For almost 5000 years, the Pyramids have asked more questions than they have answered. Many books have been written which have propounded incredible facts concerning their construction and their mathematical qualities.
Who built them? How did their builders acquire such mathematical and astronomical knowledge, and what advanced technology was used in their construction?
To simply say, “the Egyptians built them,” is not a satisfactory answer. For if man began at the Stone Age, progressed to the Bronze and then the Iron Age, we have the oldest pyramids popping up somewhere between the Stone and the Bronze Age.
Despite all the recent books written about them, the pyramids remain a conundrum wrapped in an enigma and surrounded by a paradox.
Yes, these authors have discovered and charted their astronomical significance. They have unearthed their geometric alignments and mathematical properties. And the conclusion they have reached is that some lost civilisation or race of advanced people was responsible for building these mammoth edifies.
But all these writers have one thing in common. They have failed to tell us who these people were and from whence they derived their knowledge and skills.
Buried in the ancient Hebrew texts, undiscovered and largely ignored by scholars, lies a wealth of information about a secret race of people known as the NEPHILIM.
Genesis chapter six verse four, contains a passage that has baffled commentators for centuries: “There were Nephilim in the earth in those days and also after that: when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them. These became the mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
The word Nephilim comes from the Hebrew word naphal, which means, “to fall.”
Thus, the Nephilim means “the fallen ones.” These were what you and I might call, fallen angles. Except, I do not like the word angel. For when one thinks of this word, often an image of a naked baby cherubim with a bow and arrow, comes to mind. Or, perhaps a glorious being with twenty-foot wings protruding from his back, and illuminated from behind by a huge spotlight. But when one studies the appearance of these beings throughout the ancient Scriptures, a different picture emerges.
For these people always appear as men. They dress like men. They eat and drink like men and have been mistaken as ordinary people. And, apparently, they can have intercourse with women. The difference is they are spirit men. We are flesh and blood, they are spirit; whatever that is. But because they are spirit, they are not constrained by the ordinary laws of physics as are we.
When these spirit men cohabited with human women, they produced offspring. But these were no ordinary offspring. They were evil and violent and great in size. And we are told that these people infected the whole human race at that time to such a degree with their evil and violence, that Yahweh wiped out everybody in what is called the Flood of Noah. (This story is retold in other ancient traditions such as the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Sumerian flood tragedy).
But you cannot drown spirit men. We are informed that these fallen angels are incarcerated in a subterranean prison known in the Scriptures as; the Abyss, the Pit of the Abyss, gloomy prisons; and once it is called Tartarus.
In the original verse in Genesis six, we are told that there were two incursions of these fallen angels with human women. For it says they were on the earth in the days of Noah, “and also after that,” i.e. after the Flood of Noah.
Fast – forward now to the time Moses leads the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt. After he sent 12 men to spy out the land of Caanan, they returned with a fearful tale. “There is no way we can take this land”, they said, “for we saw the Nephilim there. We looked like grasshoppers compared to them.” They also carried back on a staff, between two of them, a cluster of grapes. Big people need big food. Could it be that these fallen spirit men who were supernatural and superhuman, were already involved in genetic modification? For it must have been some cluster of grapes for two young men of Israel to have had to carry it between them on a staff.
Later on, under the leadership of Joshua, the children of Israel did conquer the land and defeat these people. We are told that they took sixty of the “giant cities of Bashan,” and killed Og, the king of Bashan. The measurements of his iron bed are given in cubits, which in feet translate to around 18 feet long and 8 feet wide.
So where is this going, I hear you say. Well, do we have any myths or stories of gods coming to earth and mating with human women and giving birth to demi-gods? Of course we do. Take Greece, for example: The gods came down from heaven. They lived in Mount Olympus and Delphi. Zeus came down and took Alchemene to wife, a mortal woman, and she almost died giving birth to Hercules.
But is this not just legend and mythology?
Yes, but any historian will tell you that all mythologies have their genesis in truth. But as the stories were passed down through the generations, they became distorted.
But where do the Pyramids come into all this; and what is the significance of the pyramid shape?
In the second part of my book, I provide a detailed summary of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation and of the signs we are told would precede these happenings. And in the second last chapter of the Apocalypse, we are told of a future heaven and a future earth. A heaven and earth that is still to come. There is a city on this future earth and this city is described in great detail. We are told of all the different stones it is made of and of the thickness of its walls. It has twelve gates, each one made of a single pearl. Out of the midst of this city flows the river of life etc.
We are also given the dimensions of this future city. We are told that its length and its breadth and its height are the same. It is a pyramid in shape. And it is this future pyramid city, that provides the answer to the riddle as to why the Pyramids were built in Egypt in the first place, and who built them.
You have, as it were, the Great Pyramid of Giza pointing into the future towards this pyramid city spoken of in the Book of Revelation. And this future pyramid city, pointing back at the Pyramid of Giza. Herein lies the answer to The Pyramid of the Apocalypse.