About Gregory Sams


Gregory Sams has been changing the culture from the age of 19, when he operated the historic natural and organic Seed Restaurant in 1960’s London. Within a few years he was running the nation’s first and foremost natural and organic food enterprises. In 1982 he created and christened the original VegeBurger, initiating the market for vegetarian food. In 1990 Greg moved from food to fractals, opening the world’s only shop dedicated to new science “chaos theory,” publishing and licensing fractal art worldwide. He then turned to writing, with his first book Uncommon Sense, published in 1998, exploring the lesson chaos theory holds for humanity. His next book, Sun of gOd, explored the profound implications of what was once common knowledge throughout the globe. In 2013 it was time to re-release an upgrade to his first book, retitled The State is Out of Date ­ We Can Do It Better.

Books by Gregory Sams

The State is Out of Date We Can Do It Better

Sun of gOd

All posts by Gregory Sams