Centres of the Unorthodox
ARE and the Edgar Cayce Foundation

Graham Hancock gave a lecture at the ARE headquarters in August 1999, and the Edgar Cayce Foundation is mentioned in Keeper of Genesis (The Message of the Sphinx). Check out their web-site. Edgar Cayce himself was a medium and prophet of the first half of the twentieth century, whose huge following still exists today.
Atlantis Rising Online

Although mentioned prominently in the title, this site isn't just about Atlantis but mysteries and unanswered questions from all around the world and of all kinds. Of note in particular are articles on the eerie crystal skulls and whether the ancients had the ability of flight. Both the site and the associated monthly magazine Atlantis Rising are of the highest quality.
EARTHFILES is a crossroads in cyberspace for reports about science, medicine, the environment and real X-Files that go beyond the 6 o'clock news. EARTHFILES reporter and editor, Linda Moulton Howe, is an Emmy Award-winning TV producer, investigative reporter and author. She goes directly to the men and women who break new ground in science, medicine and environmental challenges. Linda also pursues real X-Files that focus on eyewitnesses from around the world who encounter high strangeness.
Linda has recently published interviews based around the 'Cuban Undersea Ruins'.
Nexus Magazine

NEXUS is an international bi-monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of - Health Alternatives; Suppressed Science; Earth's Ancient Past; UFOs & the Unexplained; and Government Cover-Ups.
This magazine is a 'must have' for all those interested in any of the abovementioned topics. There is also an extensive book list for further reading and information on available videos and music. Don't be kept in the dark....find out what you're not being told!
Robert Bauval

Robert Bauval's official site. Robert and Graham have worked closely together for many years and have co-authored two books with more to come! Robert is the originator of the Orion correlation theory which has revolutionised thinking on the true purpose and meaning of the great pyramids of Egypt. His site will keep readers up to date with the latest developments at Giza and with his own original thinking about the mysteries of the pyramids and related matters.
Sub Rosa Ezine magazine

In June 2005, The Daily Grail announced the launch of Sub Rosa, a free download magazine in PDF format. Greg Taylor is Editor-in-Chief. The layout, all tastefully arranged by Art Director, Mark James, utilises beautiful graphic layouts and even insert videos.
In the first issue Robert Schoch discusses the age of the Sphinx controversy, the Yonaguni 'monument', and Dr. Zahi Hawass. There is also a profile on Terence McKenna, Stuart Hameroff's quantum consciousness, Donnie Darko, columns from notables and much more besides.
The Santa Fe Institute

The Santa Fe Institute is a private, non-profit, multidisciplinary research and education center, founded in 1984. Since its founding SFI has devoted itself to creating a new kind of scientific research community, pursuing emerging science.
Operating as a small, visiting institution, SFI seeks to catalyze new collaborative, multidisciplinary projects that break down the barriers between the traditional disciplines, to spread its ideas and methodologies to other individuals and encourage the practical applications of its results.