies and becoming Earth-worthy in the physical, triumphantly and with lasting imprint.19

As the Sun can correspond with the quality of the left-brain hemisphere, the Moon is indicative of the right-brain: the Moon is conjunct the Ascendant, as well as conjunct Uranus closely. The Moon’s domicile, Cancer, is at the angular position of the 10th house of career and public reputation, where the MC (Midheaven), or the highest position of the Sun on Lovecraft’s day of birth, was located. This indicates one’s self and public role are linked inextricably. Symbolically, this is considered the essence of one’s gravitas in society, and right-brain Moon-Cancer is associated with subjectivity rather than objectivity (Sun). Being so closely conjunct the Moon, you often find this as an indicator a native close to the mother, or at least mothering principle, and that principle was also independent/rebellious/unique/outlying in archetype (Uranus), which too reflects the drive Lovecraft exhibited in his personality.20 With the Moon in this degree of Libra, according to Lonsdale (A tremendous boulder hovering over the ocean),21 the native is:

  • Caught between worlds, part of many, belonging to none
  • No rest, no quiet, no continuity
  • On the verge of astounding things, held poised at the edge
  • Propelled by destiny to obsess upon where we all are now, where we came from, and especially where we are going

Personally, after reflection, I don’t believe the Spica influence is “escapist” in intent like Wilson described. However, I do believe “caught between worlds” is a concise description. Consider the nature of our solar system as it finds itself placed in syzygy—caught between—Spica and fixed star Vertex at roughly 27 degrees Aries; this is also the start of Aries with reflection to the opposing start of Libra in the sidereal zodiac. Vertex, or M31 Andromeda Galaxy, is the closest galaxy approaching our own Milky Way at 100 kilometers per second. It is expected to collide with the Milky Way in roughly 4 billion years. While the symbolism of our own Sun rising and setting implies birth and death, respectively, these areas of the sidereal zodiac have also historically held this meaning—this is why the Sun is exalted in Aries but in detriment in Libra.

Spica placements for natives may glean subtle, archetypal meaning, like a meeting of the myth of “Perseus rescuing Andromeda from the sea creature Cetus” versus “Hades ‘rescuing’ Persephone from Demeter myth,” and the corresponding constellational galaxy myths of these regions can provide natives with these narrative forms as synchronicities in their lives. And experiences in these topics, specifically given the left-hand Virgo/hermetic symbolism of the right brain, exhibit the role of Lovecraft’s Moon conjunct Spica, along with Uranus; the symbolism is directly demonstrative of the Lovecraft legacy in society (i.e., the sign of the Moon’s rulership of Cancer represents right-brain passive, feminine receptivity/irrationality, and for Libra-rising natives, Cancer is always in the 10th house of public reputation due to the tradition of whole-sign versus quadrant-based houses for topics of life).

I believe “escapist imagination” as a concept may have more to do with the ability of an individual to provide an audience firsthand access to the ultimate change-agent humanity has ever known: fear of the cosmic unknown. This, too, is why Saturn—the archetypal principle of death—is exalted in Libra and in detriment in Aries; there is no stronger fear for the living than of this principle. Evidence of this concept is found in the creative and/or criminal behaviors of individuals with Spica placements. Levenda writes:

Lovecraft’s core story, ‘The Call of Cthulhu,’ is the repository of all the basic themes and motifs that appear in his later tales. It reflects his basic preoccupations with ancient races, mysterious cults, non-Eucleadian geometry, and the power of dreams. It also introduces us to Cthulhu, the high priest of the Great Old Ones, and the sunken city of R’lyeh where Cthulhu lies dead but dreaming.

Lovecraft’s genius lay in reinterpreting these stories from a darker point of view. Lovecraft’s sunken city of R’lyeh is where the Great Old Ones were defeated by some quirk of space or time and where Cthulhu lies buried in his house-like tomb beneath the waves. This ancient city is older than Atlantis or any of its other mythical counterparts. It was built—using geometry that was all ‘wrong’—by the race from the stars, a race that used to own the planet Earth in aeons past and which is on the verge of returning when the ‘stars are right.’

If we analyze this story from the point of view of depth psychology, we can see a certain level of consistency with modern ideas concerning the unconscious and the danger of repressing unconscious feelings and especially the knowledge that lies buried in the deep, forgotten corners of the human mind. In this approach, R’lyeh becomes the unconscious itself, and Cthulhu is the Shadow that waits to be discovered: the potentially dangerous, violent, evil aspect of human nature. An aspect that communicates with us the same way Cthulhu communicates with his followers: in dreams.

It may be a truism that what demands to be known in our dreams is not some beautiful image of heaven or some pleasing, loving memory—but something more sinister, something uglier that needed to be ‘put down,’ that needed to be suppressed in order that the rest of the personality could survive in the real world. The only persons who deliberately evoked those nightmares to visible appearance were the mystics, the magicians, and the shamans. I have written at some length in other works about the shamanistic initiations, and of course, Mircea Eliade has discussed this at some length in his seminal work on the subject of Shamanism. This type of initiation involves a direct confrontation with the suppressed psychic material that involves death, dismemberment, and the re-integration of the individual psyche. For someone who has come through this type of experience, the dread Cthulhu could hold no fears.

It may also be a truism that this suppressed material is connected with sexual issues. It may involve sexual trauma of the individual at a very young age or physical or emotional abuse of some kind by an older person. While the exact identity and nature of the trauma will be different from person to person, the Minotaur in the Labyrinth is the same: the different types of abuse reflect pathways in the Labyrinth, but they all lead to the same Monster at the center. Lovecraft called this Monster by a name he heard or invented or dreamed of: Cthulhu.22

There is no clearer image for this than the Rider-Waite tarot’s own Four of Swords (the decan where Spica resides): it is literally the image of a tomb. Yet, Jung found that fear of death also demonstrated something uniquely valuable in reflection:

Jung’s essential idea was that something very unusual and unknown was being seen in the skies and that the desire for redemption was ‘projected’ on the unknown phenomenon being observed. The fact that fear of nuclear catastrophe occurred at the same time UFOs and flying saucers were being regularly spotted was a meaningful coincidence. Jung called that type of coincidence synchronicity. As I wrote back in 1984, synchronicity is more than just coincidence; it is also a type of enhanced awareness.23

Perhaps “enhanced awareness” is a more concise term than “escapist imagination,” where we subconsciously fear futile cosmic annihilation from an approaching “monster galaxy,” we project our desires for hope in this different direction, in fact, quite literally. And in so doing, this may breathe life into another form of monster, subtly influencing our own unconscious self. Spica may be a symbol of what we are able to dream in light of inevitable impending doom; that is, enhanced awareness of this chthonic principle in consciousness. By assessing the archetypal cosmology of natives with Spica placements, it can reveal the nature of what Lovecraft may have meant by “Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn” (“In his house at R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming”).


Chang, T. Susan. 36 Secrets: A Decanic Journey through the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. Self-published, Lulu.com, 2020.

Collins, Andrew, and Little, Gregory L. Origins of the Gods: Qesem Cave, Skinwalkers, and Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences. Rochester: Bear & Company, 2022. Kindle.

Farnell, Kim. Fiery Travels: The Via Combusta. Kent: My Spirit Books, 2012. Kindle.

Joshi, S. T. Lovecraft and a World in Transition: Collected Essays on H. P. Lovecraft. New York: Hippocampus Press, 2015. Kindle.

Levenda, Peter. The Dark Lord: H. P. Lovecraft, Kenneth Grant, and the Typhonian Tradition in Magic. Lake Worth: Ibis Press, 2013. Kindle.

Lonsdale, Ellias. 360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny: A Zodiac Oracle. Rochester: Destiny Books, 2021.

Lonsdale, Ellias. Inside Degrees. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 1997.

Robson, Vivian. The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology. Tempe: The American Federation of Astrologers, 2017. Kindle.

Wilson, Colin. The Strength to Dream: Literature and the Imagination (Outsider Cycle). London: Aristeia Press, 2021. Kindle.

Birth Data and Sources

Aquino, Michael, born October 16, 1946, San Francisco, CA, US, at 12:34. Astro-Databank (https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Aquino,_Michael). Source: Quoted birth chart/record (Rodden Rating: AA).

Birkhäuser, Peter, born June 7, 1911, Basel, Switzerland, time unknown. Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Birkh%C3%A4user). Source: Unknown.

Berkowitz, David, born June 2, 1953, Brooklyn, NY, US, at 16:52. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Berkowitz,_David). Source: Birth chart/record in hand (Rodden Rating: AA).

Campbell, Bruce, born June 22, 1958, Royal Oak, MI, US, time unknown. AstroTheme (https://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Bruce_Campbell). Source: Unknown.

Campbell, Joseph, born March 26, 1904, White Plains, NY, US, 19:25. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Campbell,_Joseph). Source: From memory (Rodden Rating: A).

Chambers, Robert, born May 26, 1865, Brooklyn, NY, US, time unknown. AstroTheme (https://www.astrotheme.com/astrology/Robert_W._Chambers). Source: Unknown.

Crowley, Aleister, born October 12, 1875, Leamington Spa, UK, at 23:42. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Crowley,_Aleister). Source: Rectified from approximate time (Rodden Rating: C).

Hilley, Audrey Marie, born June 4, 1933, Blue Mountain, AL, US, time unknown. Poisoned Blood: A True Story of Murder, Passion, and an Astonishing Hoax. Source: Philip E. Ginsburg.

Hitler, Adolf, born April 20, 1889, Braunau, Austria, at 18:30. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Hitler,_Adolf). Source: Birth chart/record in hand (Rodden Rating: AA).

Joshi, S. T., born June 22, 1958, Pune, India, time unknown. Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/S._T._Joshi). Source: Unknown.

Jung, C. G, born July 26, 1875, Kesswil, Switzerland, at 19:24. Astro-Databank (https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Jung,_Carl). Source: Rectified from approximate time (Rodden Rating: C).

LaBarre, Sheila, born July 4, 1958, Ft. Payne, AL, US, time unknown. Wicked Intentions: A Remote Farmhouse, a Beautiful Temptress, and the Lovers She Murdered. Source: Kevin Flynn.

Lynch, David, born January 20, 1946, Missoula, MT, US, at 03:00. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Lynch,_David). Source: Birth chart/record in hand (Rodden Rating: AA).

Lovecraft, H. P., born August 20, 1890, Providence, RI, US, at 09:00. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Lovecraft,_H.P.). Source: From memory (Rodden Rating: A).

Magnotta, Luka, born July 24, 1982, Toronto, Canada, time unknown. Wikipedia (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Jun_Lin). Source: Unknown.

Mazzaglia, Seth, born October 18, 1982, location unknown (likely NH seacoast), time unknown.

McDonough, Kathryn, born November 1, 1993, location unknown (likely NH seacoast), time unknown. Dark Heart: A True Story of Sex, Manipulation, and Murder. Source: Kevin Flynn.

Michel, Anneliese, born September 21, 1952, Leiblfing, Germany, time unknown. The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel. Source: Felicitas D. Goodman.

Nietzsche, Friedrich, born October 15, 1844, Rõcken, Germany, at 10:00. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Nietzsche, _Friedrich). Source: Bio/autobiography (Rodden Rating: B).

Poe, E. A., born January 19, 1809, Boston, MA, US, at 01:00. Astro-Databank (https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Poe,_Edgar_Allan). Source: Rectified from approximate time (Rodden Rating: C).

Putin, Vladimir, born October 7, 1952, St. Petersburg, RU, at 09:30. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Putin,_Vladimir). Source: Conflicting/unverified: (Rodden Rating: DD).

Rowling, J. K., born July 31, 1965, Yate, UK, at 21:10. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Rowling,_J._K.). Source: Rectified from approximate time (Rodden Rating: C).

Shelley, Percy, born August 4, 1792, Horsham, UK, at 22:00. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Shelley,_Percy_Bysshe). Source: Quoted birth chart/record (Rodden Rating: AA).

Smith, Joseph, born December 23, 1805, Sharon, Vermont, US, at 18:00. Astro-Databank (www.astro.com/astro-databank/Smith,_Joseph). Source: Accuracy in question (Rodden Rating: C).

1 Levenda, The Dark Lord, 96.

2 Farnell, The Fiery Travels: Via Combusta, Location 81-1207. According to Farnell, “When the tropical zodiac was introduced, the point of the Vernal Equinox was not firmly established but variously placed among the early degrees of Aries. Older authorities placed it at the fifteenth degree. (This would allow the association of the fifteenth degree of Libra as the area of the Sun’s seasonal death at the autumn equinox.)…It appears to have been Hipparchus of Rhodes (second century BCE) who first redefined the boundaries of the twelve signs so that the vernal equinox was placed at the beginning of the (Greek) sign of Aries and this now became the starting point for the zodiacal division of twelve equal signs. This system replaced the zodiacal scheme of visible constellations. Claudius Ptolemy (in the second century CE) consolidated this system to get rid of the inconvenience of precessional movement and confusion regarding the sidereal and tropical zodiacs. When the tropical zodiac was introduced, the point of the Vernal Equinox was not firmly established but variously placed among the early degrees of Aries. Older authorities placed it at the 15th degree. This would allow the association of 15th degree of Libra as the area of the Sun’s seasonal death at the autumn equinox…Traditionally, celebrations of the dead are associated with the Deluge. The Aztecs’ Atemoztli (Falling Waters) occurred every November 16, when the end of the Fourth Sun or Age, brought about by a world flood, was commemorated. The Mayas throughout Yucatan and Peten hung small packets of cake on the branches of the holy Ceibra tree. These sacrifices were intended for the spirits of the dead and the Ceibra tree was a living memorial of the Great Flood from which their ancestors survived by sailing to Yucatan. In Hawaii, the annual Makahiki festival honours arrival of Lono at Kealakekua. He was a white-skinned, fair-haired god who recently escaped a catastrophic deluge and was associated with all manner of cataclysmic celestial events, together with devastating earthquakes and floods. The ancient Persian New Year began after November 1, and was known as Mordad, a month sacred to the god of death. Mordad derived from the earlier Marduk of the Babylonians and was revered as the Lord of the Deep who caused the Great Flood. Many ancient cultures at various times began their year at this time. For example New Year was celebrated by the Assyrians in the month Arahsamna, which is the equivalent to our October/November. In Egypt (according to Plutarch) the New Year began in the month Athyr (or Hathor) which was also equivalent to our October/November. Some cultures mark the day simply in honour of the dead while others believe the dead come back to visit on this day. Lighting candles or lanterns is associated with this later custom in order for the dead to be able to find their way back. In the Christianised world, the festivals of the dead – when the spirits of the departed welcomed back, when ghosts, witches and all manner of evils are abroad – evolved into the trappings of Hallowe’en. (Traditionally, Hallowe’en is also associated with the Deluge.) Old Hallowe’en or Hallowe’en Old Style was celebrated on 31 October in the old calendar, at a time when the Sun was at 15 degrees Scorpio – at the end of the Via Combusta. This association is lost in modern times owing to the change in calendars…In Christian iconography, Archangel Michael holds a pair of scales on the Day of Judgement which is recognised as All Soul’s Day. In some areas of the country, celebrations continued into the night of 4 November, known as Mischief Night…One reason why these Christian festivals had originally fitted so neatly into the year was that they fell close to the Celtic festival of Samhain – the time of the coming of darkness and the forces of the dark, which was originally calculated to fall when the Sun reached 15 degrees of Scorpio. Samhain means “summer’s end”, according to the ancient two-fold division of the year, when summer ran from Beltane to Samhain and winter ran from Samhain to Beltane. (Samhain is still the name for the month of November in the Irish language.)…The explanation given for why the Via Combusta is seen as malefic is a combination of:

  • Saturn is exalted in Libra (21 degrees)
  • Mars is the ruler of Scorpio
  • The Sun is in fall in Libra (19 degrees)
  • The Moon is in fall in Scorpio (3 degrees)
  • 25-30 Libra is in the terms of Mars
  • 0-6 Scorpio is in the terms of Saturn
  • 0-10 Scorpio is in the face of Mars
  • Mars is in its own triplicity in Scorpio

“Let’s take a quick look at where the Via Combusta is believed to be located over the centuries. I’m not going to attempt to list every occurrence – just some prominent and indicative examples.

  • Abu Ma’shar– 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– c. 850 CE
  • Alcabitius – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 10th c.
  • Picatrix– 18 Libra to 3 Scorpio– 10th c.
  • Ibn Ezra– 19 Libra to 3 Scorpio– 1147
  • Cairo almanacs– 19 Libra to 3 Scorpio– 12th c.
  • Bonatus – 19 Libra to 5 Scorpio– 13th c.
  • Ficino – 28 Libra to 3 Scorpio– 15th c.
  • Cardan – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 16th c.
  • Auger Ferrier – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1550
  • Nicholas Guyer – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1592
  • Dariot – 13 Libra to 3 Scorpio– 1598
  • John Fage – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1606
  • William Lilly – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1647
  • William Ramesey – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1653
  • John Gadbury – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1658
  • Joseph Blagrave – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1671
  • Joseph Moxon – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1679
  • John Partridge – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1679
  • Jean Jacques Manget – 12 Libra to 9 Scorpio– 1704
  • John Kersey – 15 Libra to 30 Scorpio– 1706
  • Nathan Bailey – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1737
  • John Ash – 15 Libra to 30 Scorpio – 1754
  • Francis Barrett – 14 Libra to 14 Scorpio– 1801
  • John Mason Good – 0 Libra to 13 Scorpio– 1813
  • Johannes Vehlow – 25 Libra to 6 Scorpio– 1890
  • WJ Simmonite – 15 Libra to 30 Capricorn– 1890
  • W Becker – 13 Libra to 9 Scorpio– 1930s
  • Henri Gouchon – 13 Libra to 9 Scorpio – 1937
  • Nicholas de Vore – 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio– 1947
  • Pavel Globa – 22 Libra to 30 Scorpio
  • E Kolesova – 13 Libra to 3 Scorpio

“In other words, the two lights, the Sun and Moon, are weak, while the two traditionally evil planets, Saturn and Mars, are strong.”

3 Spica/Arista (alpha Virginis) is at 22 degrees, 43 minutes Libra and it forms the chaff or ear of wheat in the left hand of the virgin in the constellation Virgo, which is considered as a symbolic representation of the Greek virgin-goddess Persephone in our contemporary understanding. As fermented barley wheat that grew in ancient Eleusis was the main ingredient in the Eleusinian Mysteries’ kukeon—the alcoholic/psychotropic drink that allowed one to “meet” Persephone during the ritual—modern toxicological tests on archeological sites where these chalices have been found has also tested positive for ergot, which grows on this wheat and alters its form. Ergot is notable, historically, because the discovery of its chemical nature led to the development of LSD—a critical factor in the history of the expansion of human consciousness.

4 Robson, The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, 250.

5 Farnell, The Fiery Travels: Via Combusta, Location 81-1207. “[Spica] is given as the exception in the Via Combusta, a place where its malefic effects don’t apply.”

6 Ecliptic graphic from https://www.medievalastrologyguide.com/the-three-zodiacs. I’ve rectified many on my blog from my estimation of their birth times forensically from natives’ available biographical data. Figure 1 is a description of the Ascendants of the individuals listed earlier—the first 15 have verified birth times; the remaining 10 birth times are unknown. The graphic of the zodiacal ecliptic shows the tropical zodiac (green), sidereal zodiac (blue), and actual constellational length in the ecliptic (purple). What’s most remarkable is contemplating the two individuals’ Ascendants that are actually conjunct Spica—Joseph Campbell and Adolph Hitler—two very different individuals, however, prime examples of “escapist imaginations” in history.

7 Aleister Crowley’s Thoth Tarot deck. From left to right—7 of Wands, 3 of Swords, and 4 of Swords—is the last 10 degrees of Leo, the middle 10 degrees of Libra, and the last 10 degrees of Libra, respectively, which were the planetary placement of Lovecraft’s Sun, Ascendant, and Moon, respectively, in his birth chart.

8 A very effective way to approach the principles of these positions, as the angle and planet subtly emanates a unique signature that can be assessed within the chart, can be found from Richard Tarnas’ archetypal descriptions of the planets in Cosmos and Psyche.

9 Chang, 36 Secrets, 135. According to Chang, “Esoterically, the 3 of Swords is a particularly interesting case. It is the final decan of the Queen of Swords, and that connection alone could account for her complex and sometimes deadly character. In playing card lore, the Queen of Spades has more nicknames than any other: ‘Black Maria,’ ‘Pique Dame,’ Calamity Jane.’ More often than not she is a game-ending apparition, a harbinger of doom.

In early tarot, the Queen of Swords was viewed as a widow, or divorced. In her three decans—the 10 of Pentacles, the 2 of Swords, the 3 of Swords—I can glimpse a story of legal inheritance through personal loss. When I see her in readings, she will often signify a breakup that’s about to happen or has just happened. And although all queens can be self-sufficient, this queen in particular not only needs no partner but very often really does not want one.

The 3 of Swords, Lord of Sorrow, corresponds to Binah—the third sphere on the Tree of Life. Binah is known as the Great Mother, for its role as the dark womb giving rise to the Pillar of Form. It is known as ‘Understanding,’ and the Palace of Mirrors, for its role in reflecting and developing the insights of Chokma with the rational mind. It is called the ‘salty sea’ and the ‘starry sky.’ Its sorrow is archetypal and saturnine in nature, shaped by the love of creation and the indelible knowledge that all things must end. The keyword I use for 3’s is shaping. If you add shaping—or maybe, taking shape—to your four suite keywords (whatever they are) you can see the subtle ways that term inflects through the suits. 3 of Swords: thoughts or conflicts taking shape. Another way to put this is: “a dawning realization”—or, as previously described, “the thing you can’t un-know.” Sober outcomes arise in the Lord of Sorrow.”

10 Chang, 36 Secrets, 100. According to Chang, “One unifying concept I’ve found helpful when thinking about 7’s is: effort. In 7’s there is a strong feeling that there’s something you must accomplish, something you’re trying to do or hold onto. There is a passion, a desire, a longing about it, and often that’s because you’re in danger of losing the prize (or you think you are). Let’s see how this plays out using suit keywords: 7 of Wands: effort in the realm of ambitions and drives: As we’ve seen, the 7 of Wands has a tenacious vision of glory he or she is trying desperately to protect.”

11 Chang, 36 Secrets, 144.

12 Joshi, Lovecraft and a World in Transition, Location 3615.

13 Lonsdale, Inside Degrees, 360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny.

14 Lonsdale, Inside Degrees, 116. According to Lonsdale for this Chandra symbol, “LIBRA 14
A chariot pulled by four elephants. Embarking upon a highly unusual journey in which getting there is a very remote prospect. But along the way, upon the eternal road, you come upon absolutely everything that can trigger inner changes. You are granted the perfect view of the entire passing scene. And as you take it all in, the alchemy of deep process inside the soul optimizes the value and meaning of what you meet. Slowly, just underneath you become aware, in sync and steady on. And soon all is perfect. You know where you are and you recognize what is asked of those with eyes to see.”

15 Robson, The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, 231.

16 Wilson, The Strength to Dream, 33.

17 Joshi, Lovecraft and a World in Transition, location 1275-1757.

Lonsdale, Inside Degrees, 77. According to Lonsdale for this Chandra symbol, “LEO 28
Men doing gymnastics. Physical, material existence in a sturdy body in time and space is the greatest agony and the greatest ecstasy that could ever be. It is agony in that you are so weighed down by the gravity of things, sorely troubled, heavily impacted, just about immobilized. It is ecstasy in that you can do so much with it, and when you mobilize yourself to take hold of the body and wield it as an instrument and a vessel, the physical turns into a masterpiece, a wonder, a delight unsurpassed. You experience the heights and depths of ambivalence toward incarnation and embodiment, feeling both repelled and attracted by the core drama of life in this Earth. When you feel good, everything glows with promise. When your life-force ebbs and becomes stagnant, the world is saturated with abysmal dread. Learn to harness embodied selfhood into something more constant and satisfying, even with repeated bouts of coming up against resistance, and habit dying hard. Rigidity versus fluency. You have a creative dilemma with so much growth, outlasting your own inner enemies and becoming Earth-worthy in the physical–triumphantly and with lasting imprint.

19 Lonsdale, Inside Degrees, 360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny.

20Wilson, The Strength to Dream, 24. According to Wilson, “H. P. Lovecraft lived most of his life in his native city, Providence, Rhode Island. He was born in 1890, son of a psycho-neurotic mother and paretic father who died insane eight years after Howard’s birth. He was a tall, delicate child, and was a semi-invalid throughout his adolescence. He liked to spend whole days in his grandfather’s library. In adulthood, he continued to live like an invalid, preferring to go out at night. He became a gentle friendly man, who loved arguing all night; fundamentally lonely, he would write a twenty-page letter on the slightest provocation.”

21 Lonsdale, Inside Degrees, 360 Degrees of Your Star Destiny. According to Lonsdale for this Chandra symbol, “LIBRA 23 A tremendous boulder hovering over the ocean. Collective cycles are everything here. You are caught between worlds, part of many, belonging to none. Changes are imminent. The air is buzzing with future currents. No rest, no quiet, no continuity. You verge on astounding things; held poised at the edge. You feel propelled by destiny to obsess upon where we all are now, where we came from, and especially, where we are going. Gathering impressions toward the harvest, staying tuned for further developments. And knowing it’s gonna come any moment now, “I can feel it rising up.”

22 Levenda, The Dark Lord, 207-208.

23 Collins and Little, Origins of the Gods, 125.

Anthony Wynands has interests in topics like traditional astrology and tarot, the Younger Dryas Extinction Event, the rise and fall of historical civilizations, human consciousness, biofield tuning-fork sound therapies, New England true crime, cosmic horror, and the new wave of traditional heavy metal (NWOTHM). His background is in military and law enforcement, editing publications, and teaching writing and English as a second language. Currently, he works for the US Army. His blog site is weirdastrology.wordpress.com.

3 thoughts on “Part 2: Image-Inducing Occult Techniques for “Charlatans” (or “Astrologers”)”

  1. Josh C says:

    What if they made it all up?

    1. Anthony Wynands says:


    2. Anthony Wynands says:

      You may just be onto something though here. When taking the Jyotish concepts of the placement of the Moon and the nakshatras, there seems to be correspondence to gravitational relationships between 2 celestial bodies–the EM biofeedback may have a lot to do with the areas of the planetary body (e.g., the Moon) and the trojan satellites/interplanetary dust/Kordylewski clouds, etc., found at the L4 and L5 LaGrange Points of the orbiting body (i.e., 60 degrees of previous and preceding ecliptical orbit). This may be why traditional astrologers found the sun in joy in the 9th house (God) and the house of good fortune (5th house) as beneficial areas of the zodiac ecliptic in natal charts. Having placements there reap rewards. But I bet much too later on was speculated. But who knows?

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