Ancient Egypt and its mysterious monuments have long eluded comprehension. The message of the pyramids is geometrically interpretable in conjunction with geology, astronomy and mythology -a message which mankind cannot ignore. It forewarns a looming apocalypse: cataclysmic global flooding followed by an ice age.

The Old Kingdom pyramids combine purposefully as a device to monitor a motion-cycle of the Earth, not yet grasped by our civilization. This makes it highly probable that the originators of the pyramids were highly advanced, or alternatively, that we have devolved.


Textbooks regurgitate Luni-Solar gravitation as the basis of precession -not the most apt word but for familiarity's sake we'll continue its association here with the phenomenon. Earth motion is conventionally likened to a gyroscopic mechanism. The current precession model would be acceptable had we monitored a complete cycle and if things were hunkydory-fine with our planet, neither being the case however: we know of ice ages, not what triggers them…

If the current accepted model does not harmonize with Earth history and an alternative concept does, it deserves thorough scrutiny. Can we interpret the mumbo-jumbo legends of old and, through cross-disciplinary philosophy, surmount the associated challenges of pioneering territory? Notwithstanding being short of accounting for cause, which requires reverse engineering, it is imperative to realize the gravity of the effect, moreover, for the origin of the principle to be comprehended…

"The foremost duty of a scientist is to check the facts. However science on an inspired level requires more than making and collecting observations; it is also the drawing of conclusions, and possibly the formulation of a theory. At this stage imagination is needed and this involves a much more difficult task… Usually scientists are willing to give any theory, however doubtful, a try provided it shows imagination and it offers new ideas… A scientific theory has to be judged by its credibility, which depends on the supporting evidence. Its value increases with the volume of such evidence…"

Dr. Kurt Mendelssohn, The Riddle of the Pyramids

Two Lands Division

Analysis of alternative model:

Our whole Galaxy revolves, with us and our Sun in it; however, for practical purposes the Sun is a stationary body and the Earth exhibits motion. The absolute relationship between the Sun and the Earth is defined by Earth's orbit. It is a constant perpendicular relationship between two spherical bodies, regardless of an elliptical orbit. Perpendicular to its orbital plane, Earth is divided into day and night (similar to the Moon, when it is in half phase) and where the two half spheres merge, a line can be drawn. In accordance with ancient interpretation, Antarctica is placed in the upper position.

Rostau Giza divide

Suppose we could 'freeze' its motions and analyze Earth geodesy: The polar spin axis is geographically demarcated by a meridian that follows the Nile River, along the length of the African Continent. This meridian is delineated by the Dahshur and Meidum pyramids. The axis of precession in turn, is demarcated by the Zawyet el Aryan Pyramid and the Abu Ruwash Pyramid. Upper and Lower Egypt is divided by the diagonal intersect but notably also the Earth, by extension (the hub of the intersection is at Giza). I shall call this the 'Two-Lands-Division'.

Upper & Lower Egypt

This configuration has a dual element in the celestial sphere, incorporating stars in Orion as well as other constellations. The meridian defined by Polaris and Menkalinan, correlates with Earth's polar axis. Although we are aware of its various motions, the orientation and synchronization of our planet in time-unison with the Galaxy, other than its present status, is unknown to Earthlings… There is an ancient mythical source however, that unveils revolutionary comprehension of this motion-time commencement: Zep Tepi.

Celestial sphere divide

Constructing a time machine

Using a globe on its standard mounting of approx.24deg inclination, from the latitude & longitude intersect at Giza, roughly along the Red Sea, circumscribe a line (use rubber bands to create a straight edge) 52deg. N & S of latitude 38deg.E & W of longitude. This is the Two-Lands-Division. Determine the present era Sun-Earth perpendicular relationship by rotating the globe on its axis and align the Ecliptic path with Earth's orbital plane on the horizontal.

Arrange the Zodiac, comprising of the 12 constellations, on a translucent sphere around the globe. Mark out the orbital plane of Earth onto it. The northern hemisphere solstice aligns with Pisces, the southern hemisphere solstice aligns with Virgo and the two equinoxes correspond with Gemini and Sagittarius, east and west, respectively. Use a spherical projected star chart with the fulcrum on Orion and connect the stars Rigel, Betelgeux and Castor with a line (celestial divide against the backdrop of Gemini). Highlight the 6thHour RA Meridian to the pole star Polaris, which accords with the present era.

Observed from the perspective of Virgo, the focal point of the Sun is centered over Bangladesh and the North Pole is inclined toward the Sun. The perpendicular day|night divide is between Gemini and Sagittarius. Where the Two-Lands-Diagonal cuts this vertical divide, provides the coordinates for the axis of precession (approx. coordinates: 37*W long.x55*N lat. and 142*E long.x55*S lat.).

Remove the globe from its mounting to configure the other lines: mark the polar meridian, along the Nile River, draw the triangle with its base between Lake Chad and the Aral Sea. Where the longitude of the Aral meets the Equator is its apex, then, finally replace the globe in its mounting but use the precession axis holes. Orientate the mounting to align with Sagittarius-Gemini divide. Rotate it for one revolution against Earth's spin direction, causing the Suns' focal point to shift from Bangladesh eastward -tracing the equator of precession and voila! 26000 years elapsed…

Gyration model

Origin of time & motion

Earth is suspended on the Zodiacal intersection, made by Virgo & Pisces + Gemini & Sagittarius (the fixed solstices and equinoxes). These stations are comparable to 3&9 + 6&12 o'clock of an analogue clock, with Earth at the hub of the intersection. Combining these references with the division correlation and the present era (Ecliptic path), it is possible to plot Earth's gyration cycle. Precession causes a divergence involving longitude. The observable effect from Earth is changing polar stars and the equinox sunrise advancing through the constellations of the Zodiac. Compounding matters, the axis of precession is inclined and not perpendicular to the Ecliptic orbital plane -thus exhibiting an obliquity factor, similar to that of the polar spin axis but intersecting it. This axis is the governing principal of obliquity in Earth's polar spin axis: it slowly twines the intersecting polar axis around and from the center of the Earth outward, two cones form as the poles trace circles on the celestial sphere. The circle, of some 38 degrees diameter, is in fact tangent to the pole of the ecliptic and not concentric. This is radically different to the current understanding of precession, which presents a huge problem: the still point in heaven is not where astronomers determined it to be!

Pole & obliquity

Earth spins on its polar axis, completing a revolution in 24hours, which in turn comprise smaller units of time. This spin generates equatorial oblateness. The basis of time is measured in Earth's equator, which is calibrated in geodetic units with intersecting longitude meridians that converge at the poles (a spherical object, its measure is expressed in nautical arithmetic constituents, hence the Pi component). Our cardinal reference is the Sun, not east… Earth performs a gyrating dance while maintaining a fixed orbital plane around the Sun. The spectacle ought to be observed from an extra terrestrial peripheral -from the perspective of the Sun. The ideal reference is when the focus of the Sun is over the Equator -when day and night in the two respective halves are of equal duration. This occurs twice during one orbit around the Sun (a solar year).

Half of Earth is continuously illuminated by the Sun, while the other half is in darkness. The polar axis constantly spins the Globe through the day|night divide and experiencing the event on Earth is that of sunrise-midday-sunset-midnight back to sunrise, so completing one revolution. More significant, is when this day-night reversal occurs as Earth gyrates in retrogade fashion. Determining time is by counting 'static' longitude lines on the Globe precessing through the focal point of the Sun (on the spherical surface of the Earth). This focus represents the 'detached capstone': commencing from and returning to the apex of the triangle in one revolution. For demonstrative purposes, suppose precession takes 25920 years to complete a 360deg. revolution at a rate of 72years per 1degree of arc. Then 360 divided by 24 longitude hours, equates to 15degrees. 25920 years divided by 24 longitude hours translates as 1080 years over every 15deg. longitude.

At a specific moment, the 'Two-Lands-Division' is in unison with the division between day and night (this is best observed at right angle, with Sun and Earth in simultaneous view). Integrating an element of celestial duality, the Duat triangle straddles the Two-Lands-Divide, converging with the perpendicular day|night divide between the two equinoxes, 13000 years apart. Precession ushers in a significant change every half revolution -after 180 degrees there is a reversal and the portion that was in darkness is then illuminated by the Sun (the two portions face opposite sides of the celestial sphere). Moreover, for the duration of 13000 years Earth's polar spin axis is relatively upright, albeit varying and for the remaining 13000 years it's subject to dreadful divergence… The two respective peaks occur at the two respective equinoxes of precession -i.e. the two instances when the perpendicular day|night divide would cut the poles along Earth's spin axis. By mapping Earth and sky, with a correlating meridian, the pyramid builders captured a fix in time. The geometrical layout of the pyramids providespecific references during the cycle of precession that enable us to plot any epoch, past or future.

As above

So below

Deviation of Sun's path

Despite the irregularity of an ellipsoidal trajectory, Earth's orbital plane around the Sun is consistent. This constitutes the Ecliptic. It is important to differentiate between 'the path of the Sun' and the Ecliptic as they are not necessarily one and the same. One orbit around the Sun delineates the progression of the Sun around the circumference of the Globe. This constitutes its path. Variation in the angle of Earth's polar spin axis will influence the observable path traced by the Sun on the Globe.

In addition, precessional revolution not only shifts the Sun's focus eastward but due to its inclination, also causes it to gradually fluctuate between the N & S hemispheres. The variable focal point of the Sun combines with the invariable orbital plane of the Earth and generates paths for the Sun. Deviation in these paths is apparent in relation to the continents and oceans, with climatic implications -the extent determined by the degree of tilt.

Orbital motion brings about the seasons in conjunction with the obliquity factor, which governs the N & S latitude limits of the Sun. These boundaries -solstice to solstice (a tropical year) -are determined by the inclination of Earth's polar axis. The Sun's present reach is contained between the latitudes of the so-called tropics: Capricorn & Cancer. This accords the Ecliptic plane with the present era path of the Sun.

Technically, the Ecliptic of our age could be referred to as the Ecliptic of Pisces. Due to precessional transition of the equinox sunrise however, it will soon become the Ecliptic of Aquarius -accompanied by variation in the obliquity of Earth's polar axis and the subsequent orbital path traced by the Sun on the Globe (also observe how the various ancient sites around the Globe relate). I advocate 'precession' as Earth's primary motion that markedly integrates all other motion into the collective mechanism that constitutes the root cause of climate change. My conclusion is that the Sun will advance very near to the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, with cataclysmic consequences!

Precessional division & unification

Consolidating the legend

Mythology comprises a body of knowledge wherin the geometry of celestial and geological topography was preserved in symbolism and word. The primary motivation behind the pyramids -the word of Thoth in stone -was not for the enternment of the King but knowledge… Knowledge of 'the gates' and what is in 'the hours' of the Duat sky. The geometrical relation between the Abu Ruwash Pyramid, via Giza and Zawyet el Aryan, divides Egypt -essentially the Earth. The two portions house the seats of power: Osiris' (G1 /Alnitak) and Seth's (G3 /Mintaka) respectively. This configuration has a counterpart evident in the sky -the celestial division corresponds accordingly: Rigel via the Orion Belt stars to Betelgeux and beyond -dividing the celestial sphere into two equal portions. The geography is divided by light and dark -the two portions/lands/earths 'exchange places' after a half precessional revolution and face opposite directions, thus the portion (1/2 Earth) that was illuminated is in darknesss and vice-versa. The 26000 year 'day/night' is what prompted the enormous efforts of the ancients and not a 24 hour day/night, which they could observe daily, so to speak…

"Geb, (earth god) commanded the nine gods to gather… He judged between Horus and Seth; he ended their quarrel.
He made Seth king of Upper Egypt, upto the place where he was born, which is Su…
and made Horus king of Lower Egypt, upto the place where Osiris drowned…

-which is the 'Division-of-the-Two Lands'.

Thus Horus stood over one region and Seth over one region…
They made peace at Ayan. Then it seemed wrong to Geb that the portion of Horus
was like that of Seth. So Geb gave to Horus his inheritance, for he is the son of his first born…
Then Horus stood over the Two Lands… He is the uniter of the Two Lands… who arose as King of Upper and Lower Egypt…"

Shabaka Stone, British Museum

During the golden era Osiris ruled over all Egypt (precessional eqiunox: Sun on Equator/apex of projected pyramid = stable upright polar axis). As time precessed a ¼ rotation by, Seth executed a dynastic coup, killing Osiris, who departed into the in the starry sky of the Duat (entering perpendicular night divide), where he established an afterworld kingdom… Seth now rules the territory (precessional solstice: chaos reigns, axial tilt). Seth claimed he was defending himself… the two territories perpetually 'compete' as Earth rotates precessionally, exposing one to the Sun, the other facing opposite, into the dark Duat. Seth claimed Osiris attacked him when becoming 'lengthy of stride'. Observation of the model reveal that the two intersecting axes of the Earth (legs) are in alignment, then with precessional rotation they appear to move apart (walk).

Horus, the Falcon god of the sky, was cloned to avenge his 'father' and goes in pursuit of his uncle and after an epic time returns the eye (Sun) to the throne of Osiris. I associate Horus with 'bringing the Sun' to Osiris (or his geometrical, geographical anatomy) as Earth precesses into sunlight: 'that which belonged to Seth is then given to Horus' -i.e. the portion that belonged to Seth, that was previously in darkness, is then illuminated by the Sun. Osiris walked out shining… resurrected from death.

Arbitration resulted in a power share, equally dividing the geography. The two sectors house two seats of power -the two crowns of Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt, ruled by Osiris and Seth. Horus initially occupied a seat of power (his father's) in Lower Egypt and Seth ruled Upper Egypt. The arbiters then awarded Horus with the entire topography, whereupon the eye was reclaimed and Seth lost his share. In competing over the geometrical anatomy of Osiris/Orion, Horus forfeited the eye -set in profile of Upper Egypt, which was awarded to Seth, while Seth forfeited the testicles (in Lower Egypt) of the lord Osiris to Horus. The sector of Seth rotates and is again exposed to the Sun, thus Horus becomes the uniter…

The reunification of the Two Lands is symbolised in the double crown -the White Crown of Upper Egypt and the Red Crown of Lower Egypt. On a cycloptic scale it's the Globe, divided into Two (portions) of Earth(s) -one in darkness, the other illuminated by the Sun. Egypt, but notably the Earth, has a red crown (Australia) and a white crown (Antarctica). The two slowly encirce the Ecliptic pole during a precessional revolution and occupy the celestial pole at the two respective precessional peaks. (Antarctica remains the pole of Earth's spin axis throughout). The Globe should thus be oriented accordingly: with its crown/s at the top… The cycle of precession enacts the mythical division and reunification of the Two Lands by interfacing celestial topography anthropomorphically.

Observation of the interaction of the polar axis and the various constellation ideograms reveals interesting symbolism -clearly the zodiac was mapped by the same intelligence that initiated the great monuments. The Sphinx faces sunrise and the base line (tepi), is locked onto the Ecliptic of that age, its back to the equinox sunset (double headed lion figure). The triangle (tooth/thorn) performs a see-saw in relation to the horizontal balance of the Ecliptic, emulating the scales of ma'at. The transit from one era to another -division and subsequent reunification –Zep Tepi enacted all over, as if it were the fist time…