There were Druids in Ireland even before the coming of the Gaels (known as Celts). They had ways of working with the energies of the universe. Not all technology works with electrical energy; some works with etheric energy (subtle or spiritual energy like chi or prana), and some are technical or metaphysical tools. Arrangements of standing stones have been shown to affect etheric energy. The energies of the Sun and the Earth are felt to unite at these thin places, like solar temples of light. Can ancient sites work with natural energies to accumulate and conduct them? Divination has indicated that they can. Large amounts of ancient Irish pendulums have been found, demonstrating the widespread use of the most basic form of ancient Irish technology: clay, metal and stone pendulums. The Irish could charm the magic out of the stones. Far from being primitive barbarians, the ancient Irish were very sophisticated and advanced. In working with the Earth, Sun, Moon and stars, they were in harmony with the universe.
Ancient Sites: The West of Ireland, and much of the East, is covered in a network of ancient sites in intersecting alignments, some over six thousand years old. County Sligo is full of them. Thousands of ancient sites are aligned astronomically, often to the solstices (longest and shortest days) or equinoxes (halfway between the solstices), sometimes to stars or constellations, and often with acoustic properties, like sonic temples resonating on all the chakras of the land. The Druids had advanced knowledge of working with earth energies and placed arrangements of standing stones on specific points, such as intersections of energy lines or underground streams, to work with that energy. Most ancient Irish sites contain quartz in some form. Quartz has been shown to have energetic properties. Many ancient sites are on ley lines —etheric energy lines flowing across the landscape. Ancient sacred sites connect with each other, and many are aligned with ley lines, forming an energy grid. Druids would conduct ceremonies, and people would receive healing, initiation and transformation in ancient sacred sites that were aligned to equinoxes, solstices, constellations and other ancient sites.
Cairns are domed piles of stones around a central chamber, many with other chambers off them. Cairns were womb spaces where people connected to the metaphysical realm, a birth chamber where they met themselves and the divine. Archaeologists have a habit of calling everything a tomb whether there was ever a body found in it or not. Cremated remains were found in many cairns, but that doesn’t mean the original purpose was to house a pot of ash. Michael Poynder called Cairns ‘Temples of Light’. People gathered at sacred sites on sacred dates when the veil between worlds was thin, they usually lit a sacred fire which helped them connect with the otherworld. Their singing was enhanced by the energetic acoustics of the sites.
Archaeoacoustics: Archaeoacoustics is the study of the acoustic properties of archaeological sites. Many ancient sites were designed to produce acoustic effects. Cambridge University found 111Hz to be the average resonant frequency of the Irish neolithic monuments tested, with most between 110 and 112Hz. 111Hz has been found to increase brain activity, resonating an Alpha brainwave state with Theta waves, balancing the brain. It’s known as the ‘divine frequency’ and is believed to heal even cancer. The King’s chamber of the Great Pyramid was recorded at 112Hz, so the Irish megalith builders were at least as accurate as the Great Pyramid of Giza’s archaeoacoustic construction. The frequency amplified by the structure is said to create an acoustic standing wave (which was also the science used when scientists from the Universities of Chicago and Bath demonstrated levitation with sound waves).
Singing, toning and chanting in many ancient Irish sites produces powerful effects. A hum has even been heard without any sound. In WWI, The British put up big stone concave ‘sound mirrors’ to detect and amplify the sound of approaching enemy aircraft. That’s a bit like how the ancients seem to have used standing stones to affect sound. The huge stone bowls in Newgrange, Knowth, Dowth and Loughcrew may work in a similar way. A convex stone, like a standing stone, would affect sound and energy in a slightly different way. Stones standing up ring better than a stone lying on the ground because it can resonate without as much interference. Can a resonance sounded in one harmonic site affect nearby standing stones, especially on the same energy lines, like how a tuning fork of a certain pitch will pick up the vibrations through the air if another one is struck that has the same note and vibrate itself, sound moving matter? What kind of energy field would build up between the stones when sacred songs were chanted in sacred sites on sacred calendar points with sacred intent?
The Four Treasures of the Tuatha Dé Danann: The Tuatha Dé Danann were the pre-Gaelic inhabitants of Ireland, the shining ones. They are the tribe of the goddess Danu, the gods of the ancient Irish peoples, and it’s claimed they are ancestors of some Irish royal families. They were said to have brought to Ireland four magical artefacts from four ancient magical cities called Findias, Gorias, Falias and Murias. It has been noted that Murias sounds like the legendary lands of Lemuria and Mu. The four treasures represent the four elements. The Lia Fáil or Stone of Destiny for Earth, the abundant Cauldron of Dagda for water, the unblockable Sword of Nuada for air and the unconquerable Spear of Lugh for fire. Legend ascribes them magical powers. They are believed to be the origin of the four suits of the Tarot and standard playing cards.
The Carrowkeel Star: On the Bricklieve mountains in County Sligo, mostly the other side of the mountain from the legendary Kesh Corran caves, lies an arrangement of Cairns. There are a dozen cairns on the mountain, up to a dozen other ancient sites amongst the heather, and a further dozen cairns in the surrounding townlands. Some of the cairns have an opening above the entrance, like the roof box at Newgrange, and they also let in the solstice sunlight into the chamber. Cairn G‘s opening is not aligned to a solar event but to the huge cairn at Knocknarea, Maeve‘s cairn, which is said to intersect many ley lines, including one that goes to Giza. In his book Pi in the Sky, Michael Poynder showed a hexagonal star-shaped arrangement of ancient sites on the mountain. This is the same shape as grids of ley lines that have been discovered with geomantic divination. Star-shaped arrangements of ancient sites have also been found in America, Canada and near Rennes-le-Chateau in France. Michael Poynder wrote a small poetry book entitled The Carrowkeel Star.
Geomancy: Geomancy is earth divination, working with earth energies for placement, finding things, fortune telling, land-based lightwork, mysticism and working with energies. Whether using divining rods, feng-shui-like placement of stones on the land, pendulums, or earth magic, it was an ancient sacred science known to the Druids. Sacred geometry literally means Earth measure. It is the shape and measure which affects the resonance of sites. Some ancient sites have been found to share sacred geometry related to the measurements of the Earth as well as the directions of the Earth. It seems standing stones were used to conduct energies like crystals. Geomancy was a way of life for Druids, who romanced Nature and divined her divinity.
Nuada’s Silver Arm: Nuada was King of the Tuatha Dé Danann. After his arm was cut off in battle, Nuada was deemed unfit to rule, as the custom was that you had to be physically perfect to be King. Legend says that Dian Cécht, the physician healer of the Tuatha Dé Danann, made a silver arm for Nuada that could be used like a real arm. Then he wasn’t blemished with an imperfection; he was whole again and so could become King again after Bres. Dian Cécht’s son, Miach, was said to have made Nuada a functional human arm. Not just arms were operated on; archaeologists have found evidence of brain surgery in ancient Ireland.
Newgrange: Newgrange (Sí an Bhrú) is a large ancient stone-chambered mound in Co. Meath that’s over five thousand years old. It lets in the winter solstice sunlight down the passageway to the central chamber. The ray of light travelling down the birth passage into the womb chamber has procreational symbolism. As well as quartz, it also consists of alternate layers of organic and inorganic material, stone, turf and chalk in the case of Newgrange, but alternate layers of organic and inorganic material is also how an orgone accumulator works. The orgone accumulator was invented by Willhelm Reich to bring in etheric energy which can be used for healing or other purposes. A huge stone ’basin’ in the central chamber could have reflected the light, energy or sound into the side chambers for healing or initiation. It reminds me of the huge stone bowls in Egypt that are said to have been used for acoustic levitation of large stones (Universities have demonstrated acoustic levitation with specific frequencies). There are also large stone bowls in nearby Knowth, Dowth and Loughcrew in the Boyne Valley of Boann of the Tuatha Dé Danann. Legend says that Newgrange was built by Dagda, a god and sometime King of the Tuatha Dé Danann, who gave it to his son Aengus. It is also associated with Brigid, a goddess of the Tuatha Dé Danann, who is associated with swans. The intersecting passageways inside are thought to reflect the northern cross of the Cygnus constellation, the swan. The arcs of Newgrange’s white quartz front resemble a swan’s wings. Swans still visit the Bhrú today. It originally had a pyramid-shaped stone in the centre of the chamber, which has since disappeared. There are twelve stones left of a great stone circle which surrounds the cairn. In Pi in the Sky, Michael Poynder describes how Newgrange works like a capacitor, indicating the direction of the energy flow, the effect of the quartz and the clay bank insulator.
The Irish Round Tower Star-Map Mystery: There are about seventy remaining round towers in Ireland, they are usually presumed to be from the Christian era. Many were said to have collapsed in the great earthquake of the 5th century that pre-dates St. Patrick (who brought Roman Christianity to Ireland). They have been linked with Atlantis by Henry O’Brien, and legend says round towers were built by Gobán Saor, who some say is Goibniu, the smith and craftsman of the Tuatha Dé Danann. One account claims they were built on pre-existing ancient sites. The round towers have been found to have aspects which give them metaphysical properties. They were made from paramagnetic stones such as mica schist, sandstone or limestone. Paramagnetic stone resonates positively in a magnetic field and helps to energise its environment. The towers were believed to bring good energy into the soil to help crops grow etc. The towers look a bit like acupuncture needles or obelisks. Obelisks are rectangular, which is a male shape, and round towers are cylindrical, which is a female shape. However, both pyramids and cones (which they are capped by, respectively) are said to generate a spin field from the apex. Most round towers have lost their original cap, just as many pyramids have lost their original capstone. Both round towers and pyramids have their entrances at a distance from ground level. American Professor Philip Callahan said the towers are radio antennae and amplifiers. Perhaps they are intended to combine the energies of Heaven and Earth as a bridge between worlds, energising the soil to increase fertility. A ‘Pictish’ carved stone at Abernethy round tower in Scotland depicts what looks like a tuning fork, perhaps a hint about the properties of the tower. The level of the soil in the round towers is at a distance from the ground, presumably to tune it to a certain pitch like a musical instrument. Just as bottles filled with water to different levels give off different notes when struck. Presumably, they were attuning the towers to a particular frequency. Callahan suggests that the towers collect energy from the Sun. With their star-map configuration, perhaps they channel energies from the stars as well. The layout of the round towers across the country matches up with the layout of constellations of stars in the sky as they appear at the winter solstice. This echoes the layout of the pyramids at Giza being arranged in the shape of the constellation of Orion and the Glastonbury landscape zodiac. The round towers depict several constellations going around the country in a circle like a zodiac. The constellation of Draco is the largest to be depicted by the round towers with the head of the dragon in Northern Ireland. Draco is said to be the dragon who guards the golden apples in the garden of the Hesperides. This guardian is also associated with the Celtic goddess Cerridwen. (Draco’s star Edasich was the first star to be found with a planet in orbit named Hypatia. The Drumcliffe round tower represents Edasich in the body of Draco). Other constellations reflected by the towers are Cassiopeia, Camelopardalis, Lynx and Ursa Major. The layout of monuments to reflect the stars creates a mirror to the Heavens, perhaps to create Heaven on Earth as in the Hermetic axiom ‘as above, so below’. The placement shows that the builders knew not only that the Earth was round but about the circular precession of the Earth around an ecliptic centre of the sky.
Irish Astroarchaeology: Astroarchaeology, or archaeoastronomy, is the study of how ancient sites reflect celestial bodies. Many are aligned to the Sun on the solstices or the equinoxes between them. Some depict constellations in their layout or in carvings. There are ancient carvings of constellations in Co. Meath. The constellations of Draco and Orion have been seen in the K52 rear stone at Newgrange. The constellation of Cassiopeia has also been identified carved on one of the Newgrange stones. Newgrange is between the round towers of Donaghmore and Monasterboice, which are part of the grouping that reflects the constellation Draco. Cygnus is on the ecliptic arc, so its top star, Albireo, was once the pole star and will be again. Cygnus is said to be represented by the shape of the passages in Newgrange. A carving at nearby Dowth depicts seven suns, thought to represent the Pleiades (the seven sisters), but Ursa Major (aka the Great Bear, the Plough, the Big Dipper) also has seven stars and is reflected in the Co. Galway round towers. However, the stars at Dowth are carved in the same shape as the Egyptian and Dogon symbol for a heliacal rising, which the Pleiades would have been doing when it was carved back in the Age of Taurus (4-6 thousand years ago). The Pleiades are part of the constellation of Taurus. Within the star-shaped layout of ancient sites at Carrowkeel we have seen, Michael Poynder discovered a solar system depicted in the layout of ancient sites, with cairns representing the planets. He claims they comprise a calendar.
Legendary Magical Artefacts: Many items with magical properties appear in Irish myths and legends. Aengus Óg (of the Tuatha Dé Danann) gave Diarmuid a cloak of invisibility so that he could escape Tara and run off with his uncle Fionn McCumhail’s betrothed Gráinne. Lugh had a magical sword called ‘the answerer’, which meant he was undefeatable, and his spear was said to be controlled by his voice commands. Cúchulainn had a spear that separated into many barbs upon entering the body, so it was impossible to remove. Manannan Mac Lir had a boat called ‘Wave Sweeper’, which could grow to accommodate any number of passengers and didn’t need sails or oars to travel. As well as a cauldron that never ran out of food, Dagda had a magic harp that could fly through the air when he sang to it and a magic club that could kill people with one end and bring people back to life with the other end. Fergus MacRóich had a lightning sword that could cut a hill in two in one sweep. Mogh Ruith had a stone that could turn into a poisonous eel when thrown into water. There was also a magic key that could open any lock and a magic stick that could grow to form a bridge.
The Harp: As well as a musical instrument, harps were said to have been used for navigation and for getting the arcs and angles for building. They were thought to have been used for geometric calculation, surveying and astro-navigation, as well as music. The strings add nice harmonics. The three strains played on the harp could bring listeners to sleep, sorrow or joy, depending on the strain.
The Celtic Cross: Crichton Miller has developed the theory that Celtic crosses were used for astronomy, navigation and surveying. He has demonstrated the use of a Celtic cross with a plumb tool for taking spherical geometric observations and as a surveying tool for astro-navigation by the Sun, Moon and stars, and has patented his design. As a calendrical and navigational tool it takes into account the Moon’s nodes, the Earth’s tilt and the shift in the Earth’s axis of rotation. The Celtic cross pre-dates Christianity. It was a solar symbol and represented the union of Sun and Earth, male and female. A cross within a circle is also the astrological symbol for the Earth. It is said to have been used by survivors of Atlantis as it was the shape of Atlantis.
The Tara Brooch: The Tara brooch is also said to have been used as a surveying and measuring tool. The Dun Senchas, the Book of Leinster, says of Teia Tephi (aka Ti, Teamhair, Tara), the Hebrew princess who became Queen of Ireland, “with her staff and with her brooch she traced it”. She gave her name to the sacred hill of Tara and the Tara brooch, which, with its geometry etc., looks like a scientific instrument for measuring arcs and angles like a protractor. The pin goes around the circle instead of being fixed like a brooch. Maybe this is how they measured out their geometric sites to achieve acoustic and geometric accuracy, her staff pointing the way for the stones shown by the angle of the brooch pin.
Labyrinths: A labyrinth is a walking meditation. In a maze, you can get lost; in a labyrinth, you can find yourself; there is only one path to take. It represents the path of life, the path to the spirit world or the path of initiation, in a place of transformation and rebirth. There is an ancient finger labyrinth stone in Ireland known as the Hollywood Stone, as it was found near Hollywood, Co. Wicklow. It is thought to be at least 1,500 years old. It is an ancient style of labyrinth found all over the world, known as a classical or 7-circuit labyrinth because there are seven loops to walk. The seven circuits are associated with the seven chakras and the seven different notes, etc., of the universal octave (many things go in 7s; there are seven individual notes in an octave, and the eighth note is also the first note of the next octave). 7 is the second most sacred number for the Druids after 3. An ancient site on the Hill of Tlachtga (the Hill of Ward, also named after Mogh Ruith’s daughter Tlachtga) looks like the remains of a labyrinth, and nearby Rathmore church bears a medieval inscription of a labyrinth. A labyrinth, like a cairn, connects us to the metaphysical realm, a birth chamber where we can meet ourselves and the divine.
Irish Inventions: The Irish were said to have invented many things, including law, many games and sports, Whiskey and Poitin, the Ogham alphabet, brain surgery, several musical instruments, linen, Halloween, better versions of tools and chariots, and many “Celtic” inventions. There was also an Irish ‘monks board game’ / calculator found with 49 holes for pegs in seven rows of seven, where each line, column, and diagonal adds up to 175. Michael Poynder describes it as ‘the magic square of Venus’. A round ‘paten’ with a silver surface was found. Poynder said it was used as a heliograph to reflect the Sun in Morse-code-like Ogham light signals, like the signal fires on the hilltops.
Mogh Ruith’s Wheel: Mogh Ruith was an ancient Irish Druid; some accounts say he was blind or one-eyed, and they generally ascribe supernatural powers to him. Legend has it that he flew in a flying wheel called the Roath Rámach. He was said to have been a student of Simon Magus, who taught him to construct his flying machine, the oared wheel, which legend says was powered by lightning and killed everyone who saw it (like Balor’s eye and the Ark of the Covenant). It was also described as a wheel of flame.
Stonehenge’s Irish Roots: Legend has it that the large stones in Stonehenge were brought to Wiltshire from Ireland by Merlin himself, according to the historian Geoffrey of Monmouth. Merlin was said to have used magic to move the stones. Stonehenge has been called a calendar and a computer due to the arrangements of the stones being aligned as an astronomical observatory etc. The original Irish stone circle was known as the ‘Giant’s Dance’. Three places claim to be the original. There is a series of holes in the ground similar to Stonehenge in a part of Wales that was once Irish territory. However, a site in Co. Kildare claims to be the original site of the large stones and only the smaller ‘bluestones’ came from Wales. A site in Co. Meath was also discovered with holes like the ones Stonehenge uses, but only with one ring of outer stones, without holes for the smaller bluestones. Was Stonehenge the amalgamation of a Welsh circle within an Irish one, placed in Wiltshire among the English stones as a marriage of three “Celtic” countries: Eire, Cymru and Albion? Stonehenge is said to share some sacred geometry with Solomon’s temple and other ancient sites and to have acoustic properties. Its stones seem to have an eight-pointed star arrangement and perhaps that of a twelve-pointed star, and a thirty sided or pointed shape because of the original number of upright stones in the main circle.
Ancient Geometric Stone Spheres: Thousands of geometric stone spheres were found in Scotland and one in Ireland at Ballymena. They are known as Towie balls in Scotland, where they were found near stone circles. One was even found at the legendary Lake Titicaca in Bolivia. Some have the geometry of the Platonic solids, and some of them seem to resemble cymatic symbols formed by sound, showing various geometric shapes formed by various frequencies. Other stone, chalk, metal and quartz balls have been found at Irish ceremonial sites, including several iron balls at Sliabh an Iarann, where the Tuatha Dé Danann were said to have landed. Michael Poynder said the iron ball found at Loughcrew gives off a grounding spiral, while the quartz ball found there created a white hole.
Blessing / Cursing stones: There are a few ancient sites around Ireland with bullaun stones, cursing, and blessings stones. They were turned clockwise for blessing and anti-clockwise for cursing. There is an indentation in the rocks that the stones are turned in. Winston Churchill was seen on Inismurray Island, turning the stones against Hitler. The stones were turned to bless the hard-line Northern Irish Unionist Ian Paisley, and the next day, he was making peace with Sinn Féin. I don’t know if there’s a connection, but many ships of the Spanish Armada sunk off the coast of North Sligo where there is a set of blessing/cursing stones, just as cursing stones were said to be responsible for the sinking of the HMS Wasp to prevent it from coming to evict Tory Islanders. It was said that if the punishment was not just, the curse would fall on whoever performed the ritual. The ritual often involved fasting or offerings. Most of the original stones have been removed.
Ancient Irish Musical Instruments: Large ancient horns were found in Ireland. They bear a slight resemblance to large ancient Tibetan horns, which are said to have been used for acoustic levitation. Their sound would have been not quite as deep as a didgeridoo. A replica has produced overtones in its sound. Many druids were known to have played pipes or harps. Harps were said to have a sound that could produce joy, sorrow or sleep. Legend has it that a fairy musician of the Tuatha Dé Danann put everyone at Tara asleep with a tiompan (not a timpan but a stringed instrument like a dulcimer or harp).
Ancient Irish Art and Knotwork: Celtic knotwork, especially the shield knot, was used to ward off enemies and to protect people from malevolent spirits. Celtic knotwork can resemble the shape of oscillating frequency waves. Some contain patterns like hyperbolic geometry, and some are related to the Platonic solids. Ancient Irish stone carvings also resemble the waves and spirals of energy flow. What were they trying to tell us?
The Flying Ships of the Tuatha Dé Danann: In some myths and legends, the tribe of the Goddess Danu came to Ireland in flying ships. In some versions, they came in dark clouds or a mist of smoke, and in others, the smoke was the burning of their ships. Legend says they landed on the mountains of Leitrim and Sligo in the ancient Northwest of Eire, especially the Sliabh an Iarann mountains in Co. Leitrim. Sea vessels don’t land on mountains; Sliabh an Iarann is nowhere near the sea. Their magic and science were not separate like they are for us. Unknown science can look like magic, and magic can look like unknown science. Different legends say they came from the North or Northwest, from the Middle East, the South Isles or West from Atlantis. There are legends of flying ships in other parts of the world as well. It’s said that when they came in their flying ships, they couldn’t land because the Fomorians had put up a great energy field that they couldn’t get through. They circled Ireland nine times until they found a way in. They had a few tricks and magical items up their sleeves themselves and defeated the Fomorians and the Fir Bolg at the first and second battles of Moytura in Co. Sligo. When the Gaels took over, the Tuatha Dé, the shining ones, were said to have gone into the fairy forts to live underground and become fairies.
By Edward Durand
Select Bibliography
‘Pi in the Sky’ by Michael Poynder,1992, Rider
‘Ancient Mysteries, Modern Visions: The Magnetic Life of Agriculture’ by Philip S. Callahan, 2001, Acres
‘The Dun Senchas, the Book of Leinster’ compiled 1160
The photo of Newgrange used in this article is by Ken Williams, not by Ron Cogswell and he does not have the authority to apply a Creative Commons licence. I did not give permission for this photo to be used on this site. Please remove it and issue a correction.
Dear Ken Williams, massive apologies for this mistake. Your image has been removed.
Warm wishes
Leila Sarris (Articles Editor)
has there been a connection between the newgrange image and the “sun dagger” of chaco canyon?
I don’t know. Both sites are aligned to the solstice.