Space news stories

Discovery of ‘Jumbos’ may herald new astronomical category
2nd October 2023 | | Ancient, Space, Tech, Weird

Dozens of planet-sized objects have been discovered in the Orion Nebula via observations that could herald the existence of a new astronomical category…The objects are too small to be stars, but also defy the conventional definition of a planet because they are not in orbit around a parent star.

Astronomers find abundance of Milky Way–like galaxies in early universe, rewriting cosmic evolution theories
25th September 2023 | Ancient, Space

Galaxies from the early universe are more like our own Milky Way than previously thought, flipping the entire narrative of how scientists think about structure formation in the universe, according to new research.

Scientists excited to find ocean of one of Jupiter’s moons contains carbon
22nd September 2023 | | Humans, Space

The vast subterranean ocean of Europa, one of Jupiter’s many moons, contains carbon, one of the crucial ingredients for life, scientists have discovered.

A Mysterious Hidden Force Is Generating Water on The Moon
19th September 2023 | Ancient, Space, Weird

We know there’s ice on the Moon – what’s less clear is where it came from. A new study suggests that waves of electrons, arriving indirectly from Earth and the Sun, are contributing to the formation of frozen water on the lunar surface. The research has been published in Nature Astronomy.

‘I am horrified’: Archaeologists are fuming over ancient human relative remains sent to edge of space
14th September 2023 | | Ancient, Humans, Space, Weird

Scientists are calling the Virgin Galactic mission that carried the bones of Australopithecus sediba and Homo naledi to the edge of space a major ethical breach.

NASA’s About to Unveil a Report on ‘Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena’: Watch Live
14th September 2023 | | Space, Weird

NASA commissioned a study team in 2022 to investigate such hard-to-easily-classify reports, and tomorrow, they’re revealing the highly anticipated findings at a media briefing

The rare Super Blue Moon rises tonight
30th August 2023 | | Humans, Space

This will be the last Super Blue Moon until 2037.

New evidence suggests the world’s largest known asteroid impact structure is buried deep in southeast Australia
10th August 2023 | Ancient, Earth, Space

The Deniliquin structure, yet to be further tested by drilling, spans up to 520 kilometres in diameter. This exceeds the size of the near-300km-wide Vredefort impact structure in South Africa, which to date has been considered the world’s largest. See research here.

Winchcombe meteorite is helping scientists to understand more about asteroids
10th August 2023 | Ancient, Humans, Space, Tech

In a new paper published in Meteoritics & Planetary Science, researchers take a closer look at the minerals contained within the meteorite, its bulk elemental composition and water content.

Scientists Spot Fossil Evidence of a Cyclical Climate on Mars
10th August 2023 | | Ancient, Space

Mars may be a dry and barren wasteland now, but new evidence has emerged that this wasn’t always the way – and, moreover, that climate conditions changed, perhaps seasonally, in a way that may have been conducive to the emergence of life. See research here.

The Mystery of What’s Inside The Moon Is Still Puzzling Scientists
4th August 2023 | | Ancient, Space

Beneath its cratered crust, the Moon’s mantle sits atop what scientists think is a partially molten layer where clues to the Moon’s formation could lie. But according to a new study, there might be no oozy layer after all.

Look Up! One of The Year’s Best Meteor Showers Is Visible This Month
20th July 2023 | | Humans, Space

Annually, between July 17 and August 24, the Perseid meteor shower puts on one of the brightest cosmic events of the year. This year the meteor shower is predicted to reach its peak on the night of August 13, as Earth passes through the densest part of the Comet 109/Swift-Tuttle’s trail.

New technique represents major breakthrough in search for aliens, scientists say
19th July 2023 | | Humans, Space, Tech

A new technique is a dramatic breakthrough in the search for alien life, astronomers say. See the research here.

Ryugu asteroid samples are sprinkled with stardust older than the solar system
18th July 2023 | | Ancient, Space

Slivers of Ryugu material, snagged by the Japanese Hayabusa2 spacecraft, appear to come from the solar system’s frozen fringes rather than from the asteroid itself, scientists report July 14 in Science Advances. These foreign fragments could illuminate details of the solar system’s history.

This Meteorite Left Earth. Thousands of Years Later, It Came Back.
14th July 2023 | | Ancient, Earth, Space, Weird

They say what goes around comes around, but it’s unlikely the saying was supposed to ever refer to meteorites. And yet here we are. Scientists are seeking to confirm that a black rock discovered in Morocco in 2018 departed Earth’s pull for outer space, only to return to it like a prodigal child.

The ‘man in the moon’ may be hundreds of millions of years older than we thought
13th July 2023 | | Ancient, Space

Much of the moon’s surface is 200 million years older than previously estimated, a new analysis suggests.

News stories covering Space, from the macro to the micro, including Space exploration, quantum physics and quantum weirdness.