The Chauvet cave was painted approximately 30,000 years ago and the dreams were buried and sealed for 20,000 years by a land slide.
The site and its contents were discovered in 1994 and rocked the world!
Now, other images that appear to have been hidden within the paintings have been found that seem to reveal specific designs and intentional masking which may tell a story, or message, that could be massively important from an artistic and historical point of view.
What could these images be telling us? How do they offer a connection to the foundation of the ancient Egyptian culture? One Image appears to link from the cave to Seti the 1st’s tomb which could only have been done by the handing down of stories within tradition! Is there evidence that reveals a connection to Ra, the ‘creative power’? Could this be the source of what was to become the ancient Egyptians and other cultures?
Ra was the Sun God of ancient Egypt and his image may have been captured in the art. The image below is a portion of the cave wall containing a set of felines that are all looking the same way. But what is hidden amongst them on the far right?
There is what looks like half a face drawn into the section on the end! Once mirrored (on the direct vertical, no other form of manipulation required), the face reveals itself as you will see and even still, it seems to have a very strong resemblance to something Leonardo da Vinci created in one of his works. Comparing the two is stunning.

Who, or what, is this person? Where is he from? Did he actually exist or is this a creation of the artists fancy?
What has this face got to do with Ra?
Legend says that Ra lost an eye, but nobody knows which one. In the original we see only the left eye. The right eye has not been painted. Perhaps this is a clue.
Another clue could be the way the typical “eye of Ra/Horus” image has also been created in the cave and is also the left eye as you can see here in the next image.

It’s clear to see how an easy comparison can be made. Strangely, this ‘eye’ in the cave is also reproduced, or is a copy of, an area of terrain on the surface of earth. There are also some other images nearby, one which resembles a snake with its forked tongue and a feline with its front legs in the air which can be clearly seen from 150kms above the Earth

What is even stranger is how I was able to locate this area on earth. By looking at one feline in particular, you get to see that it is actually a map of North Africa and shows the Nile region. Should you wish to do your own comparison, the lions mouth is a valley which contains another amazing item, the Richat structure, otherwise known as the ‘eye of Africa’.

Exactly what were these ancient artists trying to show? It seems to be that it was not just animals they were painting.
Deeper into the art
As we get deeper into the art we begin to find a lot of other items that do not seem to make sense until you have matched them to other parts of the art or found their external link. These links are actually encoded into the art as well, so you really have to get your brain working to spot them
Some of these images that lead you across the art are simple red dots, as though they are footsteps left in the sand. This can be understood fully once you’ve seen them on the lion that could be a map and found the locations that they lead you to.
But to confirm what you are seeing is what you think it is, you also need to find the extra image that is the ‘back up marker’ in the art work.
For example, this image below was one of the first I saw and the first that I put aside as me “seeing what I wanted to see”..

There are actually two images in this. The first is obviously the black markings. The other image is of a face. Take note of the white/grey shading around the top, to the right and the middle of the image. These white portions are the Forehead, temple, ear and cheek of half of a face, again, the left side. This image is supposed to be that of a horse’s head, yet it pales in comparison to the other excellent examples of horses in the cave art.
In this set we see the eye of Ra, the ‘eye’ from the cave art and some form hilly range which appears to hold a very similar shape to both and may have had some form of markings created in the terrain in order to complete the image. The Earthly image is next to Namak lake.

I’ll let you work out the exact details that match these images together, but for me, it’s a done deal.
There is one piece of art in the cave that really got me going and was the image that made me stop and think about everything I was looking at. This image is a picture of a hippo with his mouth open, teeth showing and tongue sticking out. This is him at the top of the image as it is seen in the cave.

Previously the only connection I could find to this in ancient Egypt was from the ceiling in the tomb of Seti 1st.
I had made that link by accident whilst searching for something related to everything else. Rotated 90 degrees we get to see more clearly as to how it matches up with the image from the tomb. It was not until later that I discovered that the hippo was a very important symbol for the Egyptians.

Here is the same image but with the matching items highlighted

Confirming the evidence
Obviously I have been trying to get in touch with as many people as I possibly can to help me get to the bottom of what I believe to have found in the Chauvet cave art. A big thank you goes out to Hugo Kennes for getting me connected with Catherine Acholonu.
She was a member of the United Nations forum for art and culture.. but that is nothing compared to what else is on her incredible list of achievements.
Prof. (Mrs) Catherine Obianuju Acholonu (born 26 Oct 1951, Orlu, Nigeria) was a Nigerian writer, researcher and former lecturer on African Cultural and Gender Studies. Sadl, she passed away not too long ago.
Our first contact was in relation to some ancient rivers in North Africa that may also be recorded in the cave art of Chauvet 30,000 years ago. She shared my views on this matter.
After further discussion revolving around a few other cave images, we came to discuss one of the most cleverly hidden images found to date. This image is of a set of felines looking at or guarding what, at first, appears to be a chalice or cup (Holy Grail?) of some description.
Catherine has pinpointed many of the images and given one of the most amazing replies I could have ever have hoped for.
We were both in full agreement that the entire time line and historical knowledge of the ancient Egyptian and Sumer cultures needs to be revised.
Here is the image Catherine took time to look at and reply to..

And here is Catherines response to it..
“The leopards/tigers in mirror-image are very, very intriguing. They are witnessing the birth of Atum/Amun – the Son of the Mother Goddess in the Egyptian Zep Tepi (First Time)! The mirror leopards, watching, witnessing represent The Watchers – the Cosmic Gods. I see two humanoid beings in the center, the one above is a Father/Mother figure wearing a crown with arms outstretched like a BAT, legs outstretched, giving birth. He/She is giving birth to the lower figure who looks like the SON. This lower figure is also with outstretched arms. He is lunching forward/thrusting his arms and shoulders forward like a swimmer in water. His head is bent down. His face is partially hidden, looking downwards, while the crown of his head is showing very clearly. He also looks like a BAT or BATMAN coming out of his Mountain Home. (The Bat is the animal that lives in the Dark, and it is a Black animal, just as it is portrayed in Batman movies. It is the dweller in all dark Caves everywhere. It dwells in Hiding. It is thus the metaphor for the Hidden God of the Egyptian Duat Atum-Ra/Amun/Tmu). A flat-topped phallic Mountain (monolith/lingam) is located directly below him on the ground, shaped like an inverted U. It is the Egyptian Primeval Mound or Benben where Atum stood to utter the original Creative Act after he emerged from the womb of the Chaotic Waters of NUN. Thus this lower figure is AMUN-RA (Atum/Tmu) rising from the Womb of Chaotic Nun at the moment of First Creation.
The image also represents Osiris resurrecting from his Tomb in the Underworld DUAT in a future time, wch is NOW – the new Age of Enlightenment. All in all, the image captures the Egyptian First Time (Zep Tepi) when Atum rose from the Abyss of the Primeval Waters to begin the Creative Act. The only witnesses to this event were Cosmic Beings, represented in the Art with the metaphor of animals, for man had not yet been called forth (created). The animals represent COSMIC beings (the so-called KAs or KASHIs of the Egyptian Zep Tepi, who were companions of Atum in the Moment of First Creation (Zep Tepi). Leopards are totems of female cat-goddesses of Egypt, such as Sekhmet and Wadjet.
Their presence indicates that only goddesses were in existence when Atum was born. They were the midwives of his emergence from the womb of Nun. Goddesses were the mothers of the gods. And God (Atum) was born by a Goddess, who is called Nne Chukwu (Mother of God) among the aboriginal Igbos of Nigeria. By the way, the famous NUN River of Egyptian mythology is a Delta river physically located in the Lower Niger area of Nigeria, so too is the celebrated AN/On (Igbo ONU) – the Opening into the Bottomless Pit, wch leads into the Underground Duat in the mythical Land of the Dead which the Egyptians called AMANA, BUT WHICH IS ALSO A PHYSICAL PLACE IN IGBOLAND – A VILLAGE OF THE DEAD CALLED ‘AMANA’ BY IGBO NATIVES.”
The Mars – Earth thing..
On the surface of Mars lies a very striking mound.
This mound has a design to it. It is a design that can only be compared to one earthly image, the eye of Horus/Ra.
Horus is one of the oldest and most significant deities in ancient Egyptian religion and the symbol that most relates to him is known around the world. He is also associated with Mars
“…the Egyptian God HORUS is identical with planet MARS. And that means that all the Gods inside of the myth are celestial bodies, in the same way as in the Epic of Creation. So this myth describes a very special cosmic event.”

So what has this all got to do with the face on Mars and the potential of it being a real representation of what everyone thinks it is.. A face? Well, this image below is not too far from the Cydonia region and maybe the face on Mars has a distant cousin in the face from the cave?
This is the image from Mars (image origin, NASA, Structure found by ‘the mad martian’)

The 30,000 year old art has led me on a rather wild ride and I know it is not over yet, not by a long shot! I know there is far more to discover in the art.
Now to show you the points of interest as to how these images match. There are a few pieces that give us a deeper idea as to how they ‘connect’. Is this more than just a ‘looks similar’ type of match?

What are we exactly looking at? Firstly, the yellow circles, they are showing the ‘shark tail’ effect given to the art work. It is a sloping tail that ends in a point rather than the square ended version we also see which is in the blue circle and seen on many other versions.
The green circle is the barely visible ‘physical’ eye that we see. Then, the wavy blue line is clearly seen in the last image as a matching wavy blue line. Can these factors placed together mean that the image on Mars was designed and was made to resemble something that was either from Mars or travelled to Mars via Earth or some other variation? Perhaps Earth was the final destination before departing for somewhere else and they left their mark here?
There seems to be a lot of other stunning images that have been blended into the art work in, what appears to be, a manner where only the initiated can see them. We know that the feline was regarded very highly in Egypt and we see one hidden into the face of another animal here. Notice how the ears of the main creature here are the eyes of the hidden cat, then in the next image you see this cat close up and see how carefully they painted its whiskers,

We also find the tree of life incorporated into the head of a bull, its horns branching like a tree,

Finally, I saw something that could be very special indeed. Like a lot of the things which I believe to have found, I need help with confirming or telling me where and why I am wrong. I have had two completely separate people give me very similar ideas as to what this might read as, but, if it says anything at all, I will leave it to you to decide and comment. Here it is on the cave wall. A bit hard to see, but then I sectioned it off and highlighted the important bit. It looks as though they prepared the area but left certain parts natural in order to hide the true intent (which is just one other of the many methods they appear to have used)

Now, here is that section brought out,

Bear in mind the upper circle may be a semi-circle.
This is not everything I have found! There is a lot more!
Steve Meads
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