About Daniel Moler

Daniel Moler is a writer, artist, and educator from the American Midwest. He is the author of Shamanic Qabalah: A Mystical Path to Uniting the Tree of Life & the Great Work, as well as the psychedelic urban fantasy RED Mass, the Terence McKenna guidebook Machine Elves 101, and also a contributor in Ross Heaven's book Cactus of Mystery: The Shamanic Powers of the Peruvian San Pedro Cactus. Daniel has published many other fiction and nonfiction works around the world in magazines, journals, gaming modules, and online.

As an educator, Daniel has a background of college instruction in many areas including art, literature, and philosophy. In 2011, he was sanctioned as a teacher in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, a lineage of Peruvian shamanism brought to the U.S. by respected curandero don Oscar Miro-Quesada. Combined with a Liberal Arts background and his passion for esoteric practices, Daniel’s style of facilitation is unique, passionate, and, as one student has testified, “more grounded in reality than any explanation I have come across.”

Daniel also provides esoteric consultations. Extensively trained in a variety of traditional spiritual modalities—including the Western Mystery Traditions and indigenous shamanism, Daniel fosters a cross-cultural approach to provide sessions of safety for individuals seeking clarity or guidance in psycho-spiritual matters.

For Daniel's blog, go to The Daedalus Thread.

For view more about Daniel’s Pachakuti Mesa Tradition apprenticeships and ceremonies, along with his wife Autumn, go to www.lodgeofthepeople.com.

Books by Daniel Moler

Shamanic Qabalah A Mystical Path to Uniting the Tree of Life & the Great Work

All posts by Daniel Moler