Gobekli Tepe is a pre-historic site, about 15 km away from the city of Sanliurfa, Southeastern Turkiye. What makes Gobeklitepe unique in its class is the date it was built, which is roughly twelve thousand years ago, circa 10,000 BC and the date i keep coming across here in France is the spring equinox 10,500 BCE….That there was a catastrope, there can be no doubt, under the mask of Tirso de Molina, Francis Bacon wrote the play Tamar, now those aware of the book by Henri Boudet called “The True Celtic Language.” In it he says the key is the Irish language….Now with Tamar, we get Ar Tam, this means ” Our Trauma” we are suffering from the repeated trauma of wars and the lie of Heaven and Hell, compounded by the tragedy of comet impact, so it is not surprising that this site was buried to preserve it….If you need proof of this it is preserved in “The Revelations of St John,” this is not about the future but a graffic account of that cometery impact…I have just returned from Rodez in France, having been given the leed by Anne Tittensor about the carved Menhirs there…

The Menhir front and back from Rodez…
Let us just analyse the image, she is shown with a line going down the middle, this is a meridian, just as our back bone is our meridian, this goes up towards what can be described as the heart, the meridian line to the Romans was called The Cardo, here we find Mount Cardou…Then around her waste we find the Equator…,

This is my photo, the light was not good.
So in Henri Boudet’s book we find him saying, hand- hand, now the hand is symbolic of the Hebrew letter Yod, in fact Yod is present in all the Hebrew letters and here on the Menhir we find hand- hand, thanks to the work of Stan Tenan on this, see video below…
Now do we find the hands portrayed like this anywhere else?

Here we have one from Brittany..
This one is from Brittany and again the hands are shown but no meridian, this is because it was always the female who brought the sacred geometry down…Evidence of this is St Margaret of Scotland, who’s image is in the church of Roquetaillaide, who brought the Holy Rood from Budapest to Edinburgh and in my sacred geometry Holy Rood house is very important, this has been another means of control which they have used against the Psyche, in fact the Queen met the Pope there exactly on the line…

Here is one from the Ukraine…
This is one from the Ukraine, notice only hands and face and again a female….

This is from the museum of the Midi-Pyrenees
This is one from the Pyrenees and to me is the key to the Lost Tribes of Israel…

This is from Puech- Redon, France….
Here we have another French one, i love it when the evidence is in stone and it goes to prove Alexander Thom correct in having measured the stone circles of the U.K. Ireland and Brittany came to the conclusion that there had to have been a central school of initiation….I have found that place and how it connects with modern masonry and goes to prove the 1717 date a complete lie…

Gobekli Tepe hand- hand…
Now this gets interesting because this stone Menhir is from Gobekli Tepe and again shows hand- hand….

The famous Totem of Gobekli Tepe, hand – hand….
Here is the famous totem of Gobekli Tepe and hand – hand, the birth of the Universe happened from the Hebrew Aleph-Beth,(alphabet) and that alphabet developed from the hand…
“Rabbinic tradition asserts that every letter of every word of the Torah is a word in itself. Author Stan Tenen demonstrates that each letter is also a hand gesture, and it is at this level that Hebrew forms a natural universal language. All people, including children before they speak and people without sight, make natural use of these gestures.
In The Alphabet That Changed the World, Tenen examines the Hebrew text of Genesis and its relationship to the alphabet. He shows how each letter is both concept and gesture, with the form of the gesture matching the function of the concept. There is thus an implicit relationship between the physical world of function and the conscious world of concept. Using over 200 color illustrations, Tenen demonstrates geometric metaphor as the best framework for understanding the deepest meaning of the text.
Such geometry models embryonic growth and self-organization and the core of many healing and meditative practices. Many subjects in contemporary science were derived from the methods and means available to the ancients; The Alphabet That Changed the World makes this authoritative recovery of the “science of consciousness” in Genesis accessible for the first time to the contemporary reading public.” Stan Tenan…

Here is another from Gobekli Tepe showing there was a connection with France..
Here is another from Gobekli Tepe, showing there was a connection with France….

This is another from Rodez France…
To complete the circle, this is another from Rodez, France, showing a male this time, notice there is no meridian line …

The standing stone at St Sernin..
The first Menhir i showed is called Dame de St Sernin, this is in the Aveyron area of France, this standing stone which looks like the Hebrew letter Dalet is near St Sernin in the Aude, there is also a La Serre in the Aveyron and a Cassaigne, which is also in the Aude, the only conclusion is that they were using Binary….
The Hebrew Alphabet – The Letter Dalet (ד)
“The letter Dalet is the fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The letter Dalet is actually the source of the Greek letter Delta, as you can see by the similarities in the two letters’ names. The English letter “D” is derived from Dalet, as well. While the specific reason for the letter being named Dalet is not known, many believe it is because one of the letter’s predecessors (in even more ancient languages than the Hebrew language) looked like a door. In the Hebrew language, the word for “door” is “delet”. As we see with other letters in the Hebrew alphabet, learning the Hebrew letters and where their names came from can be a good way of improving your Hebrew vocabulary as you continue learning the Hebrew language.
While Dalet is now almost universally pronounced like a normal English “D”, in the past it was not always this way. If you look in some Hebrew texts that have pronunciation markings, you may notice that the Dalet sometimes appears with a dot (dagesh) in the middle. While we now usually just ignore this dot, historically it changed the pronunciation of the letter from a “D” to more of a “Th” sound. This is the case with some other letters, and while it is not that practically useful for those learning the modern Hebrew language, it is still interesting to note how the Hebrew language and Hebrew pronunciation have evolved.
As was mentioned in the article about the letter Gimel, the Dalet is associated with the word “dal”, meaning “weak” or “needy”. In a more spiritual sense, this represents lowliness and perhaps a sense of humility, as well. If we connect this aspect of the letter to the origin letter’s name, however, we come out with an optimistic attitude. Despite Dalet being lowly, it is also a door, which can represent an opportunity for transition from one thing to something which is hopefully better.” This is a perfect description as the stone is a door to Orion, which is here on the ground and a way towards the three degrees, they are called the blue degrees because the first temple and the degrees are performed under the blue dome of heaven, this is the reason the heavens are depicted in masonic lodges…So here is more evidence in stone that i have found the central school of initiation proposed by Alexander Thom…So i claim to have found the real Israel as there were always two, the original home of the twelve tribes, is here but to protect the truth it had to be hidden, that is why the key to the bible is Irish just as Boudet knew, read The Book of Esther and see how the tribe of Judah usurped the true Queen Vasti because she is the key to Vashtu Shastri, which is the ancient sacred geometry of India and the real Hiram Abif is Mamuni Mayan, he gave the craft of pyramid building to the Mayan, who are named after him…Let us just take Jerusalem, there is no J in Irish, so we find Eru-sa-lem, Eru is an ancient name for Ireland, Sa = my,,,, Lehm = reading, so it reads Jerusalem my reading Ireland, this takes us back to a time before the flood when Ireland streched from the Mediteranean to the Atlantic with no water between the lands, this was the age of Doggerland<><><>

Looking towards the door of Orion…
Here is an image from the stone looking towards Orion, like i say it is binary<><><>