Viracocha the highest deity in pre-columbian Peru/Bolivia as portrayed in the Sun Gate of the Tiahuanaco temple.
Marcomogollon, (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Snuffing kit, San Pedro de Atacama, Chile
Photo by Constantino M. Torres. (Used with the permission of Manuel Torres)

New archeological findings from the Atacama desert confirm that psychedelics were at the center of Andean pre Incan spiritual practices. The discoveries of the Willka snuff kits in tombs allowed researchers to compare them with what the sculptures in Tiwanaku ruins are holding in their hands, confirming that the psychedelic snuff use was central to the rituals held at this mysterious site.

Left: Ponce Stele in Tiahuanaco, by P. beaudroit (CCBYSA4.0)
Right: Drawing by Constantino M. Torres (Used with the permission of Manuel Torres)

As the written language didn’t exist in the ancient south american tradition, the main way to preserve knowledge of great importance was through different visual forms of art. The art of carving in rocks is the one that could have lasted the longest, and so the knowledge preserved like that was probably of the highest valor to the community. Why was it so important to share the use of that powerful psychedelic?

When you look into details of the carvings left in Tiahuanaco you can see that the Ponce statue is holding the Willka pouch with the applicator tubes (or a kero, ceremonial cup for drinking San Pedro brew, which could’ve been taken together with Willka) and in the other hand, a carved tray for the snuff. The tradition survived to this day, with the shamans called Willkeros using spoons to dose the snuff on the tray and inhaling it through the applicator tube.

Willka seed
Photo by Dawid Rakowski

The snuff made from seeds of Anadenanthera Colubrina contains the highly psychedelic Bufotenin and, to a lesser degree, NN-DMT and 5-MeO-DMT. The reports state that substances are highly visual, often allowing communication with entities from other dimensions. After experiencing the substance myself in Chavin de Huantar temple in Peru and meeting the same being that I’ve met during my Andean Ayahuasca and Changa experiences in the Cusco Area, I felt I needed to investigate the topic.

Willka (Huilca) snuff made of seed of Anadenanthera Colubrina

Photo by Dawid Rakowski

The entity I’ve encountered on numerous occasions was an octopoid entity with countless tentacles that looked like snakes coming out of the carcass. The tentacles end with bizarre but friendly faces, and the whole thing is so animated it’s really not easy to grasp any details besides these. Often the being would appear and react to me and my behavior. If I stayed peaceful, loving and open, it would come to me, open up, and begin to operate on my body. The moment I started analyzing or had second thoughts, the entity would move away and hide like an octopus behind its tentacles and the curtain of reality.

During the Willka ceremony, 4 other participants (out of 10) experienced the same entity coming and doing the energy work on their bodies. The entity became so intriguing that it pushed me to explore and investigate the idea that the people who lived on these lands in the distant past had also encountered this being. How surprising it was to see that different ancient cultures in South America created artwork that portrays deities that closely resemble what I’ve seen. I’ve selected a few of the most visible ones out of many artworks that I could also suggest for review – the key attributes here are a snake and tentacles coming out of something like a body. The different artworks and the confirmation of Willka use among these cultures has compelled me to believe the importance of those spirits comes directly from the psychedelic experiences that were at the center of the spiritual system of these cultures.

From Hergé’s Tintin et le Temple du Soleil (en:Prisoners of the Sun).
This drawing is based on the central figure in the Gate of the Sun of Tiwanaku in Bolivia. Some historians believe that this is the god of the sun, others think it represents the god Viracocha.
(Public Domain)

Going back to Tiwanaku’s artwork, the entity called Viracocha, who’s holding two staffs and was cut out of the rock at the top of the Sun Gate, has tentacles/snakes/faces coming out of its body… Till recently, these were perceived as thunders, but the findings in the nearby Atacama desert suggest that this could be the snuff applicators being held in the hands of the most important entity of these ancient cultures. Are the statues left in Tiwanaku guiding us on how to reconnect with the spirit realm and Viracocha himself? This entity has been part of a race that, according to the beliefs of the natives, came to the ancient cultures to teach and support their growth. Supposedly they taught the locals how to grow food or cut monolith stones with laser precision. My maestro told me that these ancient temples were made as meeting points with our “older family” or “abuelos” (grandparents) so that we “kids” could learn from them.

Could this be a genuine archeological confirmation of DMT entities being real and encountered across vast time and space? By collecting recent research data, trip reports from different online sources and ancient art from South America, I intend to prove that these mystical encounters are not imaginary.


“Animal-based and creature-based entities were reported in 158 of the entity experiences (9.2%), encompassing reptilian or serpentine entities (n = 51, 3.0%); tentacled entities, octopus-like, squid-like, and jellyfish-like entities (n = 42, 2.4%); insectoid, praying mantis, or arachnoid entities (n = 40, 2.3%); and feline entities (n = 25, 1.5%).”

Source: Phenomenology and content of the inhaled N, N-dimethyltryptamine (N, N-DMT) experience

“Parallels between this study’s results and those of Davis et al., 2020b DMT entity survey include many of the same parallels with Lyke (2019). Though, one important difference between the present analysis and Davis et al. is that the latter employed mostly fixed, pre-categorised responses, meaning fewer and pre-conceived options versus the free vocabulary of this study’s participants. Davis et al. most frequent selections included ‘guide’ (43%), ‘alien’ (39%), spirit (39%) or ‘helper’ (34%), where in the current analysis the Helping roles (53%) incorporating ‘guide’ (14%), as well as alien appearances (e.g., Octopoid to Grey-like, 6–11%) were certainly amongst commonest”

Source: An Encounter With the Other: A Thematic and Content Analysis of DMT Experiences From a Naturalistic Field Study

“However, TM’s first DMT experience perfectly portrays a very colourful number of the elements of the Otherly Creature variation, specifically fusing ‘octopoid’ (4) and ‘serpentine’ (3) features while incorporating elements of elongation, popularly associated with the ‘Grey- or Mantis-like’ aliens (2):

“If I need to compare with something on this planet…they are like octopus, from…another planet. They had many similarities, like that long head…the scalp here was big… It’s far from octopus, but that’s the closest… Long heads and faces… They did not have the nose I think…they had a flat face somehow, maybe they had some holes under that mask… and their eyes were much bigger than normal… Yeah, I wasn’t scared, it was like alien eye, [a] big one. No it was like an animal, lamb…feeling only kindness… Very long hands…

I could see very strange hair…very similar to very thin and long snakes, kind of snakes…long and moving by itself.”

Source: An Encounter With the Other: A Thematic and Content Analysis of DMT Experiences From a Naturalistic Field Study


“I only took 1 hit and within about 10 seconds things dissolved around me into what felt like a digital world with bright colors and shapes . I found myself lying on an operating table with low buzzing sounds and vibrations in my ears. An Octopus like machine ( like the probes in war of the worlds with Tom Cruise but it had 8 or more arms ) started scanning my entire body individually with various coloured lights and sounds going through me as it scanned , it stopped on my lungs and made a red light to highlight my lungs , i knew that it knew i had asthma as a kid , I also have a filling missing from my one of my large molar teeth and am seeing a dentist tomorrow but it also scanned and stopped on my mouth to show me it knows what the problem is there with my tooth . I could not believe what was happening but at the same time I felt so good like I was in good hands …Then suddenly I felt as if I could not breathe so I sat up fast and the digital word faded away. I was back in my room , blown away with amazement , trying to grasp what had just happened….nothing can compare you for a Dmt experience no matter how much someone tries to explain it to you and how much you prepare yourself for the experience. Wow ! Best part of this all was I had extracted and made this dmt myself and know it is clean as can be with nothing else added, it’s as pure as can be 😎🤙”


“From behind the white chair/or was is from inside it? A creature emerged. It was not a happy, smiley elf. Tell you the truth, I cannot, will not describe what I saw. It had innumerable tentacles, like a cross between some weird octopus or jellyfish…and the EYES! OH MY GOD THE EYES!!! I froze on the spot thinking. shit that’s it. I’ve gone and done it now. I’m fucking toast. I never believed. I should have believed. And now. Now I am at the mercy of something much, much, bigger and complex, and clever and definitely malevolent than myself. I asked it it’s name. I wish I had not asked. It’s voice utterly destroyed me. It was like being caught in a storm of psychic noise – a whirlwind of deadly electrical shrapnel. I think I shuddered and started to drool uncontrollably at this point. I think I also urinated in my jeans. With its innumerable eyes, It gazed at me steadily and extended a tendril. At the same moment it fired a beam of light directly between and above my eyes. The alien laser was pinkish-green. It hurt. I begged it to stop. I whimpered. Please stop. you’re hurting me. I’m fragile. Please be careful – I am sentient and mean you no harm… It seemed to consider this; the laser was withdrawn but the tendrils (there were more now) still held me in place. I was trying to make out details of its shape or structure but the closer I looked, the more it slipped away from me. It seemed to tell me in some weird non-verbal fashion not to struggle and to stop making noise with my eyes. I took this to mean ‘be calm. do not struggle. clear your head. see but don’t look’. Then it became a little clearer. It seemed to be cloaked in some way – some sort of organic hood and covering was wrapped around it – some sort of armor or protection. The tentacles had no substance as we know it and the eyes were the most awe-inspiring/terrifying thing I have ever beheld. They defied counting. They defied reason. The whole thing was to much and I felt myself losing my mind. I…JUST…LOST…IT…goooooooooonnnnnne I can’t recall all that much after this except it rifling through my mind like it were a chest of drawers, some ‘re-wiring’, and awesome amount uploaded to my cortex and a sensation not unlike being at the dentists while being semi-conscious from nitrous; the sense of voices telling you it’ll all be over soon and you’ve done really”


“I saw an octopus-like entity on dmt (cthulu?). It was feminine, it encompassed my entire reality, and it had endless geometric tentacles which I was zooming into and out of. There were also ribbons of eyeballs, pyramids, and hieroglyphics.”


“Long story short: Last time I did DMT I went through a small door into an enormously large room. Inside this room was a giant pink octopus with thousands of busy arms going to and fro – apparently managing the experiences of thousands of others.

It was somewhat surprised of me being there and hadn’t expected me so soon, but it was glad. It communicated with feelings or thoughts, and told me a little bit about itself. It treated me pretty much like I would treat a puppy. It started telling me about how there were others like it in other rooms busy doing the same, and that there were beings higher in the hierarchy. However, once it had shown me all of itself, and told me these things, my fear rushed in and I disappeared from the room.

Afterwards I was completely amazed, astonished. I’m a well educated family man, 2 kids, wife, house, car and a nice job. And here I am lying on my sofa, meeting a higher being in the form of an octopus.”

“I went under yesterday.I didn’t see an octopus, but, as usual, myriad tangled, loopy, folding stringy shapes hovering over me. Nothing looked like an entity, but I had the distinct impression that these were a presence, or connected to one. Actually, like a whole host of entities/presences that kept taking rapid turns in front of me.

There was an overwhelming sense of play, playfulness, that “they” were excitedly playing with me.

I’ve noticed a “mirroring” in previous attempts, where whatever seemed to be happening in my consciousness was somehow reflected in the dynamic loopy folding things i was experiencing, though it wasn’t a perfect mirroring. Close, but it was like the fact that these were living spaghetti noodles and I’m s human body simply meant that perfect mirroring was impossible, for both physical and cultural reasons.

So yesterday was the first time I noticed that the playing of the cosmic noodles in fact seemed to every so slightly proceed what occurred in this human body–in fact I was responding to them, not the other way around.

Then suddenly I sensed that their playing was in fact causing everything I was doing to happen. Not only that, but that this is always what is happening, even when I’m not on DMT.

And a message of sorts that this body ain’t in charge–so there’s no reason to be anxious or scared, ever. They are making everything happen, and to relax and trust them.”


“I met her on Friday & wow I was scared at 1st. She was purple with no face and spoke to me telepathically and again told me all lovely things like I was a small child told me I was beautiful and perfect. Because she knew I was scared of her she only showed herself a little at a time. She kept coming in and out in waves until eventually she showed all of herself and engulfed me with love. After that she then helped Pull childhood trauma from me.. It was like she filled me with love before she then removed my trauma it was a truly beautiful experience”

“I was in a large space and saw what seemed to be thousands of the entities. They were rapidly passing something to and fro among themselves, and were looking intently at me, as if to say “See what we are doing!” … I noticed what seemed to be an opening into a larger space, like looking through a cave opening to a starry sky. As I approached this I saw that resting in the opening was a large creature, with many arms, somewhat like an octopus, and all over the arms were eyes, mostly closed, as if the creature were asleep or slumbering. As I approached it the eyes opened, and they became aware of me. It did not seem especially well-disposed toward me, as if it did not wish to be bothered by a mere human, and I had the impression I wasn’t going to get past it, so I did not try.”

“Something pretty similar happened to me, it was a mechanoid octopoid alien entity that initially was dismantling me with instruments attached to its tentacles but later was explaining how we were a hybrid entity – the octopoid entity was non corporeal and wanted to experience physicality with an animal body so they had merged with humans – this was some ancient project of hybridization that went back to the dawn of humans. Saw a lot of tanks with fetuses and HR Giger style hi tech reproductive machinery.”


“Wow this is really amazing. I’ve been googling because I’ve had this experience today where I saw this octopus being using my body to ground through my spinal column. It told me he is an annunaki and that we’re a symbiosis and he was using me to be able to still exist because it had no physical body, and was giving something in exchange for this. But I just told it full of love that it had to go and told it it’s okay and with tears in its eyes thanked me and dissolved into source because it kinda finally understood that there was no reason we needed each other anymore.”



Photo of Sun Gate in Tiwanaku by Marek Grote (CC BY-SA 3.0) via Wikipedia Commons

“Gate of the Sun is the most important and famous sculpture of Tiwanaku. Worked in andesite, it has a beautiful lintel where the figure of the Viracocha stands. This figure with a head that radiates, represents the God Creator, or Inti for the Incas, and is also known as the crying God because of the tears you can see on its face. Both eyes and tears are in low relief and were filled with gold.”
Photo by Dennis Jarvis (CCBYSA2.0)


Puerta del Sol, Tihuanacu, 1903 (PD0)

Frontal personage holding staffs. (a) Gate of the Sun, Tiahuanaco; (b) Bennett stele, Tiahuanaco; (c) Ponce stele, Tiahuanaco; (d) Kochamama, Tiahuanaco (a-d after Posnansky 1945); (e) “Recipiente Litico de Ofrendas,” Tiahuanaco (Ponce Sanginés 1982:Figure 16.1); (f) Tomb 4093, Coyo Oriente; (g) Tomb 4010, Coyo Oriente; (h) Tomb 2183, Quitor 5; (i) Tomb 3582, Quitor 6, San Pedro de Atacama; (j) La Real, Valle de Majes, Peru (after Garcia and Bustamante 1990:Figure 3). (f-h, j drawings by Donna Torres). (Used with permission of Manuel Torres)

Disembodied rayed head: (a) Tomb 1994, Quitor 5; (b) Tomb 3935, Coyo Oriente; (c) Tomb, 1618, Sequitor Alambrado; (d) Gate of the Sun, lower fret detail, Tiahuanaco (after Posnansky 1945); (e) Bennett stele, upper back detail, Tiahuanaco (after Posnansky 1945); (f) Ponce stele, waistband detail, Tiahuanaco. (Photo by Constantino M. Torres, drawings by Donna Torres). (Used with permission of Manuel Torres)


The Moche God ‘Ai apaec’ (or Ayapec), the decapitator, on wall murals inside the Huaca de la Luna temple complex near Trujillo.Photo by Antonio Velasco. Mayo de 2005, viaje turístico al Perú. (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Octopus Frontlet, Moche (La Mina), 300–600 C.E., gold, chrysocolla, shells
Photo: Thad Zajdowicz (CC0)

Moche; AD 525-550, Peru, Dos Cabezas, Tomb 2, Ceramic, The Getty Center in Los Angeles, California
Photo by Thad Zajdowicz (Public Domain)


Linear Style Paracas textile, 5th–3rd century B.C.E., camelid hair and cotton The Metropolitan Museum of Art (Public Domain)

Figure 9 – Wari Kayan 114, details of tunic and mantle borders representing a simian motif in Linear Mode design and the predominant EH 10 color system. (a) On left, red plain weave band with supplementary warps in navy blue, yellow-gold, pine green and red-brown (deteriorated) visible along loom and margin and substituted to create the figure, with plied fringe, item 51a, Cat. 41.2/8791. (b) On right, mantle border embroidered on a separate cloth panel, with red outlining and background, paired dots imitating supplementary warps, a row of figures embroidered along the inner border margin, and plied fringe, item 51, Cat. 41.2/8790. American Museum of Natural History.
Photos by A. H. Peters. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Ocucaje Basin, Rayed Head imagery organized in binary color contrasts. (a) On left, knotted hammock-shaped headdress band, tomb 62 item 3, Cat. 91.935. (b) On right, embroidered mantle border, tomb unknown, Cat. 91.1032a. The Textile Museum, George Washington University Museum. Photo by A. H. Peters. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

Ocucaje Basin, mantle of orange cotton with embroidered border in the predominant Ocucaje 10 style and large Rayed Head figures embroidered on the central cloth in a Broad Line style, tomb 49 item 11, Cat. 91.906. The Textile Museum, George Washington University Museum. Photo by A. H. Peters. (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)


Left: the Raimondi Stele, c. 900-200 B.C.E., Chavín culture, Peru (Museo Nacional de Arqueología Antropología e Historia del Peru, Photo:tacowitte, (CC BY 2.0). Right: Line drawing of the Raimondi Stele (source: Tomato35, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Stone sculpture (Museo Nacional de Chavín, photo and
Dr. Sarahh Scher, (CC BY-SA 4.0) (alt)

Cornice sculpture (Museo Nacional de Chavín,
photo and drawing: Dr. Sarahh Scher, (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Stela of the Bearer of the San Pedro Cactus in the Circular Plaza
of Chavín de Huántar. (CC BY-SA 4.0)


Postincursion SAIS, Konchopata style, detail of a partially preserved tunic in interlocking tapestry with a representation of a “Running Winged Staff God” and remains of “Fire Textile” iconography. Weft in camelid fibers and cotton warp. (Photo Joerg Haeberli, CC0, src)

Siguas 1, Rayed Head Theme A, textile in discontinuous double interlocking warp and weft, both warp and weft in camelid fibers. A textile with similar iconography and a white background color was dated cal. 373 BC to AD 65. (Photo Joerg Haeberli, CC0, src)

Siguas 1, Rayed Head, detail of a band fragment in interlocking tapestry, warp in cotton and weft in camelid fibers, dated cal. 359 BC to AD 1. (Photo Joerg Haeberli, CC0, src)

Siguas 1, Rayed Head Theme B, textile in discontinuous double interlocking warp and weft, both warp and weft in camelid fibers, dated cal. 206 BC to AD 116. (Image Isbell et al, 2018, CC0, src)

Provincial Pukara, Rayed Head Theme B represented on a tunic shoulder panel. Interlocking tapestry, warp, and weft are in camelid fibers. (Image Isbell et al, 2018, CC0, src)

Postincursion SAIS, Konchopata style, detail of a textile fragment in interlocking tapestry with representations of the “Fire Textile” theme, dated cal. AD 712 to 888 (SH 779-968). Weft in camelid fibers and cotton warp. (Photo Joerg Haeberli, CC0, src)

Provincial Pukara, Gateway Staff Goddess Theme represented on both shoulder panels of the Gateway Tunic (Figure 6.12), dated cal. AD 245 to 402 (SH 257-437). (Image Isbell et al, 2018, CC0, src)

Provincial Pukara, Rayed Head Theme C represented on a tunic, dated cal. AD 245 to 402 (SH 257-437) (Image Isbell et al, 2018, CC0, src)


A beaten gold mask from the Nazca civilization of Peru, 200 BCE-500 CE. 18.4 x 20.5 cm. The mask may represent a shaman in a transformational pose, a common motif in Nazca art. An alternative interpretation is that it represents the weeping sun deity common to several ancient Andean cultures. (Public Domain)


There’s an ongoing discussion on whether the entities people encounter in DMT experiences are real or just hallucinations. In this research, I provide proof of possible similar entity encounters across thousands of years by looking through modern research, trip reports, ancient archeology and personal experiences from Peru. Could it be that humanity was in contact with these beings way earlier than we thought? Could those interdimensional relationships have shaped ancient human spirituality, belief systems, art and maybe even technology?

We have only explored the tip of the iceberg in this area of research that offers a vast range of possibilities for understanding our past and who we are today. It’s time for us to take a deep dive.

Dawid "Raq" Rakowski is a psychedelic guide, sound alchemist and a history teacher. He lives in Peru between the Amazon jungle and the Sacred Valley, deepening his learning and healing with the indigenous Inca and Shipibo people. He designs psychedelic retreats for his guests and introduces them to the hidden mysteries of Peru. He facilitated & sat with the plant medicines a thousand times for the last 15 year and believes this ancient biotechnology can be the key for a collective shift of consciousness. He has created his conscious tour agency and donation based online course on plant medicine and mysticism called The Alchemy of Self.

17 thoughts on “DMT Entities at the Core of Belief Systems of Ancient South American Cultures Who Used Psychedelic Snuff”

  1. Marina Druzhynets says:

    I met Dawid last year during my trip to Peru that turned to be beyond transformational for me. Dawid is one amazing soul and I can’t be grateful enough to have met a friend like him. Deep thinking and very humble. I’m profoundly glad for this recognition of his work

    1. Dawid Rakowski says:

      Thank you dear 🙏

  2. chris zerdzinski says:

    Thanks for the content. Was interesting to read

    1. Dawid Rakowski says:

      Thanks for reading 🙏

  3. Anthony Flanagan says:

    Thanks Graham, for indicating ways we can open our senses

  4. Joseph Tatrai says:

    Graham, Could it be that entire civilizations were formed around the shamans who visited these realms and bought back information?

    1. Dawid Rakowski says:

      I’m the author of the article. Yes it’s proven with the Chavin culture, the shamans were leading their civilization and they didn’t need military.

  5. Dachel Miqueli says:

    I have been a few times in Peru over the last 2 years specifically to learn about plant medicine and for doing Ayahuasca ceremonies. I have no doubt we are taping into a multidimensional technology. I was able to meet the spirit of mother earth and I was shown how many things actually works in the spiritual realm. Then I was able to verify the information given to me by the medicine was real and it was an eye opener. Lastly I met Jesus in my eight and ceremony but not in a religious context, it was more like an ascended master. Definitely there is a lot we have to learn but I believe that we should not make it about the research but an important part of our spiritual growth instead. Love and light to everybody and much strength for those who receives the calling to connect with the medicine.

  6. Joseph Hollo says:

    Dear Graham,
    I think you are absolutely right on the money on this subject.
    My own research and experience has led me to a similar view.
    I have had these, shall we say, fonts appear several times when I have entered the space created by dmt.
    This kind of entity like Varicocha has appeared to me too, albeit in the form of a giant shape. It rose up in front of me like an ant in relation to a human.
    Several times I experienced it literally looking into me.
    And the visual forms were a brilliant sharp bright golden colour that pulsated.
    It’s interesting how you can feel your time there.
    I was struck by the sense of what I call “core consciousness”, so the sense of unity of core consciousness.
    How interesting that the creator core consciousness has manifested dmt almost everywhere with the intention that if one is worthy one will find it.
    It is in front of our noses all our lives yet we don’t know it.
    Thanks for the article because it confirms my own path.

  7. Noel Terrason says:

    Thank you for this brilliant research, in the face of all misinformation and repression (regarding the role of Entheogens)… Psychedelics have always played a central role in shaping humans and human cultures, and for those who have eyes to see this is obvious, not only in Peru, but practically in all ancient cultures … Musing on the octupus-like serpent-like imagery here, i cannot help, but think of Medusa Gorgona, which i think is a remnant of teh same ancient contact with these Entities, however distorted (very likely intentionally) and profanised in the version that we know today, only her supernatural snake-like hair has remained ….

    1. Dawid Rakowski says:

      Yes few friends brought up that idea and who knows, we do know that Greeks had their mysteries where they probably used plant medicines.

  8. Panos says:

    Very interesting article with very informative pictures which I have not seen anywhere else (especially the ones of the textiles). Since it seems that almost everyone has the same or similar visuals when ingesting DMT or other psychedelics, the question on whether these are real entities in another dimension or hallucinations becomes very important. Research should be guided in seeking the answer to this question. nevertheless what the answer might be, it can have a fascinating on our understanding of self and cosmos. Provided that it won’t be hidden from the general public…

  9. Paweł says:

    I was smiling on my face while reading because I saw similar entity while I was on Changa trip. That was great man with very shiny face, I was on the boat and this enormous big guy had 6 or more hands, he was guiding me towards something better and it was very mistical. But I felt safe. I was always thinking that just was an illusion created by neurons in my brain, but maybe there is more 🙂

  10. Indigoth says:

    Clearly you made a serious effort, unfortunately a big part is based on the non sense proclaimed by the enemies of truth, those guys that hate the man who’s site we’re on. It was (i believe)in Fingerprints that i read about Tititaka , the gateway to the sun and the researcher that spent most of his life there. The thing is the site is much ,much older… possibly 20,000 BC but certainly 14,000 BC, likely a remnant of the Atlanteans and the Gateway (OMG) is so much more then a reason to go tripping, you maybe forgiven to have left out 400 pages of the Calendar of Teotihuacan (quickly buried by the keepers of the “truth”), in which Professor Hans Schindler-Bellamy explains every symbol, why this symbol was chosen for what it represents, its position in the overall calendar, and how the sun and the then existing moon moved throughout the year. What he found was that the Gate of the Sun is a unique depository of astronomical, mathematical, and scientific data, put down in a language that was very different from ours. Dawid, you and everyone passing here should check out the Calendar of Teotihuacan , great pics and mostly sensible analysis.

    ps Dawid, i really hope all this enhances your knowledge of the matter at hand here

  11. Julio says:

    Thank you for the info, ive read about pre hispanic culture and the cosmogony and way of life and I can relate to your text, part of the information by native cumunitys was intended as a gift to the rest of the world a san example of how a society can conexist with nature.

    Somewhere along the meeting of the two worlds demerited our acient ways due to fear of loosing power to the unknown, now we are born without identity and waisting human life to entertainment. 500 years of a popurry of events are leading people to inquiere about ceremonial life, and i hope we are left with a glimpse of a higher order and a love that is more than words that is sustained to comunión with the earths natural order.

  12. Tristan Todd says:

    One thing I’m curious about is the relations of long objects such as tentacles protruding from the head of the deity reminds me of cave art of the Wandjini paintings by Australian natives. Who are also seen with serphants and deemed Gods. Possibly a DMT entity as well?

  13. LKI says:

    Thank you for the info! Very interesting article

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