As a Master Mariner with over 50 year’s experience in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans and every Sea from the Baltic to the Philippine and South China Seas, my particular branch of work more than often entailed closing with the coast. Unwittingly at first, whilst always looking at a coast, I became a student of the coast and coastal rock formations both above and below sea level. This knowledge was a great aid to my work and because of this in time I became an expert on the matter and advisor to other Mariners.

I have read and followed Graham Hancock with admiration for the broad spectrum of his researches and his search to find the missing links, to then link them up into an understandable picture. I too, like Graham, have been researching in much the same goal with the significant difference that mainly I use the narrow maritime spectrum with information gained from my studies of the World’s coastlines.

Coastlines are simply the point where the land mass height drops to below sea level; what we call the ‘seabed’ is mostly connected to or part of the land mass but much lower. The Land, Continents, Seas and Oceans all form part of a shell that floats on the Magma, a shell created by the Magma and pulled tightly onto the Magma for the protection of the Magma itself. It can be visualized like we are living on the shell of a massive egg, however the shell we live on is cracked in many parts; but, unlike a real egg, the cracks are held in place by gravitational force and even at times repaired from within the planet.

What we call ‘solid ground’ is actually floating on the Magma. Land masses are like giant boats floating on a liquid Magma Ocean so vast it is 96% of the entire planet, a living Ocean that moves and does its own thing. Continents and land masses are of course zillions of times bigger than a boat but never the less they are afloat and applying to the same principles as a boat. Watching two small boats rub up against each other moored in the harbor is the same action and effect as most straight earthquakes only on an extremely tiny scale.

Although we know the Magma is beneath us we can’t see it, so out of sight, and therefore out of mind, the Magma becomes forgotten until we see it coming out of a volcano somewhere and we look on in awe and wonderment.

There are other ways to see, study and understand the Magma. The Seas are the child of the Magma and although a more fluid liquid, they act and depend in the exact same way. Using simple mechanics of action and reaction, an extreme or unusual maritime occurrence would signify a similar occurrence on the surface of the Magma, on the underside of the shell, an event that has just occurred, the visible reaction coming minutes or hours after the initial Magma event.

The most significant way to explain this is by looking at the tides. Tides are a regular and calculable event caused by the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon. The positioning of the moon in particular creates the more extreme tides as the liquid on the planet is pulled towards both the sun and the moon at the same time. Beneath us the Ocean of Magma, like the sea, is also pulled the same way and experiences an internal very high tide and the land masses at that high Magma tide point rise, just a little bit, using elasticity.

It is important to remember that when we see the tide coming in or going out it is quite the reverse, it is us who are going into and eventually coming out of a high tide. As the earth spins, wherever we are on the planet, we will go into and out off this high tide; the pull of the sun/moon is even under the highest mountains, everywhere the Magma will eventually have a high tide. An abnormal or extremely high tide of the Magma would obviously create greater pressure at points on the underside of the shell we live on. Should such a high Magma tide pass under a weak spot in the shell it could cause earthquakes or volcanic activity. I have recently noted that many earthquakes take place a few minutes before or after the local high tide mark.

The Seas don’t like this domination of the moon, they would rather stay happily calm and chilled instead of being pulled back here and there upon themselves. The Seas constantly fight this domination and rebel desperately, trying to get back to where they were. In the sea, as in the Magma, there are currents and reverse currents which flow over and around the land mass, wash away and create what we call coasts both on the surface and on underside of the shell.

It’s not too much of an exaggeration to say that looking at a coast and seeing its mirror image reflected in the sea is like looking at what its actually like on the underneath. Coasts bare the signs of this eternal tidal battle, be it caused by volcanic Magma or violent sea or tsunamis, each coast has its story. There are some coasts that are extremely old that have never experienced any kind of evident problem. A study of the rocks making up these coasts suggest there was a period when the seas were up to 3 meters higher than today and possibly 20+ meters lower in an estimated time frame of 13,000 years or more. Mariners can only estimate, we are not scientists and we do this by calculating how much rock a tiny bacteria which lives at the point of contact between the surface of the sea, the air and an oxidizing rock eats; this bacteria has been doing this for millions of years and as it eats away at the rock it leaves info in the form of a shape to calculate the height of the sea at any given time and showing rapid or slow differences simply by the shape of the rock.

There are coasts that have come up from the sea and some now under the sea but, in consequence, in their place we have really nice beaches. Apart from lost coasts there are indeed lost cities under the sea:

Why these cities went down or why the seas rose so quickly is of course open to debate.

Perhaps it’s because I agree with Graham in so many ways that I regret to give my own very personal observation. The theory that the sea levels increased due to an asteroid or similar event crashing into and melting the ice tends to ignore the very existence of the Magma and eventual effects. The speed of the ice melt and sea level rises fall short of being catastrophic events. Is it possible then that the ice age could have been the consequence of an event such as an asteroid etc, rather than the theory that an asteroid melted the ice?

Let’s for the sake of trial and error, put the events back to front and put the asteroid event first.

An asteroid, or the like, crashing into the Magma shell would put our mostly liquid planet out of shape, like punching a balloon full of water, the Magma would, however, quickly recover and wobble like it does now, land masses all over the planet would go up and down like boats and volcanoes will make the atmosphere black.

Making the atmosphere black and thick is the Magma panic button and last defense which blacks out the power of the sun and allows her shell to rapidly cool down and tighten, in a time span to allow repair and a re-hardening of her shell. After which the ice can melt and get things back to ‘normal’ including recreating the type of atmosphere we have today which would require a vast amount of the melting ice.

Everything starts with the Magma known to old mariners as ‘mother’ who transmits to the seabed, which transmits to the waters, which in turn transmit to the air, and a typhoon or other visible event will occur. The event being in fact the translated words of the Magma. Apart from typhoons the Magma is presently saying quite a lot of other stuff, it’s simply a question of listening.

As on the land there are Shaman of the sea, myths and legends that have been successfully handed down thanks to their simplicity.

Apart from lost cities and coasts there is a lot of other stuff going on under the sea but that can wait for another time.

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